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      Fisheries ScienceFisheries ManagementEcological MonitoringDetection Probability
Morphological variations of the Caloneis schumanniana (Grunow) Cleve species complex were studied using multivariate analysis. Populations of three species, synonymized in the literature, i.e., C. schumanniana, Caloneis limosa (Kützing)... more
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      Earth SciencesMorphologyDiatomsMultivariate Analysis
3D printers allow researchers to produce parts and concept models rapidly at low-cost and allow rapid prototyping of many designs from the comfort of their desk. 3D printing technologies have been explored for a wide range of applications... more
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      OceanographyHydrodynamics (Physics)BiomechanicsCoral Reefs
Deserts and xeric shrublands, Mediterranean forests, woodlands and scrub, montane grasslands and shrublands, temperate broadleaf and mixed forests, temperate grasslands, savannas and shrublands, tropical and subtropical grasslands,... more
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      BotanyConservation BiologyCommunity EcologyEcology
El estudio y la comprensión del mundo como un Todo es imprescindible en una época en la que se sienten con gran impacto las consecuencias de un “desarrollo” sin control. La base para analizar y actuar adecuadamente sobre esta problemática... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental SustainabilitySostenibilidadEcological Monitoring
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      Protected areasBiodiversity ConservationBiological corridors and conectivityEcological Monitoring
Ecosystem organization is a very complex system. Naturalness of ecological systems is in a tremendous threat due to anthropogenic disturbances. It is important to understand the characteristics of anthropogenic disturbances which have... more
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      Ecosystems EcologyEcological restorationConservation planningBiodiversity Conservation
The use of “belly scoring” can offer a novel, non-invasive objective management tool to gauge food intake between individuals, groups, and populations, and thus, population fitness. As food availability is increasingly affected by... more
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      PhotogrammetryEcotourismConservation BiologyConservation
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      Monitoring And EvaluationSurvey MethodologyEnvironmental MonitoringMarine Resource Management/fisheries
In December 2012 an eight hectare priority outlier infestation of cabomba (Cabomba caroliniana Gray) at Glenbrook Lagoon, New South Wales was treated with SharkTM Aquatic Herbicide (active ingredient (a.i.) carfentrazone-ethyl 240 g L−1)... more
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      Aquatic EcologyEcological restorationAquatic Weed controlEcological Monitoring
This study evaluated patterns and drivers of vegetation change in a semi-arid grassland in southern Arizona across eleven years of extended drought and high temperatures, 2004-2014. Changes included declines in C4 perennial grass basal... more
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      Climate variabilityDroughtInvasive SpeciesGrassland Ecology
El gran incendio de 2012 en La Gomera (Islas Canarias) ha afectado de forma muy importante a los bosques de laurisilva del Parque Nacional de Garajonay, que constituyen la mayor reserva de bosques antiguos bien conservados de esta... more
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      Endangered SpeciesWildfiresEcological MonitoringBosques
Progress in sensor technologies has allowed real-time monitoring of soil water. It is a challenge to model soil water content based on remote sensing data. Here, we retrieved and modeled surface soil moisture (SSM) at the U.S. Climate... more
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      Remote SensingData FusionEcological MonitoringSoil and Water Conservation
Reservoirs are fundamental for water and energy supply but vulnerable to impacts including climate change. This paper outlines the steps in the development of a model to predict how climate, land use and hydrological change could affect... more
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      Chemical EngineeringBotanyLandscape EcologyClimate Change
Progress in sensor technologies has allowed real-time monitoring of soil water. It is a challenge to model soil water content based on remote sensing data. Here, we retrieved and modeled surface soil moisture (SSM) at the U.S. Climate... more
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      Remote SensingApplications of Machine LearningRemote Sensing (Earth Sciences)Soil and water Management
Greenhouse gases have increased drastically in the atmosphere due to human activity, resulting in an acidification of the ocean. Numerous laboratory studies have demonstrated negative effects of acidification on the performance and... more
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      Ocean acidificationEcological Monitoring
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
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      Ecological EngineeringLimnologyEnvironmental RemediationEnvironmental Toxicology
В методических указаниях рассматриваются методологические принципы построения комплексной экологической экспертизы, современные подходы к ее конструированию в качестве обязательного инструмента предварительной оценки различных проектов и... more
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      Ecological MonitoringHuman healthокружающая среда и здоровье
Sampling designs for effective monitoring programs are often specific to individual systems and management needs. Failure to carefully evaluate sampling designs of monitoring programs can lead to data that are ineffective for informing... more
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      Fisheries ManagementEcological MonitoringHome RangeMark-recapture
Ecological monitoring is a complementary component of the overall environmental management and monitoring program of any Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report. The monitoring method should be developed for each project phase... more
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      Landscape EcologyImpact EvaluationEnvironmental ManagementEnvironmental Impact Assessment
Broad-scale aerial surveys of kangaroo populations have been conducted regularly over vast areas of the rangelands since the 1970s to monitor population trends and to determine harvest quotas.
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      MonitoringEcological MonitoringBiological Monitoring
This paper discusses a case study of designing a private Internet of Things (IoT) enabled platform for the research in precision agriculture and ecological monitoring domains. The system architecture is gradually derived using an approach... more
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      Remote SensingPrecision AgricultureSoftware ArchitectureCloud Computing
Practical and useful vegetation monitoring methods are needed, and data compatibility and validation of remotely sensed data are desirable. Methods have not been adequately tested for heathy woodlands. We tested the feasibility of... more
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      Conservation BiologyCommunity EcologyEcologyEcological Monitoring
Abstract This paper discusses a case study of designing a private Internet of Things (IoT) enabled platform for the research in precision agriculture and ecological monitoring domains. The system architecture is gradually derived using an... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceRemote SensingPrecision Agriculture
Although participatory monitoring is becoming more widespread, it is unexplored territory for many forest managers and scientists. This curriculum is designed to be a companion training guide for “Broadening participation in Biological... more
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      Participatory ResearchNatural Resource ManagementCitizen ScienceInformal Science Education
Ecological monitoring is a complementary component of the overall environmental management and monitoring program of any Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report. The monitoring method should be developed for each project phase and... more
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      EngineeringLandscape EcologyEnvironmental ScienceDecision Making
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      Climate ChangeGlobal Change BiologyBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
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      Monitoring And EvaluationSurvey MethodologyEnvironmental MonitoringInvasive Alien Species
The article presents the issue of improving soil quality continues needs to be urgent. In particular, the task of improving the quality of agricultural land and considering the qualitative characteristics as an object of management... more
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      Soil QualityEcological MonitoringHumusAnthropogenic loading
Monitoring of fog capture and bird communities helped to build social capital for conservation at Loma Alta, Ecuador and encouraged the local community to protect 3000 hectares of tropical forest. Data collected during monitoring were... more
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      ForestryConservation BiologySustainable DevelopmentSocial Capital
Throw traps are commonly used to assess small fish and macroinvertebrate (SFI) communities in aquatic habitats. Traditionally, numerous passes with a bar seine are used to remove all SFIs from within the throw trap, providing density... more
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      Fish BiologyEcological Monitoring
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      Climate ChangeCommunity EcologyEcological Monitoring
Statement of the Problem Arid rangelands throughout the Middle East / North Africa (MENA) region are currently managed without clear information of long term trends in vegetation, stocking rates, or ecological health. It is often stated... more
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      Rangeland ManagementRangeland EcologyArid Land EcologyArid environments
Monitoring of fog capture and bird communities helped to build social capital for conservation at Loma Alta, Ecuador and encouraged the local community to protect 3000 hectares of tropical forest. Data collected during monitoring were... more
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      ForestryConservation BiologyEcologyEcuador