Container Terminals Operations
Recent papers in Container Terminals Operations
A modern maritime container terminal must provide services within its area or in the nearby logistics centers. What is more,so as to adjust to changing market conditions marine ter-minals have to provide service... more
Chittagong port is considered the heart of the economy of Bangladesh. The important role of Chittagong Port for Bangladesh underlines the necessity of investigating how best it should be developed toward meeting the future... more
Prvi kontejnerji so v Luko Koper prispeli že leta 1971, specializirani terminal pa deluje že od leta 1979. Tedaj so se količine na letni ravni približale 40 tisoč TEU. V osemdesetih letih je sledilo obdobje zmerne in stabilne rasti, saj... more
International seaborne trade rose significantly during the past decades. This created the need to increase capacity of existing marine container terminals to meet the growing demand. The major objective of this paper is to evaluate the... more
Over the last 50 years, international trade of goods has grown significantly in the USA, and as a result, US ports have become bottlenecks in the freight supply chain and logistics. A particular issue that most US ports are contending... more
University i Prishtines "Hasan Prishtina"
Fakulteti i Inxhinierise Mekanike
Departamenti Komunikacionit
Fakulteti i Inxhinierise Mekanike
Departamenti Komunikacionit
Kontejnerje srečamo na železniških vagonih, na tovornjakih, na ladjah, na gradbiščih in pristanišča so jih popolnoma polna. Tovor je pogosto različnih oblik in dimenzij. Spravilo takšnega tovora v kontejner omogoča, da s tem tovorom... more
Cargo laden containers of all sizes are brought by ship and unloaded at seaport berth by quay cranes and from there moved to the adjacent storage yard by gantry cranes. The container is then picked up by the trucking company or owner’s... more
Efficient ports are essential for efficient national, regional and international logistics and business more generally. However, efficient port performance depends on a number of factors, including adequate and efficient facilities and... more
Port and supply chains are closely connected to each other as a port is considered as an important node of the global supply chain. Sothe efficiency level of port has an impact on the performance of supply chain operations. Chittagong... more
The question of what constitutes media has received little attention in Marxism and where it does, the concept is an empty abstraction. While Marxists have extensively theorized the concentration of mass media ownership, and analyzed mass... more
Port and supply chains are closely connected to each other as a port is considered as an important node of the global supply chain. Sothe efficiency level of port has an impact on the performance of supply chain operations. Chittagong... more
Dating back to the mid-20th century, shipping containers, sometimes called intermodal containers, freight containers or sea cans, are boxes made of steel that are used to safely and securely ship household items and commercial goods... more
The main objective of the proposed paper is to describe terminal operating system (TOS) that can be used by sea ports to optimize processes of maritime container loading/unloading and transportation. The chosen TOS modules will be... more
The problems of the logistic performance of the ports require an increasingly important interest on behalf of the researchers, became a major concern for the countries conscious of the importance the harbor places role in the growth of... more
Dating back to the mid-20th century, shipping containers, sometimes called intermodal containers, freight containers or sea cans, are boxes made of steel that are used to safely and securely ship household items and commercial goods... more
Cargo laden containers of all sizes are brought by ship and unloaded at seaport berth by quay cranes and from there moved to the adjacent storage yard by gantry cranes. The container is then picked up by the trucking company or owner’s... more
The development of the port facilities must be carried out in concordance with the ships flows size so that the sum of waiting costs for demands arrived for service and also for the service stations is minimal. In actual operating... more
The development of the port facilities must be carried out in concordance with the ships flows size so that the sum of waiting costs for demands arrived for service and also for the service stations is minimal. In actual operating... more
The paper elaborates on Ports 4.0, also known as Smart Ports, and the materialization of this concept in a generalized industrial context of technological disruption. The role of Supply chain technology companies in ports and broader... more