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A common practice uses funny and cute internet memes to describe natural hazards, such as hurricanes, to the general public. Emergency managers create an industry lacking credibility and seriousness when they use unrealistic and comedic... more
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      Science CommunicationDisaster StudiesDisaster risk managementCrisis communication and management
Nuclear power accidents repeatedly reveal that the industry has an incomplete understanding of the complex risks involved in its operation. Through analyzing the investigation of a nuclear power incident in Sweden in 2006, I show how the... more
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesOrganizational LearningPolicy Analysis and Decision MakingNormalization Process Theory
Tracking disaster aid after a major event is tricky. But it is something that governments have to do immediately. Transparency and accountability during emergency response, recovery and reconstruction post disaster is a must. The public,... more
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      Climate ChangeDisaster StudiesDisaster risk managementMonitoring And Evaluation
Dear Colleague, It is my great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 6th ICT Forum that will be held in October 14-16, 2014 in Nis, Serbia. Additional information on the 6th ICT Forum is enclosed and can be found at the... more
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      Sociology of DisasterFire and Emergency ServicesDisability StudiesFlood Risk Management
This survey is entitled "Hydro-meteorological Disaster Risk Reduction: Lessons Learned for Resilient Adaptation to a Changing Climate." It was undertaken with the assumption that all humanitarian varying degrees to donor and aid... more
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      Climate ChangeCommunity ResilienceDisaster StudiesClimate Change Adaptation
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      Media StudiesDisaster Risk CommunicationNuclear EnergySpain
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      Sociology of DisasterDisaster risk managementDisaster ManagementDisaster Risk Communication
El presente informe corresponde a una evaluación de las condiciones físicas, sectoriales y territoriales en Colombia de los efectos e impactos y lecciones aprendidas del fenómeno desde octubre de 2014 a junio de 2016. Pues se busca, por... more
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      Disaster risk managementClimate variabilityDisaster ResponseDisaster Risk Communication
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      SociologySocial-Ecological SystemsRisk GovernanceEcology
Disaster communication researchers focused on text reporting and the effects of mass media until the rise of Web 2.0 enabled "emerging channels" to appear during disasters. This study examined alternative channels by analyzing texts... more
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      Disaster Risk CommunicationCrisis Informatics
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      Sociology of DisasterForensic AnthropologyTechnologyForensic Science
La UNGRD, con la ayuda del Instituto de Estudios del Ministerio Público (IEMP), ha considerado oportuno brindarles a los municipios de todo el territorio nacional estos lineamientos, en los cuales, cada una de las administraciones locales... more
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      Risk and VulnerabilityDisaster Risk CommunicationRisk Knowledge Governance
This is the English version of the frontispice and index of the volume Andrea Cerase (2017) Rischio e comunicazione. Teorie, Modelli, Problemi. Milan: Egea (p. 288).
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      Social TheorySocial SciencesDisaster risk managementRisk Governance
Climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) have similar targets and goals in relation to climate change and related risks. The integration of CCA in core DRR operations is crucial to provide simultaneous benefits... more
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      Climate ChangeDisaster StudiesClimate Change AdaptationAdaptation to Climate Change
The aim of this focal report is to explore how visual techniques can contribute to successful risk communication, as well as to identify the pitfalls and challenges of these techniques. First, we analyze the salient role that diagrams... more
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      Visual StudiesCommunity ResilienceInformation VisualizationDisaster risk management
This is a case study on the 2011 Matina flash flood affecting thousands of families in the following barangays: Matina Crossing, Matina Pangi and Matina Aplaya. The study areas are heavily populated, with business, and institutional... more
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      Disaster risk managementDisaster Risk Communication
In 2011, the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) began authorizing emergency management officials to broadcast Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEAs) to cellular phones and other mobile devices to help notify people of imminent... more
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      Crisis communication and managementRisk communicationDisaster Risk CommunicationWarnings
When disaster strikes, individuals and organizations must not be only logistically ready, but psychologically prepared. This paper discusses how the public and emergency responders can better prepare for the psychological impact of... more
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      ViolenceDisaster StudiesPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Disaster Management
The scope of the chapter is to provide an interpretive hypothesis on the different functions of different media in the aftermath of a disaster, drawing upon theoretical and empirical literature and case-studies in the light of Uses and... more
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      Media StudiesDisaster risk managementRisk communicationUses And Gratifications
The City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office of the City of San Jose Del Monte (CSJDM), Bulacan has been implementing disaster risk reduction (DRR) programs and activities since 2013 after the passage of RA 10121 or the Philippine... more
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      Disaster risk managementDisaster Risk CommunicationAudience ParticipationCommunication Research
A significant topic within the behavioral finance literature is the notion of perceived risk pertaining to novice investors (i.e. individuals, finance students) and investment professionals (i.e. financial planners, security analysts).... more
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      BusinessRisk Management and InsuranceFinancePsychology
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      Sociology of DisasterGeographyHuman GeographySocial Geography
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      EducationDisaster risk managementDisaster Risk CommunicationEarthquake
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      Indigenous KnowledgeDisaster Risk Communication
Flooding and poverty are the two social problems that have coexisted within the rural communities of Tsholotsho district. As a result, both problems have negatively affected and disrupted the everyday pattern of lives of people living in... more
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      Sociology of DisasterDisaster MedicineDevelopment StudiesClimate Change
Increasing globalization, increasing intense urbanization and climate changes have been linked to communities' hazards and disasters vulnerabilities reported across Africa. Less data and information are documented on national to community... more
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      Disaster Risk CommunicationDisaster risk reductionCommunity capacity development and Disaster Management
South Africa is suffering from a magnitude of increasing human and weather-induced hazards such as drought, diseases, water shortage, urban-flooding, coastal flooding, wildfires, social unrest, and storms. In turn, these hazards instigate... more
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      Media StudiesInformation ManagementResilienceMedia
Disaster Mental Health Community Planning is a step-by-step book to developing mental health disaster plans, assisting communities to act on long-term resilience and recovery. As disasters continue to increase in severity and number,... more
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      CollaborationDisaster ManagementDisaster ResponseDisaster Risk Communication
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      Disaster Risk CommunicationOnline Communication
The growing cost and frequency of natural catastrophes and their implications for economic growth and development have led to a concern over the level of public awareness and education relative to largescale catastrophes and disaster risk... more
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      Disaster risk managementEconomic GrowthRisk ManagementDisaster Management
(Author wrote the report for Center for Disaster Preparedness which served as the main implementer of the Philippine DRR Community of Practice Project, an undertaking aimed at cultivating linkages and networks between and among the... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationPublic Participation In GovernanceDisaster Risk CommunicationCommunity Participation
This paper is published in the SEARCH Journal. You can access it here: Environmental and risk communication have become trends in many forms of... more
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      Film StudiesTelevision StudiesDocumentary (Film Studies)Environmental Communication
Commonly called pictograms, symbols or icons, it is convened that these are normalized images designed to display a concrete meaning. As a system, icons function as a codified language to facilitate communication. These can also be... more
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      Visual CommunicationDisaster Risk CommunicationEmergency ManagementInformation Design
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      EthnographyDisaster StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyDisaster risk management
Os eventos climáticos extremos estão se tornando cada vez mais frequentes, provocando danos e atingindo um número maior de pessoas em desastres por todo o mundo. No Brasil, a cultura de perceber e comunicar o risco de desastre ainda é... more
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      Disaster risk managementDisaster Risk CommunicationComunicação SocialDisaster risk reduction
"This report addresses key issues of online public risk communication. It identifies the main goals of risk communication generically and how they may be achieved using the Internet. In particular, it shows possible strategies of how key... more
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      Social MediaRisk communicationDisaster ManagementDisaster Risk Communication
4. Pour arriver à l’équilibre économique, social et environnemental souhaité par tous les haïtiens et les partenaires du pays, les populations doivent affronter leurs vieux démons qui se résument à la forte vulnérabilité du pays aux... more
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      Disaster risk managementHaitiDisaster Risk CommunicationHaiti Earthquake 2010
Author(s): Jennifer Giroux and Florian Roth
Series: Risk and Resilience Reports
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Date: 2012/10/08
Publication Year: 2012
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      Sociology of DisasterNarrativeCommunity ResilienceDisaster risk management
The present study seeks to systematically describe how humanitarian aid organizations use visuals in their natural disaster-related social media messages and to analyze their effects on social media engagement. Using Rodriguez and... more
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      Visual StudiesCommunity Engagement & ParticipationAdvertisingContent Analysis
Project Report: To be released in mid March 2014, Executive summary: Working with a changing climate, not against it. Hydro-Meteorological Disaster Risk Reduction: A survey of Lessons Learned for Resilient Adaptation to a Changing Climate
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      GeographyClimate ChangeCommunity ResiliencePolitical Ecology
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      GeographyClimate ChangeCommunity ResiliencePolitical Ecology
This article discusses inter and post-war works of fiction written by Polish and German-speaking authors with biographical connections to Oder River regions. The literary texts provide insights into the vulnerability to and resilience... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCultural HistoryCultural StudiesSociology of Culture
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      GeographyClimate ChangeCommunity ResiliencePolitical Ecology
Even if natural hazards -volcanism, seismicity, mass movements and hydro-meteorological processes- continue to become manifest, it is human vulnerability that actually defines the degree of intensity of the damages associated either... more
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      Disaster risk managementNatural HazardsRisk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsDisaster Risk Communication
This paper reviews a selection of target levels for safety and security in order to identify their common properties. It is accompanied by a brief investigation of several key terms used in risk management. Risk management is used as an... more
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      International RelationsInternational RelationsMulticulturalismInternational Law
SPANISH (English version below) El 13 de noviembre de 2002, el petrolero Prestige lanzó un SOS con el que comenzaba uno de los mayores desastres medioambientales de la historia de España. Los vertidos de fuel oil que se prolongaron... more
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      Environmental SociologyScience CommunicationTelevision StudiesEnvironmental Communication
The presenttaions looks into,f undamentals of Disaster Management, Overview and Classification. Principles of Incident Site Organization. Role of Health Professionals in Disaster Management. Environmental Health in disaster management... more
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      Disaster risk managementDisaster Risk CommunicationMass Disaster Preparedness/ManagementDisaster Preparedness
Proceedings of Cumulus Rome Conference, 2021 | In the intersection of disciplines such as User Experience (UX) and Disaster Risk Management (DRM), this paper presents definitions from a change of paradigm: From dealing with disaster... more
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      Graphic DesignCommunication DesignDisaster Risk CommunicationInformation Design
This article argues that mainstreaming media into disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) activities could make it a more effective functioning component of DRRM in planning and implementation of disaster risk reduction strategies.... more
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      CommunicationDisaster ManagementDisaster Risk CommunicationDisaster risk reduction
This study examines the communication strategies employed by Qatar's government in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. The study contributes to a growing body of work on the sociolinguistics of crisis communication. We focus on the use of... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationLanguages and LinguisticsMultilingualismSociolinguistics