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      Ocean EngineeringCoastal ManagementQualityWater
geopark naturtejo Meseta Meridional, geology and Paleontology office, centro cultural raiano. Av. Joaquim Morao 6060-101 idanha-a-nova, Portugal 2 Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichita, universita di trieste, via lazzaretto vecchio 6,... more
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      ArchaeologyEgyptologyCultural HeritageConservation
Ecología de dunas en un sector de la costa atlántica de la región pampeana austral, en la provincia de Buenos  Aires. Principales características de la dinámica, rasgos geológicos, fauna, flora y áreas protegidas.
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      Coastal DunesEcology of Coastal SystemsCoastal Biodiversity
Seascape Ecology provides a comprehensive look at the state-of-the-science in the application of landscape ecology to the seas and provides guidance for future research priorities. The first book devoted exclusively to this rapidly... more
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      Landscape EcologyMarine BiologyOceanographyMarine Ecology
The coastal areas of Chia and Villasimius are respectively placed in the south-west and south-east of Sardinia. These areas include sites of significant importance, from an environmental, naturalistic and landscape points of view, which... more
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      Coastal EngineeringCoastal GeomorphologyEcology of Coastal Systems
Timely information is critical for coral reef managers and decision-makers to implement sustainable management measures. A Coral Reef Resilience Index (CRRI) was developed with a GIS-coupled decision-making tool applicable for Caribbean... more
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      Marine BiologyClimate ChangeConservation BiologyConservation
The world’s largest mangrove forest, Sundarbans, along with the brackish water in the deltaic system and unique estuarine environment with the mangrove forest has become one of the richest biodiversity zones in the world. Sundarbans... more
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      Hydrodynamics (Physics)Water qualityBiodiversity and Ecosystem FunctionEcology of Coastal Systems
Este trabajo incluye resultados parciales de las prospecciones realizadas sobre la riqueza biológica de la zona costera de los partidos de Avellaneda y Quilmes (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Se describen los ambientes estudiados y se... more
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      BotanyEntomologyEcology of Coastal SystemsDeforestation
It is possible to develop a flood vulnerability model, which reflects expressed concerns about flooding, by factoring in elevation, substrate type, and infrastructure exposure. With the current state of global climate change and sea... more
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      Ecology of Coastal SystemsClimate Change Impacts
Abundance and distribution of phytoplankton communities in the coastal waters of Mt. Malindang, Misamis Occidental were being determined. A total of 27 sampling stations in the coastal areas of Oroquieta, Plaridel and Lopez Jaena were... more
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      Phytoplankton EcologyEcology of Coastal SystemsEcological Studies
Cartographie du couvert vegetal marin du golfe de gabes et mise en place d'un reseau de surveillance du de Posidonia oceanica. La cartographie a ete realise a travers 4800 stations d'observations directes par plongee au scaphandre... more
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      Marine BiologySystematics (Taxonomy)Remote SensingMarine Ecology
The Meghna Estuary region of Bangladesh is a unique environment where the constant process of land formation and erosion takes place due to the complex interactions between large river discharge, enormous sediment load, strong tidal... more
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      Coastal ManagementCoastal EngineeringCoastal ProcessesCoastal Geomorphology
Mockhorn Island in Northampton County, Virginia has an extensive late Quaternary geological and archaeological record. Investigations at 44NH440 and 44NH441 conducted throughout 2009 and 2010 on the island revealed evidence of drowned... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyGeoarchaeologyGeoArcheologyCoastal Processes
Although much has been written on the subject of ancient Mediterranean harbours, the relatively new area of harbour geoarchaeology remains dispersed in the geoscience and archaeological literature. Over a decade of research has amassed... more
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      Landscape EcologyArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyEnvironmental Science
From a human history perspective, the intrinsic characteristics of estuaries have made them preferable sites of occupation and, consequently, intense areas of development. A direct consequence of human occupation of these coastal areas is... more
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      Coastal ManagementCoastal ProcessesWater qualityModeling
During the warmest time of the last 10 000 years (Holocene Thermal Maximum), approximately 6000-4000 cal yr BP in the western Pacific, sea level is known to have reached as much as 2.1 m above its present mean level before declining... more
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      Landscape EcologyCultural GeographyArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
Unsustainable land uses may result in poor watershed management, increased soil erosion, poorly-planned urban development, increased runoff, and sewage pollution, creating an environmental stress gradient across coastal coral reefs. This... more
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      Marine BiologyMicrobiologySedimentologyCoastal Management
An archaeological survey of Back Bay was conducted along coastal Virginia immediately south of Virginia Beach for the Virginia Department of Historic Resources. The fieldwork was conducted between October and December of 2015. The survey... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyCoastal ManagementWoodland (Archaeology in Northeastern North America)Coastal Geomorphology
Book Chapter on Coastal Odisha titled 'Shrimp Aquaculture, Ecological Declinea and the Spectre of NRC'.. Co-authored with Ananya Pattnaik. The chapter seeks to trace the trajectory of ecological deterioration of the two aquaculture zones... more
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      EcologyEcology of Coastal SystemsMigration StudiesOdisha
Coastal sand dunes (CSD) are sensitive and fragile ecosystems with variety of specific floral species. A study of sand dune flora along coastal sand dune areas was done from January 2014 to June 2014. A total of 39 species belonging to 33... more
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    • Ecology of Coastal Systems
Puji syukur penyusun sampaikan kehadirat Allah SWT, karena berkat rahmat dan hidayah -Nya jualah penyusun bisa menyelesaikan paper ini sebagai tugas dari mata kuliah Rehabilitasi Kawasan Pesisir yang berjudul "Pengendalian Pencemaran
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      Coastal ManagementRehabilitationRestoration EcologyControl
Mangrove forests occur throughout the coastlines of Arabia, one of the most environmentally extreme regions of their global distribution. The gray mangrove [Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh.] is the only widespread tree species in this... more
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      History of ScienceMangrovesMangrove EcologyEcology of Coastal Systems
Although much has been written on the subject of ancient Mediterranean harbours, the relatively new area of harbour geoarchaeology remains dispersed in the geoscience and archaeological literature. Over a decade of research has amassed... more
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      Landscape EcologyArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyEarth Sciences
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      Climate ChangeUrban PlanningEcology of Coastal SystemsAdriatic Sea
Militaries need natural areas for offensive and defensive combat-readiness programmes. Here soldiers, war machinery and munitions are employed to prepare forces to execute warfighting tactics. Integration of environmental considerations... more
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      Military HistorySocial-Ecological SystemsEcologyEcology of Coastal Systems
The vertically placed and coast parallel permeable sea cliff at Varkala along the fault-induced Kerala coast is a unique feature on the west coast of India. Composed of Warkalli littoral deposits of Mio-Pliocene age, the cliff embodies... more
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      Coastal ProcessesCoastal GeographyCoastal GeomorphologyEcology of Coastal Systems
In coastal waters around the world, the dominant primary producers are benthic macrophytes, including seagrasses and macroalgae, that provide habitat structure and food for diverse and abundant biological communities and drive ecosystem... more
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      Ecology of Coastal SystemsSeagrassesSeaweed
Apoio: Ministério do Meio Ambiente, dos Recursos Hídricos e da Amazônia Legal e da Sociedade dos Amigos do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro INSTITUTO DE PESQUISAS JARDIM BOTÂNICO DO RIO DE JANEIRO Diretor Sérgio Bruni
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      Coastal ManagementRestoration EcologyEcology of Coastal SystemsAtlantic Forest
There are concerns that novel structures might displace protected species, facilitate the spread of non-indigenous species, or modify native habitats. It is also predicted that ocean warming and the associated effects of climate change... more
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      Avian migrationConservation BiologyConservation EcologyCultural Heritage Conservation
Organic pollution is a major global environmental issue for coastal ecosystems. In order to assess the effects of this pollution, environmental parameters and phytoplankton community were monitored during a two-year period (from April... more
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      Environmental ScienceOrganic ChemistryCoastal ProcessesEnvironmental Toxicology
Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the United States and is famous for its once extensive and now severely degraded eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) populations, along with a number of other important fisheries including... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyEthnoarchaeologyBioarchaeologyNortheastern North America (Archaeology)
Material de lectura, actividades y juegos para niños de 8 a 12 años. Presenta una introducción a los principales aspectos que describen una costa de dunas y playas, -enfocado especialmente en la costa atlántica de Buenos Aires-, como el... more
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    • Ecology of Coastal Systems
The following research was funded via public money. As such, it is important that the results of this research be distributed to the populace free-of-charge with no publisher restrictions or limitations. The research outlined in this... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyStable Isotope AnalysisGeoarchaeology
The authors present a remarkable site with a remarkable interpretation: a structured platform of dugong bones, containing skulls laid in parallel and ribs in sets, together with artefacts of the Neolithic period. They propose that the... more
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      Organizational BehaviorArchitectural EngineeringReligionSumerian Religion
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      ZoologyConservation BiologyEcologyEcology of Coastal Systems
Resumen. En este trabajo se presenta un relevamiento de las especies de aves presentes en las diferentes unidades de vegetación de la costa del partido de Avellaneda y Quilmes. La superficie muestreada consiste en más de 300 hectáreas... more
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      BotanyEntomologyEcology of Coastal SystemsDeforestation
Pine and oak are common tree species in the Vila Real district, northern Portugal, a region where forests are an important land use (38%). The net primary production (NPP) of these forests is not well known. The objective of this study... more
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      ForestryCoastal DunesEcology of Coastal SystemsGrassland Ecology
This is  an ecocritical analysis of the "Artistic Director's Statement" for  "Prospect.4: The Lotus in Spite of the Swamp" and appears on "It Is What It Isn't," a Changing Suns Press blog, May 8, 2017.
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      Environmental SciencePhilosophyEnvironmental PhilosophyHumanities
ABSTRACT Aboveground biomass was measured along a chronosequence of dunes on Hog Island, a Virginia Coast Reserve LTER site. The dominant species were Ammophila breviligulata and Spartina patens. Aboveground biomass was harvested monthly... more
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      ForestryCoastal DunesEcology of Coastal SystemsGrassland Ecology
The influence of submarine groundwater discharges (SGD) on the dynamics of coastal ecosystems is receiving increasing scientific attention, although our knowledge of this issue still remains insufficient. Understanding the ecological... more
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      Marine EcologyEcology of Coastal SystemsMarine Benthic MacrofaunaSubmarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD)
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      Ecology of Coastal SystemsInvertebrate ConservationLatrodectus
Abstract: Gastropods associated with the calcareous alga Halimeda opuntia (Udoteaceae) in Puerto Rico. Gastropod communities associated with the calcareous green alga Halimeda opuntia are described and compared for two Puerto Rico coral... more
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      Marine EcologyEcology of Coastal SystemsGastropoda
An integrated cartographic approach has been used to summarize different data (geomorphological, sedimentological, hydrodynamic, ecological and anthropic) from an urban microtidal, wave-dominated beach and adjacent inner shelf in a... more
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      Environmental ScienceGeomorphologySedimentologyHydrodynamics (Physics)
Estuaries around the world are in a state of decline following decades or more of overfishing, pollution, and climate change. Oysters (Ostreidae), ecosystem engineers in many estuaries, influence water quality, construct habitat, and... more
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      Coastal ManagementNortheastern North America (Archaeology)Fisheries ManagementEcology of Coastal Systems
The Massambaba Environmental Protection Area lies within the Cabo Frio Center of Plant Diversity, which has high species richness when compared to the entire Brazilian south-southeast coast. The restingas (sandy coastal plains)... more
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      Ecology of Coastal SystemsIntegrated Coastal Zone ManagementCoastal Sand DunesCoastal Vegetation
Zooarchaeology has the potential to make significant contributions to knowledge of pinniped biogeography of import to both archaeologists and environmental scientists. We analyzed northern fur seal remains found in three archaeological... more
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      Marine BiologyArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyStable isotope ecology
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      GeographyGeochemistryBiologyEcology of Coastal Systems
Low-tech coral farming and reef rehabilitation have become important tools to foster community-based participation in the management of coastal social-ecological systems. Lessons learned from coral demographic dynamics, ecosystem-level... more
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      Climate ChangeConservation BiologyConservationClimate Change Adaptation
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      Ecology of Coastal SystemsIntertidal ecology
Analysis of potential conflict mapping that will be studied and discussed is part of one of the analyzes performed in the study of Spatial Planning Model Coastal Area With Spatial Approach Connectivity.The purpose of this study is the... more
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      Coastal ManagementEcology of Coastal SystemsSocio-economics of Fishery ManagementCoastal Zone Management