Early Iron Age Greece and Greek communities overseas
Recent papers in Early Iron Age Greece and Greek communities overseas
https://www.habelt.de Nováková, L. 2019. Greeks who dwelt beyond the sea: people, places, monuments. Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie 333. Bonn: Dr. Rudolf Habelt. ISBN 978-3-7749-4216-5. The Greek civilization,... more
The article takes a look at some historiographical perspectives that have conditioned the studies on the Greek polis during the last decades, paying particular attention to the concept of consumption city impelled by Moses Finley,... more
Among the different burial customs existing in the necropolis of Orthi Petra, including pyres with tumuli, chamber tombs, rock-cuts, and open-air graves, the use of burying within big pithoi or into smaller vessels is not of secondary... more
"Η ιστορική εξέλιξη του πολιτεύματος της αρχαίας πόλεως των Αθηνών μέχρι την κλασσική εποχή. Συμβολή στην ιστορία των πολιτειακών θεσμών και της μνημειακής τοπογραφίας των πόλεων της αρχαίας Ελλάδας".
Βασιλείου-Δαμβέργης, Αλέξανδρος-Νεκτάριος, Ιω. «Η σημασία των θαλάσσιων περασμάτων προς τον Β. Ευβοϊκό κόλπο (Δίαυλος Τρικερίου, Δίαυλος Κνημίδας) από τους μυθικούς χρόνους μέχρι τα μέσα του 5ου αι. π.Χ.», στο: Πρακτικά Ε΄ Συνεδρίου... more
In this book, Catherine E. Pratt explores how oil and wine became increasingly entangled in Greek culture, from the Late Bronze Age to the Archaic period. Using ceramic, architectural, and archaeobotanical data, she argues that Bronze Age... more
FULL BOOK (German, with conclusions also in English and Greek)
Sales: https://www.vml.de/d/cover.php?ISBN=978-3-89646-864-2
Sales: https://www.vml.de/d/cover.php?ISBN=978-3-89646-864-2
Donja Dolina has occupied a prominent place in the study of late prehistoric archaeology in this part of Europe ever since the first excavations there in the early 20th century. Research has always placed greater emphasis on the graves... more
Este libro propone un estudio de la pólis griega indagando los problemas conexos de los orígenes de la ciudad y sus estructuras de funcionamiento, así como los diversos enfoques forjados por los especialistas para dar cuenta de estos... more
Abstract: Literary and archaeological research of Homeric Greece continues to deepen and offers new possibilities for supplementing the mosaic of information. This study has considered and discussed some cases of houses of the Early... more
Collected scientifi c papers of B. A. Shramko (1921–2012), devoted to the 95th anniversary of a famous archaeologist. Th e publication contains printed in diff erent years articles, thesis and abstracts, which presents the results of... more
Black-on-Red (BoR) is one of the most extensively discussed pottery wares of ancient Cyprus. It is a distinctive class of pottery of the Cypro-Geometric (CG) and Cypro-Archaic (CA) periods, with black-painted geometric decoration on a... more
Understanding that Homeric epic is the product of a long-standing oral tradition facilitates its use as a source for early Greek history. Oral tradition constantly evolves as poets interact with their audiences, retaining only such... more
This chapter deals with the cultural and social history of an area encompassing ancient Epirus, Illyria, Macedonia, and Thrace. In the past, these historical landscapes were usually perceived as cultural or ethnic entities, and were used... more
Phoenician activity forms an integral part of every discussion about trade, contacts and cultural interaction in the Early Iron Age Aegean. This is largely the outcome of Phoenician involvement in major aspects of the cultural... more
Early Greek alphabetic writing has received extensive attention in the literature. Yet such writing is often treated as immaterial, both literally and metaphorically. My study addresses this problem by offering a systematic investigation... more
Names of Paleo-Balkan peoples and the Sea Peoples point to their origin and the ways of ancient peopling and migrations.
"This paper starts with a critical assessment of the ‘wanax to basileus model’. I demonstrate that it contains certain internal inconsistencies, and present material and literary evidence that contradict the validity of the model. I then... more
This dissertation employs aspects of network theory to study social complexity in the Euboean Gulf from the Mycenaean Palatial period through the Protohistoric Iron Age (c. 1400-700 BCE). The Euboean Gulf and its surrounding lands were... more
North-Eastern Mediterranean at the turn of the Bronze Age and in the early Iron Age Edited by Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò and Marek Węcowski Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek... more
Book 1 THESE are the researches of Herodotus of Halicarnassus, which he publishes, in the hope of thereby preserving from decay the remembrance of what men have done, and of preventing the great and wonderful actions of the Greeks and the... more
This book collects the first volume of the proceedings of the Ischia conference (14-17 May 2018) on Euboic colonisation
This book examines foundation myths told about the Ionian cities during the archaic and classical periods. It uses these myths to explore the complex and changing ways that civic identity was constructed in Ionia, relating this to the... more
This study charts and interprets the fluctuation in the number of sanctuaries, and also of temples and altars, in different phases of the EIA and in different regions of Greece and the Aegean. The basis for this update is the database of... more
C'est tout cela, bienveillance, soutien, sollicitude, partage des connaissances, qui a créé des liens forts avec tant de jeunes chercheurs qui sont passés par ses cours : philologues, historiens, épigraphistes, archéologues … Ils sont... more
In The Rise of the Greek Aristocratic Banquet, Wecowski offers a comprehensive account of the origins of the symposion and its close relationship with the rise of the Greek city-state or polis. Broadly defined as a culture-oriented... more