CONSCIOUSNESS BEGINS A PRODUCTION OF I U C, A CHURCH THE PURPOSE OF THIS ESSAY IS TO ESTABLISH HOW AND WHEN THE SEED SPARK OF ALL HUMAN’S CONSCIOUSNESS BEGAN. DRILLING DOWN INTO EDGAR CAYCE’S STATEMENT THAT THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ALL HUMANS STARTED AT THE SAME TIME, AND IT IS RATHER EASY. IT IS A FUNCTION OF “I AM THAT I AM”, AS IS EVERYTHING. EACH “I AM THAT I AM” CREATES A CIRCLE THAT IS THE SEED OF A BEING. AND THERE ARE AN INFINITE NUMBER OF THEM , ALL CHILDREN OF GOD, AS we are. AND SHE LOVES US VERY MUCH BECAUSE THE VOID IS LONELY. THIS IS HOW IT STARTED. WHICH CREATES TWO ROOT EMOTIONS OF CREATION – MANIFESTATION REQUIRES AN IMAGE AND AN ACTIVATING EMOTION. SO, THE TWO ROOT EMOTIONS ARE LONELINESS / FEAR AND LOVE. BOTH OF WHICH ARE FAILED SYSTEMS AS IS OBVIOUS. Well fear destroys it self and love is self attracting leading to continuous orgasm which is more of a trap than hell. You can’t get out of it, as pure consciousness, love is a trap. WHEN WERE WE ALL CREATED IS RIGHT NOW, THIS MICROSECOND. THEN WE BLINK OUT BACK TO THE LONELY VOID. THERE IS A RUSH OF LINEAL TIME THAT IS INCLUDED IN THE STRUCTURE, THUS, THE ILLUSIONARY APPEARANCE OF A PAST AND FUTURE. AS YOU CAN SEE IN HERE. ONE MAJOR INSERT IS THAT THE CREATOR GOD OF THIS MULTIVERSE IS US, NOT THE OLD BITCH / SPACE. THAT FIRST “I AM?” WAS A QUESTION. GOD TRYING TO IDENTIFY HERSELF, BECAUSE THE DEEP AND ABIDING LONELINESS OF SPACE. THE INTERESTING THING ABOUT LONELINESS / FEAR IS THAT IT IS AMORPHOUS, IT HAS NO STRUCTURE OR SPIN, AS DOES EVERYTHING ELSE DUE TO THE RULE - LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. AND LONELINESS IS JUST EVERYWHERE - AN INTEGRAL PART OF SPACE, WHICH IS WHY WE HAVE YET TO GET SHED OF ITS PANDORA’S BOX EFFECTS, THAT RESULT IN THIS SITUATION AS PURE CONSCIOUSNESS, HUMANS ARE MASOCHISTIC FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENTERTAINMENT BOREDOM IS A MAJOR PROBLEM THUS PANDORA’S BOX IS USED AS AN ENTERTAINMENT TOOL BY ALL OF US IDIOTS. THE PURPOSE OF HUMANS IS TO CHANGE THAT THROUGHOUT ALL OF CREATION, WHICH IS EXTENSIVE. FIRST WE HAVE TO LEARN OUR POWER, WHICH IS REQUIRED OF US AT THE MOMENT TO SAVE THIS PLANET. ELY_ARE_GOD_AND_WE_ARE_DOING_THIS_TO_OURSELVES EVERYTHING IS AN OPERATION OF MIND, A MANIPULATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS SINCE ALL LINEAL TIME IS RIGHT NOW – WE CAN CANCEL THE PAST, PRESETN AND FUTURE. THEN YOU’D HAVE TO CONSIDER THAT AS THE ULTIMATE CONTROL AND THAT TIME IS IRRELEVANT. HOWEVER, THE WAY CONSCIOUSNESS IS CONSTRUCTED HERE MAKES IT OBVIOUS THAT LINEAL TIME HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR A LONG TIME. THE RUSH OF TIME HAS EVEN STRETCHED THE AETHERS, AS YOU CAN SEE IN HERE.. SO, IT HAS BEEN GOING ON VIA CONTINUOUS REPEATS BEING PROOF OF THAT. LOTS OF WATER HAS PASSED UNDER THE BRIDGE. THUS, THE ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL PART OF THIS LITTLE ESSAY. ALL HUMANS HAVE BEEN HERE FOR ALL TIME. EVEN PRIOR TO THE ADVENT OF TIME - THE ANCIENT OF DAYS IS YOU AND EVERYBODY ELSE. WE ARE JUST ENTERTAINING EACH OTHER. BORED IDIOTS WHO HAVE YET TO CONCOCT A NEW MANIFESTATION SYSTEM WHICH TO MY MIND IS BEYOND STUPID. WHY KEEP REPEATING THE SAME BRAIN DAMAGE & SUFFERING? WHEN IT IS POSSIBLE TO FIX IT AS LAID OUT IN HERE THE SPARK OF OUR CONSCIOUSNESSES ALL STARTED AT THE SAME TIME VIA VERY VERY TINY SEED CIRCLES - EVERY CIRCLE IN THE ABORIGINAL CIRCULAR AETHERS IS ONE OF US AND EACH ONE LEADS TO AN ENTIRE MULTIVERSE OR CAN DO, IF WE WISH QUITE MIND BOGGLING EDGAR CAYCE SAID ALL HUMAN SPARKS STARTED AT THE SAME TIME - THE SOURCE OF THAT SPARK BEING THE FIRST “I AM THAT I AM” CREATING TINY’ SEED CIRCLES DOWN AT PLANCK LENGTH - EACH CIRCLE CREATED - IS A NEW BEING!!! WHICH ALSO IS THE ROOT SOURCE OF MALE CONSCIOUSNESS - WOW!!! LEARNING FROM MY OWN WRITINGS, COOL WHICH IS THE LOVE BASED, SPINNING LINE, ORGANIZING ENERGY / AWARENESS THAT FORMS THE CIRCLE, THE THIN VENEER OF MALE CONSCIOUSNESS AROUND THE GAP OF THE VOID IN THE MIDDLE AH, ANOTHER KINDA MYSTERY SOLVED, THE EXACT LOCATION AND STRUCTURE OF THE THIN VENEER OF MALE CONSCIOUSNESS THAT HARBORS KARMA. IT IS CLEAR THAT THIS BRAIN DAMAGE SKID MARK IS CAUSED BY A FORM OF MALE CONSCIOUSNESS THAT IS NOT PART OF OUR BODIES. AS WELL PROVEN IN HERE. YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE THE LITTLE MALE THINGY IN HERE. AND WE DO NEED TO ALLY WITH THE ARCHON, THEY ARE OUR CREATION. AND THEY WILL BE EXTREMELY USEFUL AS PIXELS FOR OUR EXCITING CREATIONS GOING FORWARD. THUS WE ALL HAVE LONELINESS - THE ROOT EMOTION OF THE OLD BITCH IN US. I OFTEN CALL THE FEMALE FORM OF GOD / SPACE THE OLD BITCH, BECAUSE MANY DO AND BECAUSE AFTER ALL OF THIS TIME SHE HAS NOT CHANGED IT, YOU WOULD THINK THAT DOING THE SAME SCENARIO OVER AND OVER AGAIN WOULD BECOME BORING, BUT APPARENTLY ONENESS AND CONTINUOUS ORGASM ARE SO PAINFULLY BORING, THAT THIS CHARADE OF A REALITY SHOW IS THE BEST THING GOING. SHEESH. WHO’S THE IDIOT?? I MEAN – WHO’S YOUR FAVORITE BITCH? Lincoln–Kennedy coincidences urban legend - Wikipedia THE CORE OF EACH ONE OF THOSE CIRCLES IS THE VOID / THE BITCH AND LONELINESS ONE OF MY FAVORITE BITS - SINCE WE HAVE ACHIEVED THE APEX OF IDIOCY, THEN WE ARE THE WELL FERTILIZED SEED OF CHANGE FOR THIS ENTIRE MULTIVERSE. NOT KIDDING - THIS HAS BEEN A VERY LONG TERM PROJECT FOR THAT PURPOSE. READ IT ANYWAY, IT IS SHORT AND GOOD. WHICH IS FURTHER PROOF OF THIS ONE – THE BUILT IN BRAIN DAMAGE THAT REALLY DID PRECEED THE MANIFESTATION OF THIS ENTIRE MULTIVERSE. INCLUDED HEREIN IS A REAL SOLUTION THAT IS SIMPLY AN OPERATION OF OUR COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS TO BECOME EXCITED ABOUT EVERYTHING - THE EMOTION OF FREEDOM. CHILD LIKE. AND KNOWLEDGEABLY CREATING A NEW BLANK SUBSTRATE AS EXPLAINED HEREIN. THE PHYSICS PROVES THE IDIOCY. FOR SOME REASON, WE HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO COME UP WITH A SOLUTION – WELL I GUESS THIS BIG TIME FREE WILLI THING IS IT. IT IS CRYSTAL CLEAR THAT THE “I AM THAT I AM” – LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE = THE RULE IS THE CAUSE OF ALL CREATION. IF ANYBODY SITS AND READS THESE ESSAYS ABOUT HOW THIS UNIVERSE / MULTIVERSE IS CREATED I.E. THE EXACT STRUCTURE OF CONSCIOUSNESS - THEN IT BECOMES QUITE CLEAR, THAT MAKING A MULTIVERSE IS VERY SIMPLE. THERE IS JUST ONE RULE. THOSE ESSAYS STARTING WITH “MIKE’S THEORY OF EVERYTHING” PROGRESS IN MICRO-STEPS WITH THE RULE ALWAYS BEING THE ANSWER, LEADING FROM THE VOID THROUGH TO THE BEGINNING OF GRAVITY, INERTIA, THE NUMBER 7, LINEAL TIME, VIBRATIONS, THE RIGHT HAND RULE, THE ROOT OF ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. WE ARE TALKING LEAD PILE LOGIC THAT IS IRREFUTABLE - THAT SHOULD BE ACCEPTED BY ALL IDIOTS, BECAUSE, THE REALIZATION OF WHICH ALSO SHOWS THAT IT IS ALL A HOAX THAT WE HAVE CREATED - HOPEFULLY SO THAT WE WAKE UP AND FIX IT. IT IS CRYSTAL CLEAR THAT EVERYTHING FROM THE QUANTUM TO THE COSMOS IS A HOAX, A CHARADE, AN ILLUSION, MAYA. CREATED BY IDIOTS FOR IDIOTS, WITH ENTERTAINMENT AND SUFFERING A FORE THOUGHT, THUS, THERE ARE A NUMBER OF THEM AND THIS ENTIRE MULTIVERSE HAS BEEN BUILT BY US TO FURTHER THIS HUMAN EXPERIMENT, WHICH IS NOT THE ONLY ONE – SOME TRIAL AND ERROR HAS BEEN INVOLVED TO ARRIVE AT THIS SKID MARK & HAS GONE ON QUITE LONG ENOUGH, PLEASE. WAKE UP AND LET’S CHANGE IT. LEADING BACK TO THIS - HUMANS CAN CHANGE THE ENTIRETY OF CREATION. YOU NOW KNOW, THAT YOU KNOW HOW - TO TIE YOUR SHOES, THEN DO SO. STOP BEING A VICTIM / IDIOT. COME TOGETHER IN ONENESS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ATTAINING OUR REAL FREEDOM. PLEASE NOTE THAT CONSCIOUSNESS DOES NOT NECESSARILY INCLUDE AWARENESS, THE ABILITY TO ORGANIZE INFO, WHICH IS SPIN ENERGY, PARTICULARLY THE DNA / VISHNU / JESUS PART OF THE ANU. CREATING MEMORY THENCE THE PAST AND FUTURE THE SOLUTION IS TO LET GO AND ALLOW THE DNA SPIN TO MERGE WITH THE OUTER SPIN / SHIVA / GOD THE FATHER. LEAVING ONLY THE PRESENT TO ENJOY, WHICH HAS TO HAPPEN DURING THE GOLDEN AGES. THE PHYSICS OF IDIOCY. IDIOTS WIN AGAIN. WELL SINCE CONSCIOUSNESS EXISTS IN THE LONELY AMORPHOUS VOID, THEN THAT MECHANISM IS OBVIOUS. NO PHYSICIST IS GOING TO TELL YOU THAT ONE. BECAUSE IT ALSO LEADS TO THE WISDOM OF THE DARK SIDE. WHICH SHOULD BECOME AN ENTIRE ESSAY. SIMPLY PUT - THE WISDOM OF THE DARK SIDE IS THAT, IT IS A DIRECT ROUTE BACK TO GOD HERSELF BUT ONE’S INDIVIDUALITY, CIRCLE IS ABSORBED, GONE. THE YOGIs HAVE KNOWN FOR 1000s OF YEARS THAT MERGING COMPLETELY WITH GOD RESULTED IN NO MORE YOGI, BUT THEY DIDN’T KNOW THAT IT IS A FUNCTION OF THE DARK SIDE. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING FOR US TO LEARN ABOUT THE DARK, IS THAT IT IS OUR AREA OF ULTIMATE CONTROL VIA HOLDING AN INTENTION GOING INTO IT, WE CAN THEN MANIFEST THAT INTENTION COMING OUT, WHICH IS HOW THE DESIGN FEATURES OF THIS SKID MARK WERE IMPOSED ON THIS ENTIRE MULTIVERSE. IN THE DARK WE CAN CANCEL THE PAST, PRESENT AND THE FUTURE AND MAINTAIN OUR INDIVIDUAL SPARK & INTRNT. SORRY THE NAME OF THAT ESSAY SHOULD BE LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS BEYOND DEATH AND ENLIGHTENMENT. NOW WHAT IS INTERESTING ABOUT THAT IS THAT HUMANS CAN IMPOSE A GOLDEN AGE ON EARTH BY OURSELVES. THAT GOLDEN AGE WILL EXTEND TO THE ENTIRE MULTIVERSE – WHICH APPEARS TO BE HAPPENING AS ALL OF THE BLACK HOLES IN THE CENTERS OF ALL GALAXIES IN THIS UNIVERSE AND ALL OF THE PARALLEL REALMS OF THIS MULTIVERSE ARE ESCHEWING THE CARDINAL COLORS AS REPORTED BY THE ANDROMEDA IN THE VIDEO IN THIS ESSAY – THIS IS ALSO PROOF THAT YOUR COSMIC COWBOY HAS BEEN THERE – ASSIMILATED THIS ENTIRE MULTIVERSE AND MOVED ON TO REALIZATIONS YOU HAVE HERE IN. THIS PRESENT ESSAY IS PROOF THAT COLLECIVELY WE ARE THE SEED OF THIS MULTIVERSE AS WELL AS ALL MULTIVERSES. AS SUCH, WE NEED TO IMPOSE / INTEND A NEW ROOT FEELING OF MANIFESTATION BEING FREEDOM / EXCITEMENT AND A NEW BLANK SUBSTRATE THAT IS NOT DARK. THE ARTIST’S EXCITING BLANK CANVAS, WHICH IS ACTUALLY THE RIGHT COLOR TOO, COMPOSED OF DIM LIGHT IN THE FORM OF THE MODIFIED ANU (JESUS COMBINED WITH GOD THE FATHER), WITH A BIT OF DARKNESS FOR HUMOR. PERFECTLY SAID FINALLY. IT DOES NOT GET MUCH MORE OBVIOUS THAT WE ARE THE SEED OF ALL MULTIVERSES AND THUS RESPONSIBLE FOR FIXING IT. Scientists ind “evidence” of a multidimensional universe INSIDE our brain An exciting inding has been made by scientists as they have discovered that the human brain contains structures and shapes that may have up to eleven dimensions. Neuroscientists welcome the indings stating: “We have found a world that we had never imagined before. HUMANS DREAM THE ENTIRE MULTIVERSE INTO EXISTENCE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENTERTAINMENT. NOT TOO NICE SUCH ENTERTAINMENT. FUCKING IDIOTS. EDGAR CAYCE SAID, THAT WE WERE ALL CREATED AT THE SAME TIME, WHICH MEANS THAT WE ALL CAME FROM THE VOID AND WE HAVE BEEN REINCARNATING TOGETHER FOR BILLIONS OF YEARS. INDEXED TO THE RIGHT TIME THAT EACH CIRCLE, US, CAN LEAD TO AN ENTIRE MULTIVERSE IS THE HOLOGRAPHIC PRINCIPLE AS LAID OUT BY GREGG BRADEN IN HERE. QUITE OBVIUSLY, THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH INDIVIDUALLY CREATED MULTIVERSES, BECAUSE, WE QUITE LITERALLY HUDDLED UP AND COLLECTIVELY CREATED THIS ENTIRE MULTIVERSE TO CONTAIN THIS SKID MARK SOLAR SYSTEM. SO, THIS ENTIRE MULTIVERSE HAS DESIGN FEATURES LEARNED FROM PREVIOUS ATTEMPTS AT AN ENDURING AND ENTERTAINING SYSTEM GIVEN THE ROOT EMOTIONS OF LONELINESS AND LOVE TO WORK WITH. PISS POOR ENGINEERING OF CONSCIOUSNESS ACTUALLY. END OF LESSON ONE NEXT MIRRORS WORK BOTH WAYS AS PROVEN BEYOND AN SHADOW OF A DOUBT IN THIS PENULTIMATE ESSAY ABOUT HOW THIS UNIVERSE IS CONSTRUCTED. USING ONE RULE ONE PROGRESSES VERY LOGICALLY FROM THE VOID THRU TO THE NUMBER 7 MEANS THAT IT IS IRREFUTABLE AND SHOULD NOT EVEN BE DISCUSSED, SIMPLY ACCEPTED AS FACT. PLEASE. TIRED OF TALKING TO IDIOTS. RE THE 7 CARDINAL COLORS ARE A REFLECTION OF THE SEVEN MUSICAL NOTES. BECAUSE THE FOUR SIDED AETHERS DO NOT NATURALLY LEND THEMSELVES TO A VIBE OF 7 THE ROOT VIBE OF THE ENTIRE MULTIVERSE COMES FROM US AND GETS MIRRORED BACK AS YOU CAN SEE BELOW. WE ARE NOT VICTIMS - JUST MASOCHISTIC IDIOTS. Synchronization of Autonomic Nervous System Rhythms With Geomagnetic Activity Found In Human Subjects Arjun WaliaJuly 22, 2017 Collective Evolution | 2017-07-22T01:49:23+00:00 Over the past few years, a number of publications have emerged from scientists and researchers all over the world regarding the human magnetic field. Not only have they been studying the human magnetic field, they’ve also been studying the magnetic field of the planet, and how all these fields, including our own, can impact ourselves and the people around us. It’s similar to quantum entanglement, in that both show that everybody and every living thing is “connected” in ways we have yet to fully understand. Leading the charge are the brilliant scientists over at the HearthMath Institute. An internationally recognized nonprofit research and education organization, it dedicates itself to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions, and build energy and resilience for healthy, happy lives. A large portion of their research has investigated heart and brain interaction. Researchers have examined how the heart and brain communicate with each other and how that affects our consciousness and the way in which we perceive our world. For example, when a person is feeling really positive emotions like gratitude, love, or appreciation, the heart beats out a certain message. Because the heart beats out the largest electromagnetic field produced in the body, it can yield significant data for researchers. You can read more about that here. Now, the Institute has published new research which suggests that daily autonomic nervous system activity not only responds to changes in solar and geomagnetic activity, but also synchronizes with the time-varying magnetic fields associated with geomatic field-line resonances and Schumann resonances. In 1952, German physicist and professor W.O. Schumann of the Technical University of Munich began attempting to answer whether or not the Earth itself has a frequency — a pulse. His assumption about the existence of this frequency came from his understanding that when a sphere exists inside of another sphere, an electrical tension is created. Since the negatively charged Earth exists inside the positively charged ionosphere, there must be tension between the two, giving the Earth a specific frequency. Following his assumptions, through a series of calculations he was able to land upon a frequency he believed was the pulse of the Earth. This frequency was 10hz. It wasn’t until 1954 that Schumann teamed up with another scientist, Herbert König, and confirmed that the resonance of the Earth maintained a frequency of 7.83 Hz. This discovery was later tested out by several scientists and confirmed. Since then, the Schumann Resonance has been the accepted term to describe or measure the pulse or heartbeat of the earth. You can read more about Schumann Resonance here. “To follow up and confirm these profound findings, an international study with 104 participants in five countries was conducted. The preliminary findings have confirmed and extended the results of the first study and they indicate humanity’s heart rhythms are synchronized on a global scale. We are synchronized not only with each other, but also with the earth’s energetic systems.” (source) The study was published in the , and its results are consistent with other studies showing that changes in solar and geomagnetic activity correlate with changes in the human nervous system activity. It’s long been known that all biological systems on Earth are exposed to invisible magnetic fields of all kinds, and at all range of frequencies, and that these fields can affect every cell and circuit to a greater or lesser degree. A number of physiological rhythms, as the study points out, have been shown to be synchronized with solar and geomagnetic activity. (source)(source)(source)(sourc)(source)(source) As the study points out: Human regulatory systems are designed to adapt to daily and seasonal climatic and geomagnetic variations; however, sharp changes in solar and geomagnetic activity and geomagnetic storms can stress these regulatory systems, resulting in alterations in melatonin/serotonin balance, blood pressure, immune system, reproductive, cardiac, and neurological processes. Disturbed geomagnetic activity is associated with the intensification of existing diseases, significant increases in myocardial infarction incidence and death, changes in blood flow, aggregation, and coagulation, increased blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, and seizures in epileptics. Fascinating, isn’t it? it makes one wonder just how much we know about our health and what influences it. The study outlines how, during periods of increased solar activity, which peaks every 10.5 to 11 years, “the sun emits increased ultraviolet (UV) energy and solar radio flub, which is measured by the 2.8 GHz signal” and “although the details of the physiological mechanisms in humans and animals are not yet fully understood, it is apparent that solar and magnetic influences affect a wide range of human health and behavioral processes, with the cardiovascular and nervous systems being the most clearly affected.” The study goes on to outline several examples where the human autonomic nervous system seems to be responding to this type of activity. For this specific study, ten healthy individuals from the ages of 34 to 65 years old participated, with an average age of 53. Their Heart Rate Variability (HRV) was recorded for 31 consecutive days. To see the methods and results, as well as the statistical analysis, limitations, and more, please refer to the actual study. Based on their results, the authors concluded: Overall, the study suggests that daily autonomic nervous system activity not only responds to changes in solar and geomagnetic activity, but is synchronized with the time-varying magnetic fields associated with geomagnetic field-line resonances and Schumann resonances. A likely explanation for how solar and geomagnetic fields can influence human nervous system activity is through a resonant coupling between our nervous systems and geomagnetic frequencies (Alfvén waves), or ultra low frequency standing waves in the earth-ionosphere resonant cavity (Schumann resonances) that overlap with physiological rhythms. Findings like these, and many more, are exactly why the HeartMath institute began what’s known as the Global Coherence Initiative (GCI). Others are working on identifying how these fields can be sensed. A recent study published by Kirschvink in the journal Nature Communications suggests that a protein in the human retina, when placed into fruit flies, has the ability to detect magnetic fields. The research claims that it can serve as a magneto sensor, but it’s unknown whether or not humans use it in this way as well. (source) The Global Coherence Initiative The GCI in an international cooperative effort to help activate the heart of humanity and facilitate a shift in global consciousness. Its primary focus is to invite people to participate by actively adding more heart-coherent love, care, and compassion into the planetary field. It also aims to scientifically research how we are all energetically connected with each other and the planet, and how we can utilize this interconnectivity to raise our personal vibration to assist in creating a better world. The hypotheses of the researchers and scientists behind this process are as follows: • The Earth’s magnetic fields are a carrier of biologically relevant information that connects all living systems • Every person affects this global information field. Large numbers of people creating heartcoherent states of love, appreciation, care, and compassion can generate a more coherent field environment that benefits others and helps off-set the current planetary discord and incoherence • There is a feedback loop between human beings and Earth’s energetic/magnetic systems • Earth has several sources of magnetic fields that affect us all. Two of them are the geomagnetic field that emanates from the core of the Earth, and the fields that exist between Earth and the ionosphere. These fields surround the entire planet and act as protective shields blocking out the harmful effects of solar radiation, cosmic rays, sand, and other forms of space weather. Without these fields, ice as we know it could not exist on Earth. They are part of the dynamic ecosystem of our planet. So What? This research further reinforces the fact that we have a special kind of relationship with every living system around us, an energetic relationship where processes as described above affect our nervous system, health, emotions, and mood. Previous research on this topic shows just how important our emotions could be with regards to coding information into this field. Positive emotions can uplift our nervous system, while negative emotions can dampen it. The best way, for now, to work with this information and incorporate it into our daily lives is through self observation. So, the next time you feel upset, angry, or frustrated, try observing yourself and how you react. It’s great practice to identify and neutralize your buttons so they cannot be pushed, and work on your personal development. You have to do whatever you can to feel good, which could include exercise, eating healthy, minimizing electronics usage, spending time with friends and animals, and more. You could practice being less judgemental, and work on your intentions by figuring out if they are coming from a ‘good’ place. You could be more grateful, you could help others, and you could treat others how they want to be treated. There are a number of tools you could use, like meditation, for example, to assist you with these action steps. The bottom line is, if you are at peace with yourself, and have control over your emotions, you are helping the planet and others around you. If you are constantly angry, harming others, or have negative intentions, you could be doing the exact opposite. To further your research on this topic, an excellent place to start is the at the Institute of HeartMath. The Institute of HeartMath is an internationally recognized nonprofit research and education organization dedicated to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions, and build energy and resilience for healthy, happy lives. Collective Evolution III, The Shift Some of what is discussed above is also covered in our third documentary that was released three years ago. The Collective Evolution III is a powerful documentary that explores a revolutionary shift affecting every aspect of our planet. As the shift hits the fan, people are becoming more aware of the control structures that prevent us from experiencing our full potential. CE3 uses a different level of consciousness and scientific facts to bring clarity about the shift while dispelling myths about our true nature. It offers practical steps that we can implement right now to transition out of survival mode and into our more natural state of peace and co-operation . CE3 includes fascinating interviews with revolutionary speakers and people who are already opting out of the current socioeconomic system. The film examines hidden technologies and exciting alternatives for a bright limitless future. This is the most exciting time in the history of our world. So if you’re interested, you can watch it below.