Recent papers in Pendidikan
Over the last decade and a half, classrooms have become swamped with a range of electronic devices. Technology will continue to be more efficient, more versatile and indeed more abundant in schools and in classrooms. This study explores... more
abstract Indonesian factory labours deal numerous problems affecting their daily lifes, related to their individual and social needs. Economical chalenge in the global world made them to work as professionals, more over, as a machine. A... more
ABSTRAK Rokhayani Yuslida Hannum Harahap (2021) : Implementasi Supervisi Akademik Kepala Madrasah dalam Meningkatkan Proses Pembelajaran Di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Kota Pekanbaru Tujuan dari penelitian untuk mengetahui bentuk... more
ABSTRAK Muhamad Syarifudin, (2021): Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Komik Islami Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman dalam Materi Energi untuk Siswa Kelas IV SD di Kecamatan Tapung Hilir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk... more
Abstrak Edukasi merupakan proses bisnis yang selama berabad telah menjadi pilar pe-merintahan dalam membangun bangsa. Proses pelaksanaan edukasi secara global masih belum ada perubahan yang mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Berbagai problem... more
ABSTRAK Bahasa daerah merupakan suatu kebudayaan yang sepatutnya kita jaga dan kita lestarikan agar tidak punah. Pada era globalisasi ini penggunaan bahasa daerah mulai berkurang. Sekolah merupakan salah satu tempat yang memungkinkan... more
Pendidikan adalah sebuah upaya untuk mengembangkan potensi diri seseorang. Tercapainya self realization (kesadaran diri) yang utuh adalah tujuan umum dalam pendidikan yang prosesnya melalui berbagai aspek lingkungan baik seperti... more
- by Tova Nurcholis
- Pendidikan, PAUD, Anak, Usia
The goal of the current study is to examine the impact of students’ social economic status, ethnicity, and discipline infractions on their standardized test scores in Indiana, the USA. Data from this study extracted from Indiana... more
The purpose of the research was to determine the styles of coping with stress among the students studying at the schools which admit the students with a special talent exam. The scope of the research involved the schools which admit the... more
I must say that illiteracy and poverty are the biggest crimes on earth. And their eradication is the most challenging task. Today what we need is political will. The judiciary can awake and strengthen this political will by directing the... more
This book provides a guide for polytechnic lecturers to teach soft skills. It encompasses a whole range of skills, including assertiveness, influencing and persuading, negotiating, presenting and public speaking, networking and managing... more
The implementation of tahfiz programme in polytechnics is aimed towards producing highly marketable graduates and skilled human capital in technical and vocational education (TVE). This programme is developed to integrate worldly and... more
Pemustaka ini bertujuan agar ada inovasi program kerja yang disesuaikan dengan hari-hari besar yang ada di indonesia. Dengan pembuatan program ini diharapkan para pemustaka lebih sering pergi ke perpustakaan dan dapat merubah pandangan... more
Buletin caturwulanan yang diterbitkan oleh Balai Teknologi Komunikasi Pendidikan Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda, dan Olahraga
Life Skills Education (life skill) is education that is able to help a person in developing learning skills, eliminating improper habits of mind, realizing and grateful for their potential to be developed and practiced, brave in facing... more
The purpose of the present research is investigating the effects of mathematical modelling activities on the difficulty perception of numbers sense, which is perceived as difficult by primary school 4th grade students, and achievement.... more
A qualified education is an education which is able to develop nation character as well as civilization. Therefore, the values of faith, obedience, piousness, virtuous acts, healthiness, knowledge, competence, creativity, self-reliance,... more
Kisi-Kisi Ujian Nasional 2016/2017
English language learning is considered as a language that must be learned as it is needed in everyday life in local and global context. In response to students need to learn English, it is obvious that modern technology, i.e. modern... more
Abstrak-Keadaan sistem pendidikan di Indonesia yang masih belum merata menjadikan kualitas generasi penerus kurang bagus dalam bersaing dengan penerus generasi lain, seperti pendidikan di pelosok yang jauh dari kota, seperti sistem... more
Buletin caturwulanan yang diterbitkan oleh Balai Teknologi Komunikasi Pendidikan Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda, dan Olahraga
Pendidikan seni sebagai sebuah disiplin ilmu, meniscayakan posisinya dalam peta ilmu pengetahuan sebagai bidang yang dapat dikaji dari aspek ontologis, epistemolgis, dan aksiologis. Sebagai ilmu pengetahuan yang berada pada rumpun... more
Homeschooling, Sekolah Homeschooling, Alamat Homeschooling, Biaya Homeschooling, Daftar Homeschooling, Homeschooling Jakarta, homeschooling programs, homeschooling curriculum, homeschooling primagama, homeschooling jakarta, homeschooling... more
The concept of education according to Said Nursi's view is an integration of three main elements or subjects which combine religious sciences (al-ulum al-diniyah), science of universe and modern technology (al-ulum al-kauniyah al-haditha)... more
SEORANG guru ditanya, hal apakah yang paling menyenangkan dirinya? Guru menjawab bukan uang banyak karena sudah tersertifikasi. Juga bukan dari applaus panjang dari siswanya. Juga bukan saat dipuji, disanjung, digemari, atau saat ditakuti... more
The purpose of this research is to adapt The Teacher Effectiveness Scale in Higher Education into Turkish language. The survey method was employed. Collected data were analyzed using confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses. The... more
Soalan Percubaan UPSR 2012 Negeri Melaka Soalan Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1 telah di upload di
Preschool education has special importance in the development processes of children at 3-6 age, which is the period when the foundations of individual development are established. In this period, the development of children is supported... more
Ini alasan mengapa pendidikan karakter itu penting untuk anak-anak " Karakter adalah seperti pohon dan reputasi seperti bayangannya. Bayangan itu adalah apa yang kita pikirkan itu; pohon adalah hal yang nyata. "-Abraham Lincoln Presiden... more
This study seeks to investigate the relationship between digital citizenship levels of pre-service primary school teachers and their democratic values. The research was designed in descriptive survey model. The research was conducted with... more
Pancasila merupakan pribadi bangsa yang seharusnya tercermin dalam mental dan perilaku anak bangsa maupun pemimpin dan negarawan Indonesia, namun pengamalan nilai-nilai luhur Pancasila di dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat dan bernegara masih... more
The current study aimed to investigate the effect of self-efficacy on students’ achievement in science. The case of secondary school science students’ is examined to achieve this task. The study is based on Bandura's Theory of... more
The general purpose of this study is to investigate the applicability of the teachers' model for critical thinking in primary school to several selected schools. The model suggested several steps need to be fulfilled to promote critical... more
DSKP Bahasa Tamil KSSR Tahun 5 SK diupload oleh EduWeb SGO di
Penelitian dilakukan berdasarkan kesulitan mahasiswa akan keterampilan menyimak komprehensif dan kritis. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menyimak komprehensif dan kritis menggunakan metode resitasi. Metode... more
The current research investigated the secondary school students’ environmental literacy levels and the effects of various variables on their environmental literacy levels. The study was carried out with the participation of 525 secondary... more
The use of conventional instructional strategy has failed to address negative attitude to listening comprehension. This study, therefore, determined the effects of listening strategies’ instruction on senior secondary school students’... more
It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men."-Frederick Douglass Setiap dari kita tentunya setuju, bahwa pendidikan adalah salah satu hal terpenting dalam kehidupan ini. Di dalam era yang penuh kompetisi ini, semua... more
In this study it was aimed to explore learning styles of third year mechanical engineering students and also their perception of profession. Ninety-nine third year students studying mechanical engineering at a university located southwest... more