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    • Cyprus conflict
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      HistoryModern HistoryGreek HistoryModern Greek History
This paper will discuss the political and legal aspects of the maritime disputes in the Eastern Mediterranean and the factors relevant to their conciliation. The first part of the paper introduces the Mediterranean Sea and the relevance... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsNear Eastern StudiesIsrael StudiesMaritime Law
This chapter provides a historical background to the present book and contributes to the international literature about the RoC by exploring the important drivers behind the country’s foreign policy, from 1960 to 2004. These drivers... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryInternational RelationsInternational StudiesInternational organizations
Οι ελληνοτουρκικές σχέσεις προσδιορίζουν σταθερά την ελληνική εξωτερική πολιτική από τη γένεση του νεοελληνικού κράτους. Το παρόν βιβλίο καλύπτει σημαντικό κενό πολλών ετών στη σχετική επιστημονική βιβλιογραφία. Παρουσιάζει συγκροτημένα... more
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      Greek HistoryCyprus conflictHistory of CyprusTurkish Greek Relations
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      Foreign AidCyprus conflictReconciliation
This paper discusses the extent to which Cyprus' Commonwealth membership has remained relevant following the country's accession to the EU in 2004. It is argued that, despite the predominant role of Cyprus' EU membership, the importance... more
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      Commonwealth HistoryCyprus StudiesCommonwealthCyprus conflict
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      Gender StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesWomenConflict Resolution
In her chapter Nathalie Tocci argues that ‘‘spoiling characterizes the very nature of the persisting conflict in Cyprus’’ and the failure of numerous peace processes on the island. She suggests that spoiling has taken the form of actions... more
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      Public OpinionPolitical PartiesConflict ResolutionCyprus conflict
A b s t r a c t This paper aims to uncover Turkish Cypriot women’s war experiences and integrate that knowledge into the public discourse. We argue that the omission of women’s war experiences thus far has served to sustain the... more
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      SexualityGenderCyprus conflictGender and War Trauma
The legality of the use of force of the Turkish Cypriot community against the Greek Cypriot government is the key issue to define the legal status of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus within the United Nations law system. If the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesInternational LawConflictWar Studies
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      Greek HistoryMuseum StudiesHistory and MemoryCyprus Studies
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      HistoryInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesContemporary History
The Editorial Team of the scientific Journal The Cyprus Review announces, as every year, the Call for Nominations for its Annual Book Awards.
The deadline for nominations is 31.3.2022.
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      Cyprus StudiesCyprus conflictHistory of CyprusCyprus
Por muchos años, Turquía ha intentado ingresar a la UE, tan es así, que desde los tiempos del Imperio Otomano, las elites turcas han buscado la modernización a través de la occidentalización. Para lograr alcanzar ésta, los líderes... more
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      GeopoliticsNATOTurkeyCyprus conflict
Conflict resolution features strongly as an objective of the European Union's foreign policy. In promoting this aim, the EU's geographical focus has rested primarily in its beleaguered backyard to the south and to the east. Taking a... more
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      European Neighbourhood PolicyEuropean UnionConflict ResolutionCyprus conflict
Do social cohesion activities change the attitudes of the participants? This paper uses intergroup contact theory to explore attitude change resulting from contact with out-group(s) in social cohesion activities. Results from a... more
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      Social PsychologyInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesPolitical Psychology
I AM PLEASED TO HAVE MADE POSSIBLE THE PUBLICATION OF THIS BOOK IN English based on my late brother’s book “ΠΙΚΠΟΔΑΦΝΕΣ” [Bitter Leaves of Laurel]: Encounters and experiences from the Struggle to free Cyprus from British Colonial... more
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      Cyprus StudiesPeacekeepingCyprus conflictPeace & Conflict Studies
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    • Cyprus conflict
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      SociologySocial SciencesHuman Rights LawHuman Rights
In un’Europa che dalla fine della guerra fredda è riuscita a riunificare diverse faglie che la contrapposizione tra i due blocchi avevano creato, ve n’è una che persiste: la linea verde cipriota, che separa fisicamente le due principali... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflictCyprus StudiesModern Greece
I AM PLEASED TO HAVE MADE POSSIBLE THE PUBLICATION OF THIS BOOK IN English, based on my late brother’s book “ΠΙΚΠΟΔΑΦΝΕΣ” [Bitter Leaves of Laurel]: Encounters and experiences from the Struggle to free Cyprus from British Colonial Rule... more
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      Political PhilosophyPeace and Conflict StudiesCyprus StudiesRace and Ethnicity
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      Cyprus conflictHistory of CyprusHistory and Theory of Modern Architecture
Layers of ancient history and globalization on this island has sealed its fate through to the present day and a cultural confluence has been occurring for millennia. Exploring the island thematically by looking at its history, the... more
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      Cyprus StudiesCuratingMuseums and Exhibition DesignCyprus conflict
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      Cyprus StudiesNationalismCyprus conflictHistory of Cyprus
L’ambiguïté constructive en Relations Internationales est définie par Henry Kissinger comme « l’emploi délibéré du langage ambigu dans une question délicate afin de faire avancer un but politique ». Tout au long de l'histoire, les Etats... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflict ResolutionCyprus conflictDiscursive institutionalism
*Η Δεύτερη Συμπληρωμένη Έκδοση (Φεβρουάριος 2020) περιέχει πρωτότυπες αρχειακές πηγές που περιγράφουν τον διπλωματικό ρόλο της Ελλάδας κατά τις συνομιλίες που πραγματοποιήθηκαν υπό την αιγίδα του ΟΗΕ στη Ρόδο (1948-1949), οι οποίες... more
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      Cyprus StudiesCyprus conflictThe Turkish Cypriots In Northern CyprusHistory of Cyprus
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      International RelationsDiplomacyBritish Foreign PolicyCyprus conflict
Από τα πολλά βιβλία που έχουν γραφτεί για το Κυπριακό, αυτό το βιβλίο αποτελεί την πιο συστηματική καταγραφή και κριτική ανάλυση των μακρών διαπραγματεύσεων για επίλυση της κυπριακή διένεξης. Το βιβλίο έρχεται σε μια κρίσιμη για την... more
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      HistoriographyLabour historyNationalismTurkey
To understand Cyprus problem and founding out a sustainable solution we need to analyze and understand the role of religion on Cyprus issues in past and today. As it is known both Christian and Muslim cultures left their signs on island... more
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      ReligionHistory of ChristianityCyprus StudiesEarly Christianity
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      Cultural HeritageCypriot ArchaeologyCyprus conflictCyprus
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      Greek HistoryCyprus StudiesPolitical Violence and TerrorismNationalism
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      Translation StudiesCyprus StudiesModern Greek literatureCyprus conflict
Peace journalism is a new concept in the academic field and the media sector. It is important to stress that peace journalism is a new kind of reporting, and it involves news selecting and news framing for the journalism profession. This... more
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      Media FramingCyprus conflictPeace JournalismNews Media Ethics
Kıbrıs sorununun şekillenmeye başladığı 1950’lerde sorunun tarafları çözüme yönelik çeşitli diplomatik faaliyetlerde bulunmuşlar ve bu süreç 1960 yılında Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti’nin ortaya çıkmasıyla neticelenmiştir. Fakat daha sonra adadaki... more
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      Cyprus StudiesCyprus conflictTurkish Foreign PolicyTürkiye Dış Politikası
Independence of Cyprus in 1960 ended neither the Greek demand to annex the island to Greece, nor the Turkish demand to divide the island along the ethnic lines. This paper analyzes the policies of major actors on the Cyprus problem in its... more
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      Cyprus StudiesCyprus conflictModern History of Cyprus
Η βάση ομιλίας στο συνέδριο «Η Αριστερά και το Κυπριακό» που έγινε στις 30/01/2016 στο Σπίτι της Συνεργασίας, Λευκωσία.
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      MarxismBalkan StudiesBalkan PoliticsCyprus conflict
Study on the destruction of the cultural heritage in the turkish-occupied northern part of Cyprus with rich and recent photographic documentation
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      HistoriographyCypriot ArchaeologyCyprus StudiesLabour history
This volume is in honour of the acclaimed work of Robert Holland, historian of the British Empire and the Mediterranean, and it brings together essays based on the original research of his colleagues, former students and friends. The... more
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      European HistoryInternational RelationsCyprus StudiesBritish Empire
The purpose of this part is to delineate the theoretical approach that this project intends to embrace in dealing with the Cyprus conflict. To this direction, it brings up a theoretical debate on conflict resolution and conflict... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflictConflict ResolutionCyprus conflict
2018 interview with Martin Bell OBE: former BBC war correspondent and British Independent MP. This article discusses his national service serving during the Cyprus Emergency during the 1950s.
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryEuropean Studies
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesViolenceConflictConflict Resolution
The analysis focuses on the memoirs of the EOKA members in Cyprus. Especially, three critical questions are being examined. When do they write, why are they writing and finally what do memoirs add up to the knowledge of the period.
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      HistoryModern HistoryGreek HistoryCyprus Studies
In this research I assess the impact of the recently discovered gas reserves south off Cyprus on the escalation of the Cyprus conflict. I examine the ideational dynamics underpinning the conflict-inducing role of natural resources.... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCritical GeopoliticsGeopoliticsQualitative methodology
This paper discusses the historical background of the Cyprus problem as it evolved after independence in 1960 in order to reconsider well established perceptions about the nature of this conflict. In particular, it goes for an approach... more
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      International RelationsCyprus conflictHistory of Cyprus
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      Russian StudiesAmerican StudiesTerrorismNATO
In this study, approaches of political parties in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) to Cyprus Issue will be examined. Although it is impossible to oversee contributions and effects of guarantor states and international... more
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      1970s CultureCyprus conflictHistory of CyprusCyprus
Η Μονή του Αποστόλου Ανδρέα στην Καρπασία αποτελεί μέχρι σήμερα ένα κοινό χώρο λατρείας και προσευχής για Χριστιανούς και Μουσουλμάνους στο νησί. Ένα σύμβολο ειρηνικής συνύπαρξης. Παρά το ότι δεν έγιναν συστηματικές ανασκαφές στη Μονή,... more
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      Cyprus StudiesCyprus conflictThe Turkish Cypriots In Northern CyprusHistory of Cyprus
Με ποιον τρόπο θα μπορούσε να τεθεί εκ νέου ο προβληματισμός για το σύγχρονο μουσείο μέσα από το ιστορικό παράδειγμα ενός τόπου όπως η Λευκωσία; Ποιες θεωρητικές και σχεδιαστικές προκλήσεις μπορούν να αναδυθούν σε μια πόλη που στο πλούσιο... more
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      Cultural StudiesMuseum StudiesPostcolonial StudiesCyprus Studies
Cet article, pensé en 2008-2009 et publié en 2010, tente une synthèse des problèmes historiques qui, depuis le milieu voire le début du XX e siècle, ont plongé l'île de Chypre dans une série de malheurs dont elle ne peut, jusqu'à présent... more
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      Cyprus StudiesCyprus conflictThe Turkish Cypriots In Northern CyprusThe Cyprus Problem