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We study the space of L 2 harmonic forms on complete manifolds with metrics of fibred boundary or fibred cusp type. These metrics generalize the geometric structures at infinity of several different well-known classes of metrics,... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsString TheoryDifferential GeometryPure Mathematics
There is considerable debate as to the determinants of the human resource policies of human resource management: do they reflect national institutional or cultural realities, emerging common global practices, parent country effects or the... more
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      MarketingHuman Resource ManagementBritishHuman Resource
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      Earth SciencesSoil ScienceConsciousness (Psychology)Water
Most of the literature related to the measurement of economic efficiency has based its analysis either on parametric or on non-parametric frontier methods. The choice of estimation method has been an issue of debate, with some researchers... more
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      EconometricsApplied EconomicsBayesian AnalysisBootstrapping
Wuthering Heights is recognized as the masterpiece of Emily Brontë, not only by the way she demonstrates how love and hate can be closely related but also by the particular way she organizes the elements of the book through pairs and... more
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    • Duality Theory
Human-created every Believe is philosophy. Philosophy comes from vision and is applied on space and time. Every philosophy is born out of vision. Every purpose is defined by vision and on the basis of vision, the explanation of "I" and... more
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      ReligionPhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy Of Language
तानाशाही दर्शन के आधार पर बनी व्यवस्था वैष्णव दर्शन ,द्वैत दर्शन के नाम से जानी गई । तानाशाही व्यवस्था जमीदारी व्यवस्था,सामंतवाद ,भूमियार ,व नौकरशाही जैसी व्यवस्था को कहते है । इस दर्शन मे जल जंगल जमीन जैसी प्रकर्तिक संसाधनों पर राजा या... more
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      DictatorshipDuality TheoryPhilosophy of Duality
This paper presents three results that the author obtained in his doctoral thesis (Kümmerle, 2018a) where he investigated the topic from the viewpoints of institutionalization and the circulation of knowledge. These are: 1. While... more
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      History of MathematicsHistory of ScienceMeiji JapanAcademic Journals
There is considerable debate as to the determinants of the human resource policies of human resource management: do they reflect national institutional or cultural realities, emerging common global practices, parent country effects or the... more
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      MarketingHuman Resource ManagementBritishHuman Resource
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      Consciousness (Psychology)Academic FreedomMetaphysics of ConsciousnessConsciousness
Every day a large number of problems are studied and analyzed where modeling in the form of networks is a way of being more efficient in the search for efficient results for companies, organizations, associations and even in problems of... more
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      Optimization (Mathematics)Modelling and Simulation of communication networksLarge Scale TestingDuality Theory
We characterize the finite graph algebras which are dualizable. Indeed, a finite graph algebra is dualizable if and only if each connected component of the underlying graph is either complete or bipartite complete (or a single point).
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      Applied MathematicsUniversal AlgebraPure MathematicsDiscrete Mathematics
the date of receipt and acceptance should be inserted later
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical ProgrammingOptimization ProblemRobust optimization
This paper covers some of the past accomplishments of DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) and some of its future prospects. It starts with the ''engineering-science'' definitions of efficiency and uses the duality theory of linear programming... more
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      EconometricsWelfare EconomicsEconomic TheoryApplied Economics
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      Higher EducationJob SatisfactionWork EnvironmentEducation Systems
Oppositional geometry gives a mathematical model of oppositional phenomena through “oppositional structures” (logical squares, hexagons, cubes, …). Its so far known formal entities, the backbone of which are the “oppositional bi-simplexes... more
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      Modal LogicLogicGraph TheoryComplexity
We develop an intuitive geometric interpretation of the standard support vector machine (SVM) for classification of both linearly separable and inseparable data and provide a rigorous derivation of the concepts behind the geometry. For... more
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      Machine LearningSupport Vector MachinesDuality TheoryConvex Hull
We introduce pairwise Stone spaces as a natural bitopological generalization of Stone spaces-the duals of Boolean algebras-and show that they are exactly the bitopological duals of bounded distributive lattices. The category PStone of... more
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      Boolean AlgebraDuality Theory
This tutorial gives an introductive presentation of algebraic and geometric methods for solving a polynomial system f1 = • • • = fm = 0. The first class of methods is based on the study of the quotient algebra A of the polynomial ring... more
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      Computer VisionSignal ProcessingComputational BiologyNumerical Method
This is a rewrite of the paper on here bearing more or less the same title, although it only includes a small number of changes and additions. Although ostensibly on English Literature, the paper really concerns the role of professionals... more
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      Race and RacismVictorian LiteratureRobert Louis StevensonVictorian Literature and Culture
The Birkhoff-Kakutani Theorem asserts that a topological group is metrizable if and only if it has countable character. We develop and apply tools for the estimation of the character for a wide class of nonmetrizable topological groups.
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      Functional AnalysisCombinatoricsGroup TheoryDuality Theory
The following criteria and assumptions are applied: i) all HV nodal voltages to be within the range 0.90-1 .IO p.u. under intact and contingent situations; ii) for simplicity, assume that independence between random variables and no more... more
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      Power SystemsOptimal ControlPower SystemConflict of Interest
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringAlgorithms
Semidefinite programming (SDP) is one of the fastest developing branches of mathematical programming. The reason is twofold: efficient solution algorithms for SDP have come to light in the past few years, and SDP finds applications in... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationMathematical ProgrammingDuality TheoryInterior Point Method
We formalize the link between optimal cost-sharing contracts and the production technology in the presence of moral hazard by appealing to several well-known results from duality theory. Building on intuitions from the interlinkage... more
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      Development EconomicsAgency TheoryApplied EconomicsMoral Hazard
Here the emphasis is on the main pillars of Tarskian structuralist approach to logic: relation algebras, cylindric algebras, polyadic algebras, and Boolean algebras with operators. We also tried to highlight the recent renaissance of... more
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      Universal AlgebraBoolean AlgebraSpace TimeFuzzy Metric Space
Miller McPherson’s approach to measuring the inherent duality of organizational forms and the environmental niches that they occupy is adapted and applied to an analysis of the institutional field of (outdoor) poverty relief organizations... more
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      Sociology of CultureNetwork AnalysisMichel FoucaultInstitutional Logics
The present paper introduces and studies the variety WH of weakly Heyting algebras. It corresponds to the strict implication fragment of the normal modal logic K which is also known as the subintuitionistic local consequence of the class... more
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      Pure MathematicsDuality TheoryMLQDistributive Q- lattice
A new framework is presented for both understanding and developing graph-cut based combinatorial algorithms suitable for the approximate optimization of a very wide class of MRFs that are frequently encountered in computer vision. The... more
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      Information SystemsArtificial IntelligenceComputer VisionImage Processing
A relatively simple definition of a locally compact quantum group in the C * -algebra setting will be explained as it was recently obtained by the authors. At the same time we put this definition in the historical and mathematical context... more
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      MultidisciplinaryDuality Theory
In this paper, the mathematical models of two water distribution network systems, namely a Serial Network and a Branched Network have been considered as nonlinear optimization problems and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method has been... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringAlgorithms
The present paper introduces and studies the variety WH of weakly Heyting algebras. It corresponds to the strict implication fragment of the normal modal logic K which is also known as the subintuitionistic local consequence of the class... more
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      Pure MathematicsDuality TheoryMLQDistributive Q- lattice
We introduce a local homology theory for linearly modules which is in some sense dual to the local cohomology theory of A. Grothendieck. Some basic properties of local homology modules are shown such as: the vanishing and non-vanishing,... more
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      AlgebraPure MathematicsDuality TheoryLocal Cohomology
The usual duality theory cannot be applied to infinite dimensional problems because the underlying constraint set mostly has an empty interior and the constraints are possibly nonlinear. In this paper we present an infinite dimensional... more
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      Pure MathematicsOptimization ProblemVariational Inequality ProblemsDuality Theory
The usual duality theory cannot be applied to infinite dimensional problems because the underlying constraint set mostly has an empty interior and the constraints are possibly nonlinear. In this paper we present an infinite dimensional... more
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      Pure MathematicsOptimization ProblemVariational Inequality ProblemsDuality Theory
This paper examines growth in the U.S. agricultural sector under the conditions hypothesized by endogenous growth theory. Public capital and R&D are explicitly considered to capture the effects of public inputs in a model based on dynamic... more
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      International DevelopmentPublic CapitalEndogenous GrowthDuality Theory
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      Philosophy and Religious StudiesMathematical SciencesDuality Theory
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      StructureStochastic OptimizationDuality TheoryLarge Scale
We consider the problem of constructing a portfolio of finitely many assets whose returns are described by a discrete joint distribution. We propose a new portfolio optimization model involving stochastic dominance constraints on the... more
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      Applied MathematicsRiskStochastic dominancePortfolio Optimization
In this paper, we show that for every locally compact abelian group G, the following statements are equivalent:
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      Algebra and TopologyPure MathematicsPrimaryTopological Groups
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      Modal LogicPhilosophyModus PonensDuality Theory
We model the Central Bank’s management of intraday liquidity in modern real-time gross settlement systems as an infinite-dimensional linear programming problem parameterized by different intraday monetary policies, such as reserve... more
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      EconomicsMathematical EconomicsMonetary PolicyDuality Theory
ABSTRACT We consider an envelope-constrained (EC) optimal filter design problem involving a quadratic cost function and a number of linear inequality constraints. Using the duality theory and the space transformation function, the optimal... more
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      MultidisciplinaryRandom NoiseDuality TheoryDifferential equation
We use a recently developed duality theory for linear differential inclusions (LDIs) to enhance the stability analysis of systems with saturation. Based on the duality theory, the condition of stability for a LDI in terms of one Lyapunov... more
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      Optimization ProblemConvex AnalysisStability AnalysisDuality Theory
In memory of Willem Blok A b s t r a c t. In this paper, Wójcicki's characterization of selfextensional logics as those logics that are endowed with a complete local referential semantics is extended to a fully fledged duality between... more
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      Modal LogicPhilosophyModus PonensDuality Theory
An inventory model of deteriorating seasonal products with Maximum Retail Price (MRP) for a wholesaler having showrooms at different places under a single management system is considered under random business periods with fuzzy resource... more
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      EngineeringApplied MathematicsFuzzy LogicLinear Programming
The production structure of Tunisian agriculture over the last three decades is investigated using a translog variable cost function. Standard results of neoclassical duality theory are used to obtain measures of elasticities of... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsPrice ElasticityTechnological changeAgricultural Research
System performance for networks composed of interconnected subsystems can be increased if the traditionally separated subsystems are jointly optimized. Recently, parallel and distributed optimization methods have emerged as a powerful... more
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      Chemical EngineeringProcess ControlConvex OptimizationDistributed Control
* Los autores agradecen todas las sugerencias de los evaluadores anónimos, así como las del editor de Desarrollo y Sociedad, porque, sin duda, han permitido mejorar el trabajo de forma considerable. Investigación realizada por el Grupo... more
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      BusinessEconomic GrowthPolitical ScienceProductivity
In this paper, we consider the robust stabilization problem for linear discrete time-varying (LTV) systems using the gap metric. In particular, we show that the time-varying (TV) directed gap reduces to an operator with a TV Hankel plus... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsOptimal ControlRobust control