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A Proposta de Comunicação e Marketing da Estância Turística de Avaré, será desenvolvida para estruturar sua imagem de forma competitiva diante do mercado de destinos turístico a fim de consolidar características do turismo praticado e... more
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      Tourism MarketingDestination Marketing and Branding
Tourism industry is undergoing a considerable extent of research in recent times due to its high relative influence on the economy of nations. The area is subject to multiple studies done by scholars as well as practitioners. All... more
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      MarketingTourism StudiesTourism MarketingServices
Objectives. The main purpose of this paper was to determine the extent to which environmental awards may help enhancing the small-towns heritage. After a theoretical framework on the role of certification programmes in destination... more
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    • Destination Marketing and Branding
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      Tourism Destination MarketingDestination Marketing and Branding
Obiettivi . Obiettivo del lavoro e illustrare l’efficacia dei marchi ambientali/di qualita nella valorizzazione dei borghi, sia dal punto di vista della comunicazione che della qualita del territorio. Dopo un inquadramento delle... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementArtSustainable Tourism
Antonaki, & Kladou, 2012). Other studies focus on the specific values and meanings (e.g., Gnoth, 2007) and resources (Tasci & Denizci, 2009) of destination branding in order to evaluate the brand performance and productivity,... more
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      MarketingContent AnalysisContent Analysis (Research Methodology)Branding
Luxury, Sports and Residential Tourism Developments
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      MarketingCultural StudiesNew MediaBrand Management
Luxury as a factor to set carrying capacity .TALC
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