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      SociologyComputer ScienceSelf and IdentityEducational Technology
Özet: Yükseköğretimde sınıfların kalabalık olması, öğretim sürecinin verimliliğini azaltan en önemli unsurlardan biridir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, üniversitelerde kalabalık sınıflarda yapılan öğretim sürecinin öğretim elemanları ve... more
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    • Mathematics Education
Some Engineering Faculties are turning to the problem-based learning (PBL) paradigm to engender necessary skills and competence in their graduates. Since, at the same time, some Faculties are moving towards distance education, questions... more
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      Computer ScienceEngineering EducationPhenomenographyProblem Based Learning
Σε σχολικά πλαίσια ενταξιακής εκπαίδευσης, το περιβάλλον μάθησης και το σχολικό κλίμα αποτελούν παράγοντες, που επηρεάζουν σημαντικά τη διεργασία διδασκαλίας-μάθησης. Θεσμικά, ο/η εκπαιδευτικός συνεκπαίδευσης/παράλληλης στήριξης (σ/πσ)... more
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      Educational TechnologyInclusive EducationTeachers PracticesLearning Environment
In a period where skills threaten to replace knowledge in education now construed to be solely in service to the economy, 1 it is, it seems to me, our professional obligation to affirm erudition and expertise. In Canada the curriculum... more
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      SociologyCurriculumSecond Language Composition
The process of changes in the Albanian Education System has touched even the English Language Curriculum. There are a number of factors which seem to be main ones in reshaping the curriculum, by giving a great emphasis to the way things... more
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      Mathematics EducationCurriculum
The process of changes in the Albanian Education System has touched even the English Language Curriculum. There are a number of factors which seem to be main ones in reshaping the curriculum, by giving a great emphasis to the way things... more
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      Mathematics EducationCurriculum
This study is the first of a series of studies, collectively embodying a multiphase mixed methods design. The overall objective of these studies is to explore and address a variety of issues and features of the discipline of economics,... more
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      EconomicsHistory of Economic ThoughtCurriculum DesignAcademic curriculum
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      Political ScienceCurriculum
Some Engineering Faculties are turning to the problem-based learning (PBL) paradigm to engender necessary skills and competence in their graduates. Since, at the same time, some Faculties are moving towards distance education, questions... more
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      Computer ScienceEngineering EducationPhenomenographyProblem Based Learning
This special edition of the Journal of Academic Language and Learning arose out of a Forum titled Critical Discussions about Social Inclusion held at the University of Wollongong, Australia in June 2011. It was organised by academic... more
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      SociologyHigher EducationInclusionSocial Inclusion
This special edition of the Journal of Academic Language and Learning arose out of a Forum titled Critical Discussions about Social Inclusion held at the University of Wollongong, Australia in June 2011. It was organised by academic... more
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      SociologyHigher EducationInclusionSocial Inclusion
Teachers are expected to implement curriculum, by using the specified guidelines and resources, to ensure fidelity and thus effectiveness. Evidence, however, points at high-stakes external assessment as driving this process, and also... more
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      EducationTransformative LearningAssessmentCurriculum Studies
Bu rapor, hukuk sosyolojisi alanında çalışmalar yürüten Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Elyesa Koytak’ın yürüttüğü bir anket araştırmasının temel bulgularını içeriyor. Araştırma, hukuk eğitimiyle meslek arasındaki köprülerin aşındığı güncel bağlamda,... more
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      HukukHukuk EğitimiHukuk Fakültesi
This report explores the transformation of teaching methods and approaches in the digital age, highlighting the integration of technology in education. It examines blended learning, project-based learning, and personalized learning as key... more
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Teachers are expected to implement curriculum, by using the specified guidelines and resources, to ensure fidelity and thus effectiveness. Evidence, however, points at high-stakes external assessment as driving this process, and also... more
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      EducationTransformative LearningAssessmentCurriculum Studies
Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi tiga landasan utama-filosofis, sosiologis, dan psikologis-dalam pengembangan kurikulum di era pembelajaran modern. Pendekatan filosofis memberikan kerangka berpikir dalam merancang tujuan dan metode... more
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      Curriculum TheoryCurriculumPendidikanCurriculum Theory and Development
La educación universitaria venezolana se viene transformando a través de la Misión Alma Mater que busca la articulación de las instituciones educativas y los territorios donde están insertadas, para ello se ha apoyado en la Comisión... more
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Abstract - The UPSi method offers a transformative framework poised to revolutionize Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), particularly in developing countries. Rooted in Utility, Pertinence, Success, and Interest... more
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      EducationAdult EducationCurriculum DesignInternational Education
Resumen El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la efectividad de los recursos educativos digitales para el aprendizaje en la Unidad Curricular Base de Datos, carrera Licenciatura en Educación mención Informática, Programa de... more
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El objetivo de la investigacion fue determinar la efectividad de los recursos educativos digitales para el aprendizaje en la Unidad Curricular Base de Datos, carrera Licenciatura en Educacion mencion Informatica, Programa de Humanidades y... more
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ABSTRACT: Central governments across nations play a leading role in initiating and reforming educational policies to address the evolving needs of their workforce. Education is widely recognised as a cornerstone for societal and global... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationCurriculum DesignHigher Education
Most educational institutions were closed as one of the measures to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers are mobilized to adapt online teaching and learning (OTL) methods to continue the educational process. However, previous studies... more
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      CommunicationAssessmentCurriculum DesignCurriculum Studies
Using Organizational Learning (OL) as a theoretical lens, this study examined the perceived level of OL in primary and middle schools in the Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia. To this end, a descriptive survey design involving 785 teachers... more
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      Teaching and LearningKnowledge ManagementOrganizational ChangeMathematics Education
Au XXIe siècle, l'approche par compétences a connu un essor dans l'industrie, l'enseignement supérieur et l'enseignement de base. Cette étude analyse les principales caractéristiques techniques de l'approche par compétences et des... more
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    • Curriculum Theory and Development
The intercultural approach is oponed to the mlticulturalism. It seeks to break up the climax and conventional approach in the treatment of the curricular problemof the foreign languages, and in its place it intends to be carried out... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationCurriculum DesignInterdisciplinarityCurriculum Studies
This module attempts to look into the nuances of Curriculum, Syllabus and Course Designing and its importance in today's modern world. In a nutshell, the sequence of the life experiences through which an academic institution attempts to... more
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      Curriculum DesignCurriculum DevelopmentCurriculum Theory and Development
We take, as point of departure for this inquiry, the event of Amanda Gorman’s reading of her poem “The Hill We Climb” at the 2021 US Presidential Inauguration, which did something poems rarely do: resonate widely. Its broad uptake in... more
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      English LiteratureTeaching and LearningEducationLiterature
A presente pesquisa analisar a atuação profissional dos egressos do curso de Bacharelado em Administração, Câmpus de Juara-MT, turmas fora de sede 2001 e 2002. Os métodos adotados para realização da pesquisa foram de pesquisa descritiva,... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceCurso De AdministraçãoProfissionalização
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Abstract: Aligning the curriculum elements of learning outcomes, teaching activities and assessment tasks is one of the strategies available to academics to help them adapt to the needs of diverse and ever-changing cohorts of students in... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceAssessmentCurriculum
El artículo desarrolla dos ideas fundamentales que son la precisión sobre el concepto de didáctica o didácticas y los retos que afrontan las didácticas de las disciplinas. En el primer caso, sobre la noción de didáctica se realizan... more
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Background: This paper explores K-12 interdisciplinary learning in the humanities (IL-Humanities), an area that, until now, has seen limited research focus compared to its STEM counterparts. We asked: (1) What are the outcomes of... more
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      InterdisciplinarityTransdisciplinarityInterdisciplinary EducationEducation and Social Identity Processes
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In this article, I look at the question of equality of opportunity and the Irish language Currriculum at Primary Level for non-Irish speaking children in T2 Schools (English medium schools). Based on a conference paper given to the... more
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      Curriculum TheoryModern Irish Language and LiteratureLiterature And Language TeachingPrimary Education
While cognitive pluralism has a long history and goes back to Aristotle and his distinction of forms of knowledge, this concept has recently entered the field of education under the titles of the plurality of meaning and plurality of... more
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      Curriculum DesignCurriculum and InstructionCurriculum Theory and Developmentبرنامه درسی
The purpose of this study is to establish indicators of career competencies of food and beverage managers in international tourist hotels in Taiwan. Panel discussions and the Delphi technique were adopted. Two panel discussions were... more
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Abstract: This study examines the potential of competency-based curriculum (CBC) in promoting skills acquisition in primary schools in marginalized regions of Kenya. Despite the government's efforts to improve education, many schools in... more
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      Competence based assessmentCompetence Based CurriculumCompetence based Approach
Abstract: The Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC) has been adopted in Kenya as a new approach to education, aiming to equip students with relevant skills and knowledge for the 21st century. This review aims to examine the CBC framework,... more
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      Curriculum DesignCurriculum StudiesCurriculum TheoryCurriculum Development
Abstract: The introduction of Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC) in Kenya has been a significant step towards promoting student-centered learning and preparing students for the 21st century. However, the success of CBC is not solely... more
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      Curriculum DesignCurriculum StudiesCurriculum TheoryCurriculum Development
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The 1990s saw new and profound transformations in the world economy and politics that directly influenced the fashion industry. The research discusses, in face of the international scenario, what are the impacts caused by the... more
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Resumen El fenomeno de la violencia empieza a detectarse cada vez mas en nuestros centros educacionales y aunque se reconoce el nivel de preparacion y el trabajo sostenido de calidad de muchos psicopedagogos en el abordaje de los... more
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In this paper, the authors propose for the educational system a version of an interactive digital textbook in the chapter „Oscillations and oscillating phenomena". Interactivity is provided by about 28 virtual experiments and... more
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      Computer ScienceInteractivity
Technology and innovation have become part of the 21 st century entrepreneurship landscape and determines to a great extent the success or failure of businesses or corporations in Nigeria and any part of the world. Just as it is said that... more
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      Creative WritingSociology of EducationEducational ResearchEducation Policy
: This article explores the conceptualization of Indonesian national identity from the point of view of the Indonesian government. The data is taken from the three most recent In- donesian national curricula and its prescription in... more
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      EducationPolitical ScienceTESOLCurriculum
Temel dil becerilerinin geliştirilmesi için ders kitaplarında dört temel dil becerisi ve dil bilgisine yönelik metin ve etkinlikler yer almaktadır. Söz konusu metin ve etkinlikler Türkçe Dersi Öğretim Programında yer alan kazanımları... more
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      Curriculum StudiesCurriculum and InstructionTeaching ListeningTextbook
La investigación científica es un eje central en los programas de formación académica y profesional, la dinámica de transmisión de esos conocimientos es una labor compleja, pero su éxito es evidencia de la buena gestión institucional, de... more
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