Dance studies (Theatre Studies)
Recent papers in Dance studies (Theatre Studies)
L’autrice ha selezionato e analizzato con una prospettiva storica l’ampio materiale documentario presente nell’Archivio del Teatro Club, situato nella Biblioteca “Antonio Baldini” di Roma, con il fine di portare alla luce la ricca e... more
This paper explores the effect of the #MeToo movement in dance and, more specifically, how the re-emergence of female cho-reography in ballet can attribute certain consequences in changes of aesthetics in the art form and the... more
Statutes of “limpieza de sangre” (blood purity) legislated Spain’s vast empire from the fifteenth through the eighteenth centuries, condemning non-Christians—Jews, Muslims, Black Africans, Native Americans—and also Roma—to exile, bondage,... more
The Book titled “Hasta Mudra Therapy – An effective aspect of Dance Therapy” deals with various disciplines like Dance, Therapy, Dance Therapy, Hasta Mudra Therapy, Hasta Mudras used in Dance, Yoga, Hindu and Buddhist religious practices;... more
Anachoresis in Greek is defined as an act of departure, a withdrawal from the world, a term related to what we are currently experiencing in the crisis of the pandemic. ANEW is a choreographic response to the current abruptness of... more
A Danish concentrated version of my article "Bodies in Skilled Performance", written for the dance journal "Dansemagasinet, Terpsichore, dans som scenekunst".
This is the edited text of the keynote speech given by Professor Vladimir Mirodan at 'The Makings of the Actor: Embodiment in Acting Practice' international conference, hosted by the Copenhagen International School of Performing Arts... more
Автор этой статьи исходит из убеждения, что именно история культуры, а не естественные науки или психология может пролить свет на вопрос о природе эмоций. В жизни мы часто неявно посту* лируем, что эмоции — это наиболее прямой,... more
Savaş sonrası Japonya’sında ortaya çıkan öncü bir dans olan butō, bedenin özel bir kavranışına dayanan kendine özgü bir estetiğe sahiptir. Bu estetik, ana akım dansın “ideal beden” anlayışının tersine, modern yaşamın bir sonucu olarak... more
Arnold Jacobshagen / Elisabeth Schmierer (Hrsg.): Sachlexikon des Musiktheaters. Laaber-Verlag 2016 667 Seiten mit 163 Abbildungen. Geb. € 78,– (Subskriptionspreis bis 31.10.2016, danach ca. € 88,–) ISBN 978–3–89007–781–9 Das... more
Rasa plays a very prominent role in performing arts. It is the soul and motive for a successful performance of a dance, an act or a play. If Rasa is to be of any moment and significance, it must necessarily be educated and explored. This... more
pp. 426-439 of publication. Water is considered a metaphor of adaptability and change. In literary history, it has also symbolized qualities such as purity (or making pure) and power, especially as a synecdoche of the ocean. Often, its... more
The dissertation is about the choreomusical (dance/music) relationship in western concert dance (ballet and modern dance). More specifically, it is an interrogative study of how we are able to perceive and think about choreomusical... more
Corporeity can be shown as an important study element of the relations between individuals, indicating a singular modus for the development of cognitive-affective processes. The aim of this study was to develop a reflection, starting from... more
This thesis presents new research on artistic performances of North Korean migrants living in South Korea through critical analyses of three case studies. Two of the case studies are focused on a North Korean migrant women's musical... more
Immersive media is a hot topic, especially in the United States. The novelty value of Punchdrunk's Sleep No More, which became New York's hottest ticket in 2011 and 2012, has positioned the British company's trademark brand of "immersive... more
El presente artículo analiza la funcionalidad del canon, entendido como un dispositivo de subjetivación artística, en la danza contemporánea periférica. Luego de la introducción de casos etnográficos provenientes del campo de la... more
As a dancer and choreographer who works with South Asian movement and dance forms to create contemporary political dance theatre, I find myself constantly negotiating my way through the constraints placed upon the creative process by a... more
RESUMEN – Pina Bausch en Brasil: fruta, vestidos, felicidad y Água – En este artículo nos aproximamos de manera general a la obra de Pina Bausch y a sus procesos de creación con la com-pañía Tanztheater Wuppertal. Desde este marco nos... more
This collection of essays poses a series of questions revolving around nonsense, cacophony, queerness, race, and the dancing body. How can flamenco, as a diasporic complex of performance and communities of practice frictionally and... more
La pubblicazione che ti informa e ti tiene in forma.
Влияние творчества Пины Бауш на формирование интердисциплинарных практик в современном танце. В статье рассматривается один из векторов развития современного танца во второй половине ХХ века, начало которого прослеживается в... more
The Ministry of Movement Affairs and nadaproductions are happy to announce the presentation of the first publication of the project Endangered Human Movements with the Title Four remarks on the history of dance which will accompany the... more
This study essentially aims to put forward the conceptual framework for a transmission project for safeguarding the traditional dances of the people of Circassian origin living in Turkey. Today, due to modernisation and urbanisation,... more
Alexander H. Schwan nimmt den bekannten Vergleich von Tanzen und Schreiben neu in den Blick und entwickelt erstmals eine umfassende Poetik der Bewegung als körperliche Schrift: écriture corporelle. Im intensiven Dialog mit Schrift- und... more
This thesis entitled Dance, Compose, Deconstruct, De-Compose is a practice-based research project in the field of Dance Studies. The notion of de-composition as it is explored in my practical work, 'Piece pieced in pieces', critiques the... more
This interdisciplinary series explores cultural formation and evolution by understanding matrices of performance discourse and religious, gender, racial, political and economic complexities. It welcomes proposals on drama, theatre, dance,... more
Dances have been always noticed as an important cultural phenomenon over time. Ceremonial dances analysis and investigation which is presenting deep stories of history and myths can be effective to understand these dances better. Khorasan... more
In her article "Towards a Framework of a Semiotics of Dance" Nicoleta Popa Blanariu constructs a framework of based on de Saussure's, Peirce's, and Barthes's thought. She applies Ferdinand de Saussure's concept of semiosis defined as a... more
El caso Caaporá, un proyecto de ballet moderno sobre leyendas guaraníes que ideó Ricardo Güiraldes junto con Alfredo González Garaño en 1915, ha ganado interés y cobrado mayor visibilidad en los últimos años. El proyecto, tanto por el... more
Revi sta Vari aci ones 3 Revi sta Vari aci ones La rel aci ón entre el bai l e fl amenco y l a emoci ón 7 Revi sta Vari aci ones Apuntes acerca del aprendi zaje del bai l e fl amenco 10 Revi sta Vari aci ones Apuntes acerca del aprendi... more
El coreógrafo francés Jérôme Bel utiliza de una manera particular los recursos usualmente conocidos que componen un montaje de danza, para producir espectáculos que se cuestionen sobre la concepción misma de este tipo de piezas con el fin... more
En aquest llibre s'aborda l'estudi d'una de les metàfores subjacents més potents de la dansa festiva: l'alteritat, un concepte que fa dialogar festivament els uns amb els altres. Des de l'època medieval, a les terres valencianes... more
This paper is about the process of establishing a dance research network in Japan. In my report and presentation I will first share with you some background information.
Poza zasadą sprawności subwersywne działania teatralne osób o sprawności nienormatywnej/hybrydycznej Jeżeli sprawność jest przede wszystkim czymś, co należy zdobywać, można zaryzykować twierdzenie, iż nikt z nas nie rodzi się sprawny,... more
Les habitus perceptifs apportés par les nouveaux médias transforment la conception, la percpeption et l'usage de l'espace scénique. La caractéristique isomorphique du code numérique et sa non résistance à la transformation permettent... more
This conversation paper examines the visual, sonic and corporeal entanglements that inform the work of the Vietnamese-American-Japanese artist Jun Nguyen-Hatsushiba. It explores the corporeal and aural qualities that are central to an... more