Transport Logistics
Recent papers in Transport Logistics
bei AMAZON runterladen unter: EBOOK: ASIN: B07BGW2DZ7 Neuerscheinung im März 2018: Warehouse Logistics Expert: german glossary + german-english dictionary logistics + abbreviations... more
The Covid-19 pandemic has been (and still is) causing detriments on the world economy, all production sectors and individual economies. Firmly interconnected transnational economies have been thrown off balance by this global health... more
Чай и чайная торговля в Российской империи в XIX – начале ХХ вв.
Sokolov I.A. Tea & tea trade in Russian Empire in XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries
Sokolov I.A. Tea & tea trade in Russian Empire in XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries
Law and enforcement of the Land Public Transport Act 2010 (APAD) is a law that has been set by the Malaysian government to ensure the safety of road users. The offense of overloading depends on the behaviour of the transport company... more
The objective of this publication is to translate the activities included in road transport task into the language of tasks and to ascribe appropriate costs and economic effectiveness indicators to them. Such a representation is new in... more
In the emerging world of technology, the transportation system is also progressing towards great level of achievements, one of such achievement is the new, updated and fastest transportation system named Virgin Hyperloop One, such... more
Energy efficiency is one of the most cost effective ways to enhance security of energy supply, and to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. The EU Commission has proposed that all Member States establish a national... more
This is an earlier and substantially lengthier version of the European Commission’s Green Paper on Ports and Maritime Infrastructure, which I had prepared as a member of Commissioner Neil Kinnock’s wise men group. The Green Paper has... more
Triple Bottom Line (3 BL) Sustainability has been expressed as a tool in the hands of policy makers to achieve competitive advantage. Closed-Loop Supply Chain (CLSC) conceptualizes the design, control, and operation of the supply chain... more
In the digital era, Information Technology (IT) has become a major and widespread factor in various sectors. IT becomes a driver of utilization in all aspects, one of which is in the Port. Tanjung Priok Port plays a major role in... more
Logistics costs control has always been considered a key issue for business development. In order to decrease transportation costs, companies are pushed to negotiate lower logistic service prices with Third-Party Logistics Service... more
Since its appearance in 2003, the what has come to be known as “The Erasmus Report” has been making headlines throughout the world. This, mainly due to its finding that “liner shipping conferences have a stabilizing effect on freight... more
Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route(ADR) in Italian transport companies is unfortunately far away from theory to practice.
Michael E Porter developed a value chain model for manufacturing sector with five primary activities and four supporting activities. The value chain model developed by Porter is extended to a steel manufacturing sector due to expansions... more
Since 2013, Brazil is the largest global exporter of soybeans, with volumes growing consistently over the years. The export increases placed pressure on the country’s port logistics, and the Northern Arc, by which the ports located in the... more
Over the last 50 years, international trade of goods has grown significantly in the USA, and as a result, US ports have become bottlenecks in the freight supply chain and logistics. A particular issue that most US ports are contending... more
À partir de l’évolution de la configuration réticulaire des voies de communication terrestres transfrontalières, cette thèse propose une analyse historique du processus d’intégration régionale entre le Cameroun et les pays limitrophes... more
In India, Courier Industry has evolved itself over the years. Starting from the mid-1980’s to now in the 21st century – the customer now has more faith on a Courier Company than on India Post. A Courier Company has a critical role to play... more
In recent years, last-mile delivery has become an increasingly important area in the global supply chain. Practically, there has been an increasing worldwide interest in developing the last-mile delivery robots/vehicles to increase the... more
Abstract: With the wide spread digital connectivity and impetus on ease of doing business, last mile logistics has undergone substantial improvements in areas like e-tailing, second hand goods market, relocation of houses and offices,... more
It was only a matter of time before trucking companies started actively recruiting women. Women in trucking are like the new trend but with good reason. I have heard a trainer say more than once that they rather train a woman than a man.... more
IKEA implemented multiple Supply Chain Management "SCM" strategies that enabled to offer IKEA's customers with stylish and high-quality products at low-prices, in line with its clear vision " to create a better everyday life for the many... more
профессор, заведующий кафедрой транспортных систем (Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный университет) Г.И. Нечаев, д.т.н., профессор, заведующий кафедрой транспортных технологий (Восточноукраинский национальный университет им.... more
U ovom seminarskom radu biti će opisana logistika u gradovima koja se u današnje vrijeme sve više koristi kao tema znanstvenih istraživanja. Koristeći većinom članke pronađene na internetu i jedne knjige pokušati će se dati karakteristike... more
Depot is a part of the logistics and supply chain industry, being the place for storage of goods for distribution. The industry suffered a temporary service interruption when hauliers and truck drivers protested over depot charges,... more
La necessità di contrastare con maggior vigore il processo di cambiamento climatico è condivisa, sia dai governi, sia dall’opinione pubblica. Il mondo dei trasporti è chiamato a fare la sua parte e per questo il trasporto intermodale... more
WAREHOUSING Gudang adalah tempat menyimpan barang yang akan dimuat atau setelah dibongkar dari kapal. Gudang dapat dibedakan menjadi 3, yaitu:
Waste management in Kenya's urban centers is becoming a momentous task considering the country's desire for a middle income industrial economy. The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) is concerned with the growing rate of... more
From cross comparison viewpoint, this study has been designed with the objectives of: first, to explore the key influential aspects of CRM and second, to identify and critically discuss the current trends of CRM adoption. Tesco and... more
The study sought to explore the impact of fleet management on logistics management in the retail sector of Zimbabwe. The study was guided by the objectives that included to determine the impact of fleet management on inventory control, to... more
The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of total quality management on organization performance in Bahir Dar Textile Share Company. Specifically, the study examines the variables product quality, operational quality and customer... more
Fleets Managers usually use these factors to define Key Performance Measures:
Quality of Service
Timeliness of Service
Customer Satisfaction
Regulatory Compliances
Fleet Utilization
Fleet Appearance
Quality of Service
Timeliness of Service
Customer Satisfaction
Regulatory Compliances
Fleet Utilization
Fleet Appearance
Logistics and Warehouse Management
Οργάνωση και Διοίκηση Αποθήκης
Οργάνωση και Διοίκηση Αποθήκης
Over the last decennia, shipping has gradually been included as an important asset in the economic policy and law making of the European Union and of Member States. This was overdue since transport, and particularly shipping, is a key... more
Handbook of Research on Metaheuristics for Order Picking Optimization in Warehouses to Smart Cities is a novel, innovative and adequate source of information that compiles interdisciplinary perspectives about diverse issues related with... more
This article presents results from the first statistically significant study of cost escalation in transportation infrastructure projects. Based on a sample of 258 transportation infrastructure projects worth US$90 billion and... more