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The paper deals with two ways of igurativeness of human Resource Management (hRM) vocabulary -igurative expressions belonging to the building and construction domain, on the one hand, and igurative phrasal verbs used to talk about human... more
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      Phrasal VerbsFigurative languageEconomic Discourse
Ova monografija rezultat je istraživanja na projektu 178002 Jezici i kulture u prostoru i vremenu koji finansira Ministarstvo obrazovanja, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije © 2012.
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      Contact LinguisticsTerminologySerbianEnglish
The literature in economic methodology has witnessed an increase in the number of studies which, drawing upon the postmodern turn in social sciences, pay serious attention to the non-epistemological/discursive elements of economic... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEthicsCritical Discourse StudiesFeminist Theory
The paper entertains the hypothesis that the decline of Latin American-based inertial inflation theory was largely due to the instability in its theoretical communication. Starting in the 1950s, various traditions in economic thought... more
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      History of Economic ThoughtBrazilian HistoryInflation TheoryEconomic Discourse
Cieľom štúdie je zamerať pozornosť na procesy, späté so vznikom, klasifikáciou a charakteristikou neologických (novo)tvarov v ruskom a slovenskom terminologickom aspekte v oblasti ekonomiky a manažmentu. Štúdia si kladie za cieľ... more
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      TerminologyEconomic Discourse
The present paper, set within the framework of Conceptual Metaphor Theory as originated by , focuses on the figurative expressions in English which contain the word "money" in them, more precisely those of the form adjective/noun +... more
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      English for Specific PurposesConceptual MetaphorEnglishConceptual Metaphor Theory
"Ce volume collectif offre une mise en perspective pluridisciplinaire et pluri- lingue des discours de la bourse et de la finance. Une première partie thématise, à la lumière de la Finance islamique, les liens entre discours fi- nanciers... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTranslation StudiesTerminologyArgumentation
Much of the research into the topic of financial crises has centered mainly on verbal metaphors whereas visual and multimodal aspects of the phenomenon have remained rather underrepresented. Within the theoretical framework of Critical... more
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      Discourse AnalysisConceptual MetaphorConceptual Metaphor TheoryCognitive Linguistics
ANIMAL metaphors are conventional in many languages and their metaphorical use is not limited only to human beings, non-physical domains may also be understood in terms of the assumed properties of animals. Set within the wider... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorCognitive LinguisticsEconomic Discourse
Introduzione al numero monografico 16 di "Ocula" sulla semiotica del discorso economico
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      SemioticsEconomicsCritical Discourse AnalysisSemiotics Of Culture
The paper tries to analyze existing metaphors of economic and political phenomena from an axiological point of view. Original English metaphors are compared to their French and Polish possible translations. The metaphors analyzed are... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorPoliticsComparative LinguisticsCritical Discourse Analysis
In der Euphemismusforschung, die auf eine reiche Tradition seit der Antike zurückblickt, findet man viele verschiedene Sichtweisen der Euphemismen. Die Euphemisierung erscheint hierbei zumeist als beschönigende Umbenennung, als Ersatz... more
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      Critical Discourse AnalysisPersuasionFinancial Crisis of 2008/2009Taboo
Pour répondre à la question de savoir si le discours patronal constitue un exemple de discours économique, nous devons d'abord poser l'hypothèse qu'il existe un genre, le « discours économique », qui posséde certaines caractéristiques... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEconomic Discourse
Аннотация: В статье представлены теоретические подходы к определению современного экономического дискурса. Впервые экономический дискурс определен как универсальная категория, установлены его основные характеристики: идеологическая... more
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      Economic TheoryEconomic Discourse
Economics and poetry may seem, to some, as incompatible as oil and water. This divorce is a recent one, which emerged in the second half of the twentieth century: the classic economists such as Adam Smith and John Maynard Keynes were both... more
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      International Political EconomyEconomic policyPrivatisationPrivatization
This paper sets out to carry out a study on the written discourse of the great theorist of the so-called Global Systemic Crisis and Nobel laureate in Economics, Paul Krugman, through the analysis of two of his most famous publication, End... more
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      Translation of Economic TextsEconomic DiscoursePaul Krugman
Принципы, заложенные в существующие механизмы экономического распределения, в меньшей степени могут быть объяснены или обусловлены классическими теориями общего экономического равновесия и общественного благосостояния. В большей степени... more
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      Economic Discourseдискурс анализдискурсDistribution of Resources
The article attempts theoretical and methodological generalizations of existing approaches to the definition of modern economic discourse. It had been defined its phenomenological nature, it had been revealed its basic characteristics. В... more
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      Economic TheoryEconomic Discourse
El presente artículo se propone relevar algunas de las particularidades que adoptó durante su etapa de gestación y surgimiento esa tendencia que luego sería conocida con el nombre de “neoliberalismo”. A tal fin, se analizará un tópico al... more
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      Welfare StateTotalitarianismNeoliberalismPolitical Discourse
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      English for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic PurposesApplied LinguisticsTeaching English As A Foreign Language
El presente articulo se propone relevar algunas de las particularidades que adopto durante su etapa de gestacion y surgimiento esa tendencia que luego seria conocida con el nombre de “neoliberalismo”. A tal fin, se analizara un topico al... more
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      Welfare StateTotalitarianismNeoliberalismHayek
This lecture aims to sensitize the new generations of economists to the fact that it is time to neutralize the mainstream economic language that imposes meaning and prescribes a truth. As a result, it is an obstacle to deepening the... more
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      OntologyEpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceReservoir Engineering
The idea that time and history move forward is a cornerstone of critical economic perspectives -- but what happens to the present when the past catches up with it? "History in Financial Times" pursues this question in connection with... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryNarrativePoststructuralism
Not many people are specialists in economics, but everyone tends to have the impression of knowing something about economic crises—and, above all, they are eager to talk about it. The economic crisis seems to have been the dominant topic... more
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      Economic CrisesEconomic DiscourseJournalistic Discourse
The continuous rise of socio-economic inequality over the past decades with its connected political outcomes such as the Brexit vote in the UK, and the election of Donald Trump are currently a matter of intense debate both in academia and... more
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      Economic policyMedia DiscourseInequality (Economics)Social Semiotics
Under the theoretical wing of Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Critical Metaphor Analysis we deal with one specific aspect of economic discourse in English in an attempt to draw attention to the distinctively gendered metaphor of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisGender StudiesLanguage and GenderLanguage and Ideology
Much of the research into the topic of financial crises has centered mainly on verbal metaphors whereas a visual and multimodal aspect of the phenomenon has remained rather underrepresented. Within the theoretical framework of Critical... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyConceptual MetaphorConceptual Metaphor Theory
В статье анализируются сложившиеся типы "дискурсивных практик" в рамках производства знания и представлений об "экономическом": "экономика" и "экономическая система" и приводятся примеры успешных и проблематичных концептов указанных... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy of Economics (Philosophy)Philosophy Of EconomicsIdeology and Discourse Analysis
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      RhetoricShakespeareOthelloNew Economic Criticism
Purpose – This paper aims to provide a situated critical discourse analysis of the public debate around India’s 2013 National Food Security Act (NFSA), describing its rhetorical characteristics and the context within which it has taken... more
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      Development EconomicsEducationMedia StudiesInterdisciplinarity
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      SemioticsEconomicsCritical Discourse AnalysisSemiotics Of Culture
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      Economic SociologyFinancial CrisisEconomic Discourse
The paper entertains the hypothesis that the decline of Latin American-based inertial inflation theory was largely due to the instability in its theoretical communication. Starting in the 1950s, various traditions in economic thought... more
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      History of Economic ThoughtBrazilian HistoryInflation TheoryEconomic Discourse
Compared to other domains of media discourse, economic-financial news contain a considerable amount of speech acts regarding future events, in particular predictions. This can be explained by their specific institutional context,... more
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Our current study aims at analysing and describing the plethora of English loans in the Spanish discourse of economy -in the shape of direct or indirect borrowings- as a result of the swift changes taking place in the course of the... more
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      TerminologyTranslationEnglish StudiesEconomic Discourse
At the heart of TINA, there is a lie - we all know that. The lie revolves around the suggestion of non-agency, of absolute and uncontrollable actors shaping fields of action in which those using the TINA frame claim to have just minimal,... more
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      Critical TheoryMarketingDiscourse AnalysisSocial Theory
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      Discourse AnalysisSwedenInstitutionsTextual analysis
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      Discourse AnalysisAmerican HistoryIntellectual HistoryCognitive Science
The fact that English has become the major lingua franca of international business and economy has influenced the goal of teaching pronunciation in an ESP economics classroom: the nativelike speaking skill as the ultimate goal has been... more
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      Business EnglishEnglish for Specific PurposesSerbianApplied Linguistics