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1] In the present contribution we focus our attention on the long-term behavior of meandering rivers, a very common pattern in nature. This class of dynamical systems is driven by the coexistence of various intrinsically nonlinear... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisMathematical ModelingMultidisciplinaryModels
In classical information theory, entropy rate and algorithmic complexity per symbol are related by a theorem of Brudno. In this paper, we prove a quantum version of this theorem, connecting the von Neumann entropy rate and two notions of... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsInformation TheoryQuantum Theory
Most of the existing techniques for palmprint recognition rely on metrics, typically based on static functions, which evaluate the distance between a pair of features. In this paper, we propose a new technique for palmprint verification... more
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      Dynamical SystemsImage ProcessingInformation SecurityBiometrics
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      Intrusion Detection SystemsCorrelationDynamical SystemDynamic System
Short description: matcont is a graphical Matlab software package for the interactive numerical study of dynamical systems. It allows to compute curves of equilibria, limit points, Hopf points, limit cycles, period doubling bifurcation... more
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      Information SystemsBifurcationDynamical SystemInteractive Learning Environment
Kalman filters are often used to estimate the state variables of a dynamic system. However, in the application of Kalman filters some known signal information is often either ignored or dealt with heuristically. For instance,... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsMathematical StatisticsAlgorithms
A group of 32 healthy men (M) divided into three dierent age groups, i.e. M20 years [mean 21 (SD 1); n 12], M40 [mean 40 (SD 2); n 10] and M70 [mean 71 (SD 5); n 10] volunteered as subjects for examination of maximal and explosive force... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyAgingEnergy MetabolismMuscle strength
The mathematical model for language competition developed by Abrams and Strogatz allows the evolution of the numbers of monolingual speakers of two competing languages to be estimated. In this paper, we extend the model to examine the... more
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      SociolinguisticsLanguage maintenanceLanguage DeathDynamical System
The design of state estimators for nonlinear dynamic systems affected by disturbances is addressed in a functional optimization framework. The estimator contains an innovation function that has to be chosen within a suitably defined class... more
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      Applied MathematicsFunctional ProgrammingSystem IdentificationNonlinear Programming
Streamline patterns and their local and global bifurcations in a two-dimensional peristaltic flow for an incompressible Newtonian fluid have been investigated. An analytical solution for the stream-function is found under a... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMathematicsNonlinear dynamicsTopology
This work investigates dynamics of a two-stage gear system involving backlash and timedependent mesh stiffness. This paper mainly consists to develop a 12 degree of freedom gear dynamic model. The model consists of a two-stage spur gear,... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringNonlinear dynamicsModelingVibration
In practice punctuality of transit service has been a chronic operational problem mainly due to the random environment and very high complexity of the public transport processes. This challenging problem affects both travellers... more
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      Public TransportUrban And Regional PlanningDynamic OptimizationNumerical Method
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      EngineeringTraffic controlTraffic ManagementObject Oriented Design
The paper describes a two-dimensional mathematical model for the motion of a bicycle-rider system with wheel suspensions. It focusses on the prediction of vibrational stress on the rider due to uneven track.
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      EngineeringModelingMathematical SciencesDynamical System
This paper addresses parametric system identification of linear and nonlinear dynamic systems by analysis of the input and output signals. Specifically, we investigate the relationship between estimation of the system using a feedforward... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceBiomedical EngineeringSystem IdentificationComputational Modeling
Die Physik der dynamischen Systeme, eine Synthese aus Karlsruher Physikkurs und System Dynamics, setzt andere Akzente als der klassische Zugang, wendet sich neuen Fragestellungen zu und formt eigene Bilder. Der Paradigmawechsel ist eine... more
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      PhysicsMechanicsTeacher EducationSystem Dynamics
Supply chains are complicated dynamical systems triggered by customer demands. Proper selection of equipment, machinery, buildings and transportation fleets is a key component for the success of such systems. However, efficiency of supply... more
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      Applied MathematicsSupply Chain ManagementGlobalizationSystems Engineering
cl matcont and matcont are matlab continuation packages for the interactive numerical study of a range of parameterized nonlinear dynamical systems, in particular ODEs. matcont is an interactive graphical package and cl matcont is a... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsComputer ScienceNumerical Analysis
Cheetahs and beetles run, dolphins and salmon swim, and bees and birds fly with grace and economy surpassing our technology. Evolution has shaped the breathtaking abilities of animals, leaving us the challenge of reconstructing their... more
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      RoboticsApplied MathematicsBiomechanicsControl
Bewegung im Raum bildet das fünfte Kapitel zur Translationsmechanik des Lehrwerks Systemphysik für Fachhochschulen. In der Einführungsphase werden Systeme mit einem systemdynamischen Tool (System Dynamics) modelliert, simuliert und... more
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      PhysicsComputational PhysicsMechanicsEducation
This paper presents a growth model for gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), which is one of the most culture species in the Mediterranean area. The model is designed by means of stochastic differential equations, and is based on previous... more
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      TheoryMultidisciplinaryEcological ModellingSimulation
A low-dimensional model of general circulation of the atmosphere is investigated. The differential equations are subject to periodic forcing, where the period is one year. A three-dimensional Poincaré mapping P depends on three control... more
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      Applied MathematicsAttractor TheoryClimateSeasonality
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      Statistical MechanicsImage ProcessingImage AnalysisSelf Control
Heterogeneous reconfigurable systems provide drastically higher performance and lower power consumption than traditional CPU-centric systems. Moreover, they do it at much lower costs and shorter times to market than non-reconfigurable... more
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      Embedded SystemsComputer Aided DesignComputer HardwareCoding
In this paper the control of mechanical systems in the presence of nonlinear friction and backlash is treated in a hybrid system approach. To deal with friction induced nonlinearities, the Stribeck friction model is linearized and the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsHybrid SystemsModeling
Most building materials are porous media. As a critical environmental factor, the influence of relative humidity on VOCs diffusion is still not well understood. In this study, VOC transport and sorption in a porous medium in the building... more
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      ArchitectureDiffusionPorous MediaBuilding
In this paper we propose a new scheme based on adaptive critics for finding online the state feedback, infinite horizon, optimal control solution of linear continuous-time systems using only partial knowledge regarding the system... more
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      EngineeringOptimal ControlPower SystemModeling
Abstract: There are two basic influences of technology in the mathematics classroom: it can make a difference to how we teach and it can also affect what we teach. The latter is a huge area that is being well aired elsewhere. This article... more
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Max-plus-linear (MPL) systems are a class of event-driven nonlinear dynamic systems that can be described by models that are "linear" in the max-plus algebra. In this paper we derive a solution to a finite-horizon model predictive control... more
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      EngineeringModel Predictive ControlModelingMathematical Sciences
The inverted pendulum has been used as a benchmark for motivating the study of nonlinear control techniques. We propose a simple controller for balancing the inverted pendulum and raise it to its upper equilibrium position while the cart... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsControl TheoryVibration Control
In this paper, the optimal strategies for discrete-time linear system quadratic zero-sum games related to the H-infinity optimal control problem are solved in forward time without knowing the system dynamical matrices. The idea is to... more
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      EngineeringOptimal ControlModelingLearning Design
We discuss new and improved algorithms for the bifurcation analysis of fixed points and periodic orbits (cycles) of maps and their implementation in matcont, a matlab toolbox for continuation and bifurcation analysis of dynamical systems.... more
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical BiologyNumerical AnalysisAlgorithm
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      Cognitive ScienceDesignHuman FactorsCognition
The concept of meme misidentifies units of cultural information as active agents, which is the same “shorthand” that misleads our understanding of genes and obscures the dynamic logic of evolution. But the meme concept does offer hope by... more
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      SemioticsComputability TheoryTaxonomyInformation Processing
We demonstrate that an irreducibly simple, uncontrolled, two-dimensional, two-link model, vaguely resembling human legs, can walk down a shallow slope, powered only by gravity. This model is the simplest special case of the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringBiomechanical EngineeringAlgorithmsBiomedical Engineering
An adaptive position tracking control scheme is proposed for vertical thrust propelled unmanned airborne vehicles (UAVs) in the presence of external disturbances. As an intermediary step, the system attitude is used to direct the thrust... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAdaptive ControlQuaternionRemotely Operated Vehicles
The technique of feedback linearization is used to design controllers for displacement, velocity and differential pressure control of a rotational hydraulic drive. The controllers, which take into account the square-root nonlinearity in... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsModelingMotion control
In this paper, global and local uniform asymptotic stability of perturbed dynamical systems is studied by using Lyapunov techniques. The restriction about the perturbed term is that the perturbation is bounded by an integrable function... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsModelingDynamic programming
An unprecedented growth in computer and communication systems in the last two decades has resulted in a proportional increase in the number and sophistication of network attacks. In particular, the number of previously-unseen attacks has... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceInformation TheoryMachine LearningSignal Processing
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      Applied MathematicsEnvironmental ScienceAcid RainPredator-prey interaction
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      Cognitive SciencePlasticityIntelligenceCognition
We conceptualize self-concept as a self-organizing dynamical system and investigate implications ofthisperspectivefor the dynamic andfixed-point attractor tendencies of self-evaluative thought. Participants who differed in self-concept... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePersonalityDynamical System
Heterogeneous reconfigurable systems provide drastically higher performance and lower power consumption than traditional CPU-centric systems. Moreover, they do it at much lower costs and shorter times to market than non-reconfigurable... more
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      Embedded SystemsComputer Aided DesignComputer HardwareCoding
Mixed-mode oscillations (MMOs) are trajectories of a dynamical system in which there is an alternation between oscillations of distinct large and small amplitudes. MMOs have been observed and studied for over thirty years in chemical,... more
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      Applied MathematicsSiamSingular perturbation problemsDynamical System
Segregation, or un-mixing, of particles is a continued source of industrial frustration and can be a costly problem for industries ranging from pharmaceuticals to ceramics to agriculture. Particles that differ in almost any mechanical... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringMaterials ScienceDynamical Systems
This paper presents design, modelling and system identification of a laboratory test apparatus that has been constructed to experimentally validate the concepts of anomaly detection in complex mechanical systems. The test apparatus is... more
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      Applied MathematicsSystem IdentificationReal Time ComputingTime Series
Under steady-state conditions, ZVS can be achieved using common techniques such as a phase lock loop, a voltage controlled oscillator, and other integral controllers. However, during transient processes, achieving ZVS is not trivial for... more
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      Power ElectronicsProcess ControlControl systemVoltage Controlled Oscillator
We study a classification of cellular automata based on the Turing degree of the orbits of the automaton. The difficulty of determining the membership of a cellular automaton in any one of these classes is characterized in the... more
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      Cellular AutomataTheoretical Computer ScienceMathematical SciencesClassification
This paper presents a unified dynamical systems theory of motor learning and development and addresses the normative order and timing of activities in the infant motor development sequence. The emphasis is on the role of intention in... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCognitive developmentMotor Learning