Curtin University
Recent papers in Curtin University
Robert Kane: For your willingness to invest so much time with me, bouncing statistical ideas back and forth. I don't know if you know this, our journey together has taught me well beyond the numbers. K. Anders Ericsson: I recall our first... more
The household a migrant belonged to pre-migration. Human Capital: The stock of competencies, knowledge, education, and social attributes, including health, embodied in the ability to perform labour so as to produce economic value. Labour... more
This paper draws on the initial analysis of data from an education design research study that investigated the experience of Indigenous higher education students in online learning. The interrelated themes of racial identity and... more
“I long to be many selves distributed through the networks... I AM many selves... A distribution of consciousness... I want to recognise my potential of being immortal in that sense”. (Roy Ascot, 1998) Throughout the project Everyone’s a... more
Research has identified that students have access to and use a wide range of mobile devices to informally support their learning practices, however few students have access to educator-led initiatives to support mobile learning (Farley,... more
! 'Now!that's!got!a!story':!objects,!their!stories!and!making!home..! 123! 'I!was!trying!to!collect!as!many!things!that!we!could!take!with!us.!We!were!leaving!for! good':!moving!objects!as!anchors!of!identity!.
In most Australian correctional jurisdictions, prisoners are not allowed access to the internet precluding them from participating in higher education online. This paper reports on an Australian government-funded project, Making the... more
This study was a 360 degree exploration of the effectiveness of online learning experiences facilitated via Voice-over-Internet-Protocol (VoIP) by incorporating the insights afforded by students, their lecturers, and the administrator... more
Dalam Artikel ini membahas tetang Corporet Internet Sustability Reporting yang mana dalam konsep penerapan dan membahsa mengenai Corporete Social Responsibilty diIndonesia secara mandatori maupun volantori dari hasil pembahasan dapat... more
Where does art sit in between the singularity of the art outcome, residue or object and the contrasting multiplicity of process, performance and participation? Can performance frame and unite the two? The September Performance Relay was a... more
Previous studies have shown some students with good word recognition skills and high levels of reading fluency fail to comprehend what they read. This study examined the explicit teaching of the rule based Question Answer Response (QAR)... more