Culturally Relevant Learning Technology
Recent papers in Culturally Relevant Learning Technology
“English Fever,” for better or worse, has taken hold of the Republic of Korea (also known as South Korea and hereafter referred to simply as Korea or Korean in the case of its citizens) over the past 20 years, making it a hotbed for EFL... more
- by Mark Anderson
- Educational Technology, Extensive Reading, Project-Based Learning, Educational Technology Project-based Language Teaching Second Language Acquisition Enquiry-based Language Learning TESOL Socio-cultural theory of Language Acquisition Teaching and Learning Languages in Second Life Education of Language Teachers
The social success skills valued and ultimately acquired by youth during their formative years can be better understood by examining the social spaces, processes, and interactions that are related to their personal aspirations and related... more
The social success skills valued and ultimately acquired by youth during their formative years can be better understood by examining the social spaces, processes, and interactions that are related to their personal aspirations and related... more
Communication skills are often cited as among the most important skills for Computer Science (CS) professionals [1, 2], so it may seem somewhat incongruous that other than writing code and associated program documents, CS students are... more