Recent papers in Emptiness
Cheia cartii "Inteligenta materiei" de Dumitru Constantin Dulcan Unde se afla Dumnezeu ? articol de Mirahorian Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved http://www.danmirahorian.ro/ acest articol a aparut intial in pagina Mirahorian la adresa... more
The word space comes from the Latin word spatium meaning an interval of time. Its concept deals with interdisciplinary definitions from philosophy to science, from geometry to architecture etc. However, its various theories emerged and... more
This chapter in the Oxford Handbook of Japanese Philosophy, ed. Bret W. Davis (NYC: Oxford University Press, 2019) explicates the philosophy of the body of sixth-century Buddhist thinker Kūkai. Kūkai brings together what initially seem to... more
In this chapter, I investigate the meaning of profound feelings of emptiness following the bereavement of an intimate other. Contrary to a standard Freudian account, stating that such feelings of emptiness are exclusively emanating from... more
The nothingness of the self, portrayed in Beckett’s late short prose pieces like ‘The Way’ and 'Stirrings Still' can be characterised as disintegrated, dependent and essenceless. This highlights a positive aspect of nothingness, embedded... more
Critics have left the influence of old nihilism on T. S. Eliot’s poetry largely unexplored, an idea that necessitates further inspection because it provides a consistent pre-and-post-conversion current that accounts for his propensity to... more
Logical Criticism of Buddhist Doctrines. This 'thematic compilation' comprises expositions and empirical and logical critiques of many (though not all) Buddhist doctrines, such as impermanence, interdependence, emptiness, the denial of... more
Compilation of 7 translation of Nagarjuna's MMK.
The 7 translations of each verse are presented in sequence, vertically
The 7 translations of each verse are presented in sequence, vertically
Статья посвящена сравнительному анализу раскрытия образа пустоты в западном и восточном кинематографе на примерах фильмов М. Антониони и Ким Ки Дука. Одним из главных художественных средств, используемым данными режиссерами для создания... more
Two main interests emerge within Edward Hopper’s representations of Paris. The artist frequently depicted the architecture of the urban landscape and the River Seine, usually in oil on various supports. He also made detailed watercolour... more
This paper is a book review of "The winner stands alone" By Paulo Coelho. This review will help you understand the contents of the book in depth.
The Philosophy of the Kyoto School (2018) is translated into English by Robert Chapeskie and revised by John W. M. Krummel. It introduces the reader to the works of (some of) the members of the Kyoto School. The general structure of the... more
In this paper, I investigate the phenomenology of awakening in Chinese Zen Buddhism. In this tradition, to awaken is to ‘see your true nature’. In particular, the two aspects of awakening are: (1) seeing that the nature of one’s self or... more
An emptiness after one’s child death seems to be impossible to describe. In her novel Tom is dead, Marie Darrieussecq explores mother’s forbidden thoughts. She reconstructs her grieving process ten years after an accidental death of her... more
Longchenpa’s Precious Treasury of the Genuine Meaning (henceforth PTGM) will dodge and overspill any attempt to classify it in simple disciplinarian molds. Surely, it is possible to deem it a “religious” book, but that will not make any... more
Taking a look at two contemporary TV series, The Walking Dead and Survivors, this article argues that the recent revival of post-apocalyptic fiction relies on the appropriation of empty and fragmented spaces, which function as subtle... more
original report: http://www.erowid.org/archive/rhodium/pdf/psilocybin.biosynthesis-2.pdf backup source: http://www.psilosophy.info/resources/psilocybin.biosynthesis-2.pdf * Part I. Ref. 5.
Like in many other religions, musical instruments are essential and highly functional in Buddhist chanting, singing and rituals. Musical instruments do not only signal as time markers for the procedure of an event but also help the... more
Il Caso Ellen West, pubblicato da Ludwig Binswanger nel 1944, rende conto della storia clinica di una paziente ricoverata a Kreuzlingen dal gennaio al marzo 1921 e suicidatasi quello stesso anno. Il clinico svizzero stabilisce una... more
This essay offers an existential approach to those aspects of Nishitani's philosophy that are motivated by a profound sense of the utter mean-inglessness of existence, and by the desire to confront that situation honestly. It examines his... more
Heidegger's early philosophical project was identified with a nihilistic philosophy of nothingness after the 1927 publication of Being and Time-with its depiction of the radical existential anxiety of being-towards-death-and his 1929... more
It is claimed that one of the innovative contributions of Nāgārjuna in his Madhyamaka thought was establishing the equivalence of emptiness (P: suññatā, Skt: śūnyatā; kōng 空, kōngxìng 空性) and dependent origination (P: paṭicca-samuppāda,... more
Born in a land where the feeling of nothingness was unavoidable, Cioran has long been tempted by the demon of the nihilistic spirit. At first he was morbidly seduced by the desire of extinction, later, in the wake of Pyrrho wandering... more
Research into the clinical utility of Buddhist-derived interventions (BDIs) has increased greatly over the last decade. Although clinical interest has predominantly focused on mindfulness meditation, there also has been an increase in the... more
There is similarity of the theme of becoming self liberated through the manifestation of appearance in both dzogchen and Heideggarian phenomenology. There is this similarity between the dzogchen meditative awareness tradition as... more
This dissertation examines the introduction, critique, and re-framing of other-emptiness (gzhan-stong) by Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen (1292–1361), Tsongkhapa Lobsang Drakpa (1357–1419), and Jamgon Kongtrul (1813-1899) respectively. Each... more
It has become popular to portray the Buddhist Nāgārjuna as an ontological nihilist, i.e., that he denies the reality of entities and does not postulate any further reality. A reading of his works does show that he rejects the... more
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who... more
Eine Lektüre und Interpretation der Struktur und Bedeutung von »La carte postale« (1980) – insbesondere der 52 Leerzeichen, die die postalischen Sendungen prägen – im Kontext von Derridas Gesamtwerk. Mit einer Rekonstruktion der... more
Concerning Antonin Artaud it has been question of some lack of work but in the article we propose to the reading we are talking about another kind of absence. Indeed, in his correspondence and in the writings of his youth, the poet was... more
Western music reached a rapid development since the revolution of Arnold Schönberg (1874-1951) and Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) in twentieth century. Beside the innovation of composing technique the composers of “new music” pursued also... more
Music related to Buddhism, or Buddhist music in general, gains attention only in the recent decades. Mahāyāna Buddhism substantially registers the importance of music, despite a restriction on the monastic involvement in music... more
The charge of nihilism in relation to emptiness is a charge that is all too familiar to the Mādhyamika. This paper attempts to explain and extrapolate Burton’s nihilist objection to Madhyamaka Buddhist thought and dispel it with primary... more
Genealogies of Mahāyāna Buddhism offers a solution to a problem that some have called the holy grail of Buddhist studies: the problem of the " origins " of Mahāyāna Buddhism. In a work that contributes both to a general theory of religion... more
While the *Mahāprajñāparamitā Upadeśa ( Dàzhìdù lùn), the extensive commentary of the Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā sūtra and traditionally attributed to Nāgārjuna, is encyclopedic in its scope, it is perhaps the teachings on emptiness (śūnyatā)... more
Syllabus of the OZSW Seminar organized by the Study Group in Global and Comparative Philosophy, Groningen, Fall Semester 2019
after the transmission of Buddhism to China from India, which is based on Dependent Arising, in the spiritual thought aspect, it encountered with the interpretation of "essence and function" in Sinicized style. Master Dao'an, and Master... more
This paper will compare two fourteenth century philosophical systems that describe Buddhist theories on creation: the graded path of the Middle Way and aspects of its subsequent system of Highest Yoga Tantra according to Je Tsongkhapa,... more
The word Emptiness has many various meanings. The experience of awareness becoming aware of its own self opens the experience of emptiness in a most direct manner. Experientially emptiness has many faces. Sometimes the face of emptiness... more
This paper is an attempt to discuss the implication of the Buddhist teachings of emptiness in our contemporary life by looking into a disciple of psychotherapy, namely the person-centered therapy, with a special focus on the use of... more