Elective Cesarean
Recent papers in Elective Cesarean
Hablar de bioética en la época contemporánea nos obliga a hacer referencia a algunos temas que día a día generan controversias en el área de la medicina y la salud. Sin lugar a duda uno de estos temas es el que tiene relación con el uso... more
Objective: To compare intra-and postoperative surgical complications of opportunistic bilateral total salpingectomy during postpartum permanent contraception procedures in elective and unscheduled cesarean delivery. Study design: We... more
Depuis l’Antiquité, on se livre à des calculs pour estimer la durée de la grossesse. Au fil du temps, la notion de terme gestationnel a changé de sens, passant de l’idée d’intervalle pendant lequel la naissance survient, spontanément... more
In Brazil the vast majority of primiparous women, on discovering that they are pregnant, hope to have normal deliveries. However, in over half of such cases surgical deliveries ensue. This mismatch between what pregnant women desire and... more
Objective: To evaluate effects of exercise during pregnancy in asymptomatic singleton pregnancies without prior spontaneous preterm birth (SPTB) but with short transvaginal ultrasound cervical length (TVU CL). Study design: This is a... more
This is an exploratory study of women’s childbearing decisions and outcomes in non- medically indicated cesarean section childbirths (CS). Focusing on the structure-agency dichotomy, the research is guided by Anthony Giddens’ theory of... more
Background: Al-Jamhouria is the principal maternity hospital in eastern Libya, serving a population approaching two million people. In 2011, armed conflict broke out in Libya which was followed by subsequent civil unrest – placing a... more
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the benefits and harms of discontinuation of oxytocin after the active phase of labor is reached. DATA SOURCES: Electronic databases (ie, MEDLINE, Scopus, ClinicalTrials.gov, EMBASE, ScienceDirect, the Cochrane... more
increasingly prevalent and is emerging as an urgent issue for individual maternity practitioners, hospitals, and policy makers, as well as for maternity patients. This qualitative study sought to explore women's experiences of the... more
Objective: To evaluate maternal and neonatal outcomes associated with trial of labor after cesarean (TOLAC) in women with three prior cesarean delivery (CD) and at least one prior vaginal delivery. Methods: This is a retrospective study... more
Patient-initiated elective cesarean delivery is emerging as an urgent issue for practitioners, hospitals, and policy makers and for pregnant women. This exploratory qualitative study looks at the birth stories and cultural knowledge that... more
Background: Fear of childbirth may cause complications such as experiencing severe labour pain, postpartum depression, and impaired mother-fetus attachment. Objective: To validate the Farsi version of the Wijma Delivery... more
In the phase before the National Health Insurance (JKN) was implemented, the Government of Indonesia had begun the poor family health insurance or Askeskin. This program has provided assurance of delivery services for pregnant women from... more
In this paper the ability of linear and nonlinear heart rate variability (HRV) indices to predict hypotension during spinal anaesthesia in programmed cesarean is studied, as well as their relation with fetal cord values. A database... more
Deciding when and how to incorporate patient preferences regarding mode of delivery is challenging for both obstetric providers and policymakers. An analysis of current guidelines in four clinical scenarios (prior cesarean, twin delivery,... more
To evaluate effects of exercise during pregnancy in asymptomatic singleton pregnancies without prior spontaneous preterm birth (SPTB) but with short transvaginal ultrasound cervical length (TVU CL). This is a secondary analysis of the... more
This is an exploratory study of women’s childbearing decisions and outcomes in non- medically indicated cesarean section childbirths (CS). Focusing on the structure-agency dichotomy, the research is guided by Anthony Giddens’ theory of... more
Deciding when and how to incorporate patient preferences regarding mode of delivery is challenging for both obstetric providers and policymakers. An analysis of current guidelines in four clinical scenarios (prior cesarean, twin delivery,... more
Patient-initiated elective cesarean delivery is emerging as an urgent issue for practitioners, hospitals, and policy makers and for pregnant women. This exploratory qualitative study looks at the birth stories and cultural knowledge that... more