Human Factors
Recent papers in Human Factors
A verywarm thank you goes to Ken Laughery of Rice University. Not only did he contribute several chapters and the Foreword, but he was also my final graduate advisor. He has been a mentor, collaborator, and friend. He has been a great... more
Law enforcement officers across the country are trained in various tactics and techniques intended to increase the overall safety within a police citizen-contact. One common, albeit controversial tactic, is referred to as “curb sitting”.... more
The objective of this paper is to report back on an organizational framework, which consisted of human, organization and technology (HOT) dimensions in holistically addressing aspects associated with phishing. Most anti-phishing... more
Stereotype threat is being at risk of confirming, as self-characteristic, a negative stereotype about one's group. Studies 1 and 2 varied the stereotype vulnerability of Black participants taking a difficult verbal test by varying whether... more
This study examined the co-occurrence of childhood sexual abuse, adult sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and sexual harassment in a predominantly African American sample of 268 female veterans, randomly sampled from an urban... more
Man is one of the best general-purpose computers available and if one designs for man as a moron, one ends up with a system that requires a genius to maintain it. Thus we are not suggesting that we take man out of the sys tem, but we are... more
Book with numerous chapter concerning warning signs and labels.
Man is one of the best general-purpose computers available and if one designs for man as a moron, one ends up with a system that requires a genius to maintain it. Thus we are not suggesting that we take man out of the sys tem, but we are... more
Over the past two decades, the 'new view' has become a popular term in safety theory and practice. It has however also been criticised, provoking division and controversy. The aim of this article is to clarify the current situation. It... more
Abstract: As the world enters a new millennium, the U.S. military simultaneously enters a new era in warfare -- an era in which warfare is affected by a changing strategic environment and rapid technological change. The United States and... more
There are very few connections between physics and cognitive psychology. But in this paper, we assume that recent models inspired by concepts issued from physics and problemsolving cognitive processes like the Model Human Processor with... more
Immersive virtual environments (VEs) offer interactive, real-time visualization capabilities for engineers, architects, and scientists. This paper presents Virtual-SAP, an immersive VE application allowing users to assess building... more
Ontologies can represent large, multidimensional spaces: classi- cal music, research in computer science in the UK, health care for breast cancer are examples of rich domains. There have been no easy ways to represent meaningful slices... more
Much of the research in the domain of indoor positioning aspires to provide the user with a positioning technology which would enable ubiquitous guidance -the 'indoor sat nav', without considering user needs or preferences for such a... more
ABSTRACT Human factors and ergonomics applies scientific information about human cognition and behavior to support the design of products and systems that enhance human well-being and performance. Human factors and ergonomics... more
The aim of the research was to monitor and assess landslide hazards by remote sensing data processing and GIS spatial analysis. The automatic classification of remote sensing images provides many useful land use information to combine in... more
The use of simulation and team training has become an excellent tool to reduce errors in high-risk industry such as the commercial airlines and in the nuclear energy field. The health care industry has begun to use similar tools to... more
Driver assistance systems that supply force feedback (FF) on the accelerator commonly use relative distance and velocity with respect to the closest lead vehicle in front of the own vehicle. This 1-D feedback might not accurately... more
Overhead cranes are critical equipment in heavy industries, ports and construction. In many cases, they may become bottlenecks for the whole production process. At the phase of plant design, or when evaluating modifications to the... more
The detrimental influence of distraction on memory and attention is well established, yet it is not as clear whether irrelevant information impacts categorization abilities and whether this impact changes in aging. We examined... more
This paper was finished and distributed May 7, 1991 to several people in the Eugene, Oregon area, including John Moseley, the vice president of research for the University of Oregon. He once greeted me enthusiastically on the street... more
This paper describes the use of adaptation patterns in the task of formulating standards for adaptive educational hypermedia (AEH) systems that is currently under investigation by the EU ADAPT project. Within this project, design... more
Bespace is a synchronous web3D lecture hall and performance system that seeks to tap the educational and entertainment potential of virtual space. Its underlying interactive methodology is focused on the efficient delivery of information... more
This paper presents the research conducted as part of the work requirements for the Human Integration into the Lifecycle of Aviation Systems (HILAS) project, sponsored by the European Commission. Specifically, it describes the proposed... more
The heats of combustion for forty-nine commercial and developmental polymers of known chemical structure were determined using an oxygen bomb calorimeter according to standard methods. The experimental results were compared to... more
The objective of the present research was to advance understanding of factors that can protect against range anxiety, specifically range stress in everyday usage of battery electric vehicles (BEVs). Range anxiety is a major barrier to the... more
Human factors studies the intersection between people, technology and work, with the major aim to find areas where design and working conditions produce human error. It relies on the knowledge base and research results of multiple fields... more
The forces to the cranium and facial skeleton can be applied from an anteroposterior, superior, inferior and lateral directions. These forces with level and location of point of impact will determine the pattern of injury. Fractures of... more
Objective: This article advocates multidimensional assessment of task stress in human factors and reviews the use of the Dundee Stress State Questionnaire (DSSQ) for evaluation of systems and operators. Background: Contemporary stress... more
Telecare can help health and social care agencies address the challenges they face from an ageing society and deliver services improving the clients' quality of life. The end users of telecare systems are unlikely to have a deep... more
Scientific literature may be biased because of the internal validity of studies being compromised by different forms of measurement error, and/or because of the selective reporting of positive and 'statistically significant' results.... more
Abstract As university-level distance learning programs become more and more popular, and software engineering courses incorporate eXtreme Programming (XP) into their curricula, certain challenges arise when teaching XP to students who... more
This study seeks to understand the relationship between human factors, technology and so-ciety, and presents an evaluation of knowledge management in the offshore working envi-ronment. It is focused on Petrobras, a brazilian offshore oil... more
While industry has typically benefitted from considering human system integration (HSI) throughout the product development cycle, a unique set of challenges exist in the context of military acquisition that has prevented its early and... more
Objective: This research aims to identify the impact of text messaging on simulated driving performance. Background: In the past decade, a number of on-road, epidemiological, and simulator-based studies reported the negative impact of... more
This paper present the result of a safety culture questionnaire within aircraft maintenance engineering, initially produced by Diaz-Cabrera et al. (2007) was developed and validated leading to a better result of seven factors. This safety... more