Diversity Tehnich
Recent papers in Diversity Tehnich
Following the 2019 Employment Equity Report provision of disaggregated representation for visible minorities, Indigenous people, and persons with disabilities, the 2019 Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) similarly lays out these... more
Technically Wrong: Sexist Apps, Biased Algorithms, and Other Threats of Toxic Tech by Sara Wachter-Boettcher
In this study, all common families, Nymphalidae(16 species), being most dominant followed by Papilionidae (7 species), Pieridae(5 species), Hespiridae (4 species), and Lycaenidae(3 species) were represented. Thirty-five species were... more
This paper discusses the essential components of diverse and inclusive education. It provided some examples of the possible application of each component. The components are as follows: curriculum; quality and diverse teachers; respectful... more
Amprenta este operatiunea prin care medicul stomatolog ia "un mulaj" dintilor pacientului, pe care il trimite laboratorului de tehnica dentara in vederea realizarii lucrarilor protetice.
SECłIUNEA 1 Obiect, domeniu de aplicare, prevederi generale Art.1. Prezentul normativ stabileşte condiŃiile tehnice pe care trebuie să le îndeplinească mixturile asfaltice executate la cald în etapele de proiectare, controlul calităŃii... more
This preface titled "Post-intersectional-coloniality" has been written for an edited volume titled "Colonial and Postcolonial Literature: Discourses, Disruptions, and Intersections." The edited volume consists of 29 short essays by... more
Visibilizar las (dis)capacidades. Experiencias cotidianas de trabajo con población diversa. Luis Javier Hernández-Carmona (Coord.). Coedición internacional:Universidad de los Andes (Venezuela), Red CoPaLa (México), revista FAIA... more
This research project proposes to bring together findings on diversity politics and public policies from both sides of the Atlantic, within a comparative framework designed to address global issues of racism, inequality, social justice,... more
Contemporary music education leaders suggest ambiguous definitions of “diversity,” often assuming it both unquestionably good and compatible with equity. The purpose of this philosophical inquiry is to explore the assumptions underlying... more
Drawing on a longitudinal qualitative approach to corporate diversity policies in France, based on more than 80 in-depth interviews (N = 86), this paper examines the paradox conveyed within these policies by the rise of 'raceless'... more
Abstract Real economies and societies are diverse. Applied economics responds to diversity by a variety in technologies, institutions, products, policies, for meeting the demands of differentiated actors. Nevertheless, neoclassical... more
El presente trabajo analiza las coordenadas de justicia imbricadas en las propuestas de educación superior inclusiva en Latinoamérica. Esta, es, en sí misma, un movimiento que trabaja a favor de la cristalización de la justicia... more