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A study of the performance of five commercial radiotherapy treatment planning systems (TPSs) for common treatment sites regarding their ability to model heterogeneities and scattered photons has been performed. The comparison was based on... more
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      AlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringMonte CarloBrachytherapy
Multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency CoQ 10 deficiency Riboflavin Electron transfer flavoprotein ubiquinone oxidoreductase a b s t r a c t Multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MADD) is a metabolic disorder due to dysfunction... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyEnergy MetabolismChildMutation
Batch experiments were carried out to investigate the stoichiometry and kinetics of microbial degradation of toluene under denitrifying conditions. The inoculum originated from a mixture of sludges from sewage treatment plants with... more
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Objective. Zidovudine is an antiretroviral nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor that induces mitochondrial myopathy by interfering with the replication of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Because zidovudine inhibits thymidine... more
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      ImmunologySkeletal muscle biologyDrug interactionsMitochondrial DNA
Coronary artery disease and its sequelae-ischemia, myocardial infarction, and heart failure-are leading causes of morbidity and mortality in man. Considerable effort has been devoted toward improving functional recovery and reducing the... more
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      Natural HistoryMembrane ProteinsCell SignalingBiological Sciences
Absorption of UV light by nucleic acids can lead to damaging photoreactions, which may ultimately lead to mutations of the genetic code. The complexity of the photodynamical behavior of nucleobases in the DNA double-helix provides a great... more
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      DNAElectron TransportCHEMICAL SCIENCESElectrons
Insight into extracellular electron transfer of microorganisms is important for our understanding of electron-transport pathways in bioelectrochemical systems (e.g. biological fuel cells and microbial electrolysis cells), as well as for... more
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      BioelectrochemistryCatalysisMicrobial Fuel CellsNanoparticles
Heat-induced changes in photosystem I (PSI) have been studied in terms of rates of oxygen consumption using various donors (DCPIPH 2 , TMPD red and DAD red ), formation of photo-oxidized P700 and changes in Chl a fluorescence emission at... more
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      KineticsPhotochemistryElectron Transportphotosystem I
We report the effect of average A-site cation radius on the structural, magnetic and electrical properties of electron doped manganite La 0.7 Ce 0.3 MnO 3 thin films. A site cation radius hr A i is varied systematically by partially... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsMagnetic thin filmPulsed Laser Deposition
We investigate the survival probability ⌽(n,c) of particles performing a random walk on a two-dimensional lattice that contains static traps, which are randomly distributed with a concentration c, as a function of the number of steps n.... more
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      EngineeringMonte Carlo SimulationRandom WalkMathematical Sciences
A comparative study of direct and mediated electrochemistry of metalloproteins in bulk and membraneentrapped solutions is presented. This work reports the first electrochemical study of the electron transfer between a bacterial cytochrome... more
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      Inorganic ChemistryElectrochemistryCatalysisPeroxidase
Using cDNA microarray analysis, we previously identified a set of differentially expressed genes in primary breast tumors based on the status of estrogen and progesterone receptors. In the present study, we performed an integrated... more
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The effects of paraquat on rat brain were studied. Activities of complex I (NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase) in mitochondrial electron transport system, lipid peroxidation and the amount of catecholamines in rat brain were measured after... more
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Fast ignition requires a precise knowledge of fast electron propagation in a dense hydrogen plasma. In this context, a dedicated HiPER (High Power laser Energy Research) experiment was performed on the VULCAN laser facility where the... more
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      KineticsHigh Energy Density PhysicsLaser Plasma InteractionsInertial Fusion Energy
The cofactor composition and electron-transfer kinetics of the reaction center (RC) from a magnesium chelatase (bchD) mutant of Rhodobacter sphaeroides were characterized. In this RC, the special pair (P) and accessory (B)... more
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Cytochrome b561 family was characterized by the presence of ''b561 core domain'' that forms a transmembrane four helix bundle containing four totally conserved His residues, which might coordinate two heme b groups. We conducted BLAST and... more
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      Biological SciencesPhylogenySequence alignmentPhysical sciences
Stable and switchable polarization of ferroelectric materials opens a possibility to electrically control their functional behavior. A particularly promising approach is to employ ferroelectric tunnel junctions where the polarization... more
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      Atomic Force MicroscopyMultidisciplinaryThin FilmElectron Transport
We present a scheme for high sensitivity charge detection in the integer quantum Hall regime using two point contacts in a series. The setup is an electronic analog of an optical Fabry-Perot interferometer. We show that for small... more
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      Quantum DotsPhysical sciencesElectron TransportOpen Systems
This article focuses on the application of high pressure laser flash photolysis for studies on selected hemoprotein reactions with the objective to establish details of the underlying reaction mechanisms. In this context, particular... more
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      High PressureBiological SciencesCarbon MonoxideLasers
We calculate the d.c.-current of a semiconductor superlattice in the hopping conduction picture. Electronic transport in this regime is described by hopping transitions between the partially localized Wannier–Stark states. In our... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsElectron TransportNumerical ModelBoltzmann equation
The process of dark-induced senescence in plants is relatively poorly understood, but a functional electron-transfer flavoprotein/electron-transfer flavoprotein:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (ETF/ETFQO) complex, which supports respiration... more
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      GeneticsPlant BiologyMitochondriaMutation
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      EngineeringOrganic SemiconductorsApplied PhysicsMathematical Sciences
1993. On the participation of chloride in bicarbonateinduced reversal of anion inhibition of photosystem II electron transport in spinach thylakoids. -Physiol. Piant. 88: 78-84.
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      Plant BiologyElectron TransportPhotosystem IIBiochemistry and cell biology
Physical electrochemistry has undergone a remarkable evolution over the last few decades, integrating advanced techniques and theory from solid state and surface physics. Single-crystal electrode surfaces have been a core notion, opening... more
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      ElectrochemistryAtomic Force MicroscopySingle moleculeMetal Nanoparticles
The nitric-oxide synthases (NOS, EC are modular enzymes containing attached flavoprotein and heme (NOSoxy) domains. To generate nitric oxide (NO), the NOS FMN subdomain must interact with the NOSoxy domain to deliver electrons... more
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      CatalysisBiological ChemistryBiological SciencesMutation
In this work we present preliminary results of a high order WENO scheme applied to a new formulation of the Boltzmann equation (BTE) describing electron transport in semiconductor devices with a spherical coordinate system for the phase... more
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      Semiconductor DevicesElectron TransportSteady stateComputational
Mitochondrial dysfunction (primary or secondary) is detrimental to intermediary metabolism. Therapeutic strategies to treat/prevent mitochondrial dysfunction could be valuable for managing metabolic and age-related disorders. Here, we... more
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      MitochondriaElectron TransportMethylene BlueOxidation-Reduction
We implement and compare two theoretical models for stationary electron transport in quantum cascade lasers and Stark ladders. The first one, the nonequilibrium Green's function method is a very general scheme to include coherent quantum... more
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      Materials EngineeringQuantum Cascade LasersQuantum MechanicsNanotechnology
Modern optoelectronic devices, such as light-emitting diodes, fieldeffect transistors and organic solar cells require well controlled motion of charges for their efficient operation. The understanding of the processes that determine... more
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      ChemistryElectronicsQuantum TheoryOrganic Semiconductors
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      NanotechnologyDNAProtein DesignMutagenesis
BSb films were deposited onto fused silica substrates by coevaporating B and Sb from appropriate boats. Optical studies indicated an indirect band gap of $0.59 eV. The films thus prepared were characterized by measuring X-ray diffraction... more
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      Crystal GrowthFTIR spectroscopyScanning Electron MicroscopyTransmission Electron Microscopy
Both light itself and excitation pressure have been implicated as the environmental signal that stimulates interchange of the two forms of the D1 protein of photosystem II (PS II) in Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942. We sought an... more
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      PhotosynthesisPlant BiologyProtein synthesisElectron Transport
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) describes an increasingly prevalent spectrum of liver disorders associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome. It is uncertain why steatosis occurs in some individuals, whereas nonalcoholic... more
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      Oxidative StressGene expressionHepatologyPregnancy
An ac impedance spectroscopic study of LiMg 0.05 Co 0.95 O 2 , prepared by sol-gel process, is presented. The results are interpreted on the basis of the equivalent circuit proposed for LiCoO 2 oxide that takes into account the ionic and... more
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      EngineeringTransport PropertiesSol Gel ProcessPhysical sciences
Photosystem I and Photosystem II activities, as well as polypeptide content of chlorophyll (Chl)-protein complexes were analyzed in mesophyll (M) and bundle sheath (BS) chloroplasts of maize (Zea mays L.) growing under moderate and very... more
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      PhotosynthesisPlant BiologyBiologyMedicine
In order to clarify the response of antioxidant systems in various cellular organelles to photo-oxidative stress, the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and enzymes of the ascorbateglutathione (AsA-GSH) cycle were investigated in... more
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      Plant BiologyCrop PhysiologyCucumberGlutathione
The unicellular alga Dunaliella salina is the most interesting cell factory for the commercial production of bcarotene because this species accumulates carotenoids to high concentrations. Nevertheless, little is known about the underlying... more
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In the past 20 years a variety of electronic markets have been setup for the allocation of capacities in road transportation. A lthough, inefficiencies and cost pressures are high, the electronic markets have not succeeded so far. In this... more
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      Information ManagementLogisticsTransportationEnergy Management
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      Quantum InformationOptical SpectroscopyNanotechnologyMultidisciplinary
The radical cation P840" was studied in frozen suspensions of Chlorobium limicolu f. sp. thiosulphatophilum membranes using ENDOR and Special TRIPLE spectroscopies. The spectra show that P840" arises from a bacteriochlorophyll a 'special'... more
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      BacteriaElectron TransportElectronic StructureCations
Previous studies have suggested that the conductive pili of Geobacter sulfurreducens are essential for extracellular electron transfer to Fe(III) oxides and for optimal long-range electron transport through current-producing biofilms. The... more
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      BiofilmsProteomicsMultidisciplinaryApplied Environmental Microbiology
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) harness the metabolism of microorganisms, converting chemical energy into electrical energy. Anode performance is an important factor limiting the power density of MFCs for practical application. Improving the... more
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      TextilesCarbon NanotubeMultidisciplinaryPorosity
The interest in organic materials for use in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) began with the pioneering report of efficient green electroluminescence from Alq 3 , tris(quinolin-8-olato)aluminum(III), by Tang and Van Slyke [C.W. Tang,... more
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      Inorganic ChemistryPolymorphismNuclear Magnetic ResonanceOLED
The time dependence of photobleaching of photosynthetic pigments under high light illumination of isolated spinach thylakoid membranes at 22 and 4 8C was investigated. At 22 8C, the bleaching at 678, 472 and 436 nm was prominent but... more
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      PhotosynthesisSpectroscopyBiophysical ChemistryBiological Sciences
Although the central role of the phagocytic NADPH oxidase in mediating bacterial killing has long been appreciated, this sophisticated enzyme complex serves various other important functions. This Perspective focuses on these... more
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      Extracellular MatrixSignal TransductionReactive Oxygen SpeciesCell Death
Fast and slow chlorophyll Xuorescence induction curves at high and low actinic visible light, post-illumination changes in Xuorescence yield and reXectance changes at 820 nm induced by far-red light were used to characterize the state of... more
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      PhotosynthesisPlant BiologyFluorescenceChlorophyll
An ab initio Green's function study of the electron transport properties of the selected metal-porphyrin complexes has been performed. Transmission spectra and current-voltage dependence have been calculated for the porphyrin molecule... more
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      Materials ScienceQuantum TransportElectron Transport
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      ChemistryKineticsMedicineBiological Sciences
The reflection and transmission amplitudes of waves in disordered multimode waveguides are studied by means of numerical simulations based on the invariant embedding equations. In particular, we analyze the influence of surface-type... more
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      Numerical SimulationDislocationsElectron TransportWave propagation
The measured peak shape and intensity of the photoemitted signal in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) experiments (elastic and inelastic parts included) are strongly correlated, through electron-transport theory, with the depth... more
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      EngineeringAtomic Force MicroscopyBiological SciencesThin Film