Greek Colonization (Magna Graecia and Sicily)
Recent papers in Greek Colonization (Magna Graecia and Sicily)
Resumo: Este artigo traz uma breve introdução sobre a história e arqueologia da colonização grega na área do Mar Adriático, a partir da época arcaica, dan-do destaque à área da Dalmácia Central, região litorânea da Croácia. Além de... more
La cosiddetta “fascia trasformata” consiste in un insieme di territori, ricadenti in diverse province siciliane, in cui le attività agricole in coltura protetta (in serra) hanno, da alcuni decenni, sostituito le colture originarie o per... more
Portraits de migrants, Portraits de colons I, RouillaRd P., éd., 2009, p. 53-62 (Colloques de la Maison René-Ginouvès, 5) HéRodote témoin des migRants en gRande gRèce * * J'aimerais remercier les organisateurs du colloque pour... more
The scholarly community has become increasingly aware of the differences between Roman myths and the more familiar myths of Greece. Early Rome: Myth and Society steps in to provide much-needed modern and accessible translations and... more
This reconstruction of Plato’s biography was researched and written when I was at the London School of Economics Department of Government in 2004-05. As an attempt to reconstruct Plato’s life with more detail than had been done before, I... more
Anthropophagy in Medieval Sicily: a cultural theme between chronicle and representation. Anthropophagy is the consumption of human flesh and the most extreme form of destruction of the human body, a physical violence which is the... more
Archeologia degli Iblei. Indigeni e Greci nell'altipiano ibleo tra la prima e la seconda età del Ferro, di MASSIMO FRASCA, Scicli (Sr), Edizioni di storia e di studi sociali, 2015, pp. 190.
EntrE los yacimiEntos arquEológicos más visitados dE italia, dEspués dE roma y pompEya, dEstaca paEstum, cErca dE nápolEs, quE supEra los trEsciEntos mil visitantEs anualEs. En paEstum sE puEdE rEspirar El alma dE la magna grEcia.
Expansion of ideas presented at ISAMG conference in Taranto, 2007
Edited by Rossella Giglio
2021, 92 pp., 47 ill. col.
Paperback, 13 x 18 cm
6 Pieghevoli / Fold-outs
ISBN: 9788891322579
2021, 92 pp., 47 ill. col.
Paperback, 13 x 18 cm
6 Pieghevoli / Fold-outs
ISBN: 9788891322579
Morgantina in central Sicily has been the site of human activity since the Neolithic era and settlement since at least the Bronze Age. However, the periods of its history best known to archaeologists are the Iron Age, Archaic,... more
In this work Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite have been developed using stir casting process for improving the Wear Behavior at lower cost. The silicon carbide (SiC) as one of the reinforcement used with 3% weight fraction and Alumina... more
Il volume integrale degli Atti della Conferenza è disponibile, oltre che nel formato cartaceo, anche on-line nell'archivio digitale dell'Ateneo:
Nel corso delle ricerche effettuate in anni più o meno recenti a Ugento, vari materiali architettonici sono stati recuperati nell’area dell’antico centro messapico di Ozan. Il loro inquadramento tipologico e cronologico consente di... more
Hoe kwam Sparta’s koning Agesilaos tot de grootheidswaan dat hij het soevereine Rijk van de Perzische koning wel even omver kon werpen? Met kinderlijke eenvoud zet Artoxerxes de Grieken tegen elkaar op en blijft Athener Xenophon niets dan... more
Al Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli, dopo venti anni di oblio, sono oltre quattrocento i reperti restituiti al pubblico dal progetto scientifico coordinato da Enzo Lippolis, compianto direttore del Dipartimento di scienze... more
A methodical search for the likely prototype of an extremely barbarous ancient coin is described. The coin's obverse shows parallel line segments projecting from an approximately rectangular solid shape. Several different obverse... more
Digital reconstruction of a bronze helmet from Camarina sea floor
Ergotism was a terrible plague in southern Italy through the second millennia, especially in the regions of Basilicata and Calabria. Yet, there is a severe lack of scholarship on the subject. In the absence of multidisciplinary studies,... more
The issue of the orientation of Greek Temples has been the subject of much debate since the end of the 19th century. In fact, although a general tendency to orientation within the arc of the rising sun is undeniable, specific patterns and... more
Summary of field research performed in the territories of Metaponto (MT) and Crotone (KR) in 2005.
The Ionian culture - the undisputed pinnacle of Ancient Greek civilization as a whole2, is nothing less than the sum of the range of all those elements that determine the (inter)intellect and everyday living of the people of our region... more
La cité grecque de Poseidonia, comme d’autres cités coloniales grecques, constitue un lieu extraordinaire pour étudier les formes de l’architecture grecque de l’époque archaïque jusqu’à la conquête romaine.
Les tombes peintes de Poseidonia-Paestum constituent des signes éloquents de l’imaginaire de l’élite de la cité. Seules les familles les plus riches pouvaient offrir des funérailles si coûteuses à leurs membres ; leurs croyances et leurs... more
This research aims to study the temples dedicated to Zeus Olympios, also known as Olympieia, built between the 6th and 5th centuries B.C., during the Archaic and Classical periods. Our intention is to provide an account of the importance... more
Ad oltre quarant’anni dalla scoperta, il complesso santuariale di Vigna Nuova continua a rappresentare una delle più importanti fonti documentarie per la conoscenza del sistema cultuale della polis di Kroton. Posto in aerea extra moenia a... more
In: Revealing and Concealing in Antiquity: Textual and Archaeological Approaches to Secrecy, edited by E. Mortensen & S. G. Saxkjær, 161-178. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2015.
The ancient site of Tios (modern Filyos) lies at the mouth of the river Billaios (Filyos Çayı), towards the western end of the southern Black Sea coast, in Zonguldak province. In ancient sources the city is spelt in various ways,... more
Redaktion: Claudia Nickel, Marie Röder (RGZM) Satz: Claudia Nickel (RGZM) Umschlaggestaltung: Claudia Nickel (RGZM)