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Cloud Computing is an emerging technology. It is a growing technology which can change traditional IT systems. It plays a major role in today's technology sector. People are using it every day through one way or another. Education... more
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      EducationBangladeshCloud ComputingCloud Computing Economy
With expanding volumes of knowledgeable production and the variability of themes and roots, shapes and languages, most detectable issues related to the delivery of storage space for the information and the variety of treatment strategies... more
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      Cloud ComputingMobile Cloud ComputingEnabling Technologies to Cloud ComputingCloud Computing Security
Cloud computing is rapidly gaining traction in business. It offers businesses online services on demand (such as Gmail, iCloud and Salesforce) and allows them to cut costs on hardware and IT support. This is the first paper in business... more
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      Information SystemsBusiness EthicsComputer ScienceHuman Computer Interaction
Cloud computing technology has experienced exponential growth over the past few years. It provides many advantages for both individuals and organizations. However, at the same time, many issues have arisen due to the vast growth of cloud... more
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      Cloud ComputingMobile Cloud ComputingEnabling Technologies to Cloud ComputingCloud Computing Security
Cloud Computing is an emerging technology. It is a growing technology which can change traditional IT systems. It plays a major role in today's technology sector. People are using it every day through one way or another. Education sector... more
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      EducationBangladeshCloud ComputingCloud Computing Economy
This paper studies a fourth emerging service model of cloud computing, Business Process as a Service (BPaaS). BPaaS is generating hype but it is under researched with a lack of clarity regarding how BPaaS differentiates itself from other... more
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      BusinessInformation Systems (Business Informatics)Services Marketing and ManagementBusiness Process Management
Cloud computing is a new technology that brings new challenges to all organizations around the world. Improving response time for user requests on cloud computing is a critical issue to combat bottlenecks. As for cloud computing,... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer EngineeringDiscrete Time Speech Signal ProcessingLoad Balancing Of Servers
Cloud Computing is an emerging technology. It is a growing technology which can change traditional IT systems. It plays a major role in today's technology sector. People are using it every day through one way or another. Education... more
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      EducationBangladeshCloud ComputingCloud Computing Economy
Cloud computing can raise ethical issues. In many cases these will depend on particular applications and circumstances. The present paper sets out to identify ethical issues of cloud computing that arise from the fundamental nature of the... more
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      Information SystemsBusiness EthicsComputer ScienceHuman Computer Interaction
Considering the complexity of today"s service environment, Small-to-Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) cannot afford to accept the status quo of service operations and therefore must have some clear business analytics objective to reach.... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsManagementInformation Science
With the pragmatic realization of computing as a utility, Cloud Computing is has recently emerged as a highly successful alternative IT paradigm through on-demand resource provisioning and almost perfect reliability. The rapidly growing... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingVirtualizationTaxonomy
Clouds provide a powerful computing platform that enables individuals and organizations to perform variety levels of tasks such as: use of online storage space, adoption of business applications,development of customized computer... more
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      Cloud ComputingCloud Computing EconomyMobile Cloud ComputingEnabling Technologies to Cloud Computing
Cloud gaming is an emerging technology that combines cloud computing with computer games. Compared to traditional gaming, its core advantages include ease of development/deployment for developers, and lower technology costs for users... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringComputer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionComputer Engineering
Cloud computing environments facilitate applications by providing virtualized resources that can be provisioned dynamically. Computing resources are delivered by Virtual Machines (VMs). In such a scenario, resource scheduling algorithms... more
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      Enabling Technologies to Cloud ComputingCloud Computing SecurityCloud SecuritySimulation of Cloud Computing
Cloud computing that is an ever more important trend, is a virtual technology that uses the online world and central remote servers to own sharing of resources that include infrastructures, software, applications and business processes... more
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      Cloud ComputingCloud Computing EconomyCloudEnabling Technologies to Cloud Computing
The objective of the proposed system is designed to perform Mobile Banking in a secured way. To achieve this, the concept of Biometric person recognition method is introduced through the mobile devices. Biometrics can be categorized into... more
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    • Enabling Technologies to Cloud Computing
Technology has changed our life and the way we work; however, technology has affected several methods of working in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)s. Human Resource (HR) is one of the core components in businesses, and nowadays most... more
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      Computer ScienceEnterprise ArchitectureHuman Resource DevelopmentHuman Resource Management
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems is a comprehensive integrated system that governs all aspects of a business. It gives your business automation and integration for core processes such as taking client orders, planning operations... more
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      Cloud ComputingEnabling Technologies to Cloud ComputingCloud Computing and ErpComputer Network and Cloud Computing
Indonesia is a developing country that began to utilize information technology in education. A form of its implementation is the use of e-learning. However, in practice there are still some obstacles, such as learning resources are not... more
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      E-learningPersonalizationTechnology Enhanced LearningCloud Computing
Job scheduling is one of the most important research problems in distributed systems, particularly cloud environments/computing. The dynamic and heterogeneous nature of resources in such distributed systems makes optimum job scheduling a... more
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      Optimization (Mathematical Programming)Distributed ComputingParallel ComputingHigh Performance Computing
Cloud computing offers a range of new opportunities for developing countries to do what they could not do earlier with computers and the Internet. Cloud computing infrastructure and applications are able to interact with users who have... more
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      Developing CountriesCloud ComputingEnabling Technologies to Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is useful to companies and organizations as it eliminates the requirement for them to plan ahead for provisioning, and allows them to start with small resources and increase gradually as the service demand rises. There are... more
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      Cloud ComputingCloud Computing EconomyMobile Cloud ComputingEnabling Technologies to Cloud Computing
Everybody has a supposition on what is a Cloud computing. Cloud computing is a modern area emerged by distributed computing that offers many powerful benefits to different organizations. It has an ability to rent a server or a thousand of... more
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      Computer ScienceNetwork SecurityComputer NetworksClouds
In the current scenarios, there was a huge demand for the wearable devices due to the development of clouds and cloudlet technology. So there has been wide essential to offer a better medical care to the people. For processing the patient... more
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      CloudsCloud Computing EconomyTropical montane cloud forestsCloud Networking
Technology has changed our life and the way we work; however, technology has affected several methods of working in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)s. Human Resource (HR) is one of the core components in businesses, and nowadays most... more
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      Computer ScienceEnterprise ArchitectureHuman Resource DevelopmentHuman Resource Management
With the rapid development of cloud computing, the privacy security incidents occur frequently, especially data security issues. Cloud users would like to upload their sensitive information to cloud service providers in encrypted form... more
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      InformaticsKnowledge ManagementPrivacyCryptography
Cloud Computing is an emerging technology. It is a growing technology which can change traditional IT systems. It plays a major role in today's technology sector. People are using it every day through one way or another. Education... more
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      EducationBangladeshCloud ComputingCloud Computing Economy
Providing real-time cloud services to Vehicular Clients (VCs) must cope with delay and delay-jitter issues. Fog computing is an emerging paradigm that aims at distributing small-size self-powered data centers (e.g., Fog nodes) between... more
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      Distributed ComputingParallel ComputingParallel ProgrammingEnergy
In Cloud computing environments, computing resources are available for users, and they only pay for used resources The most important issues in cloud computing are scheduling and energy consumption which many researchers worked on them.... more
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      GeneticsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsDistributed Computing
in this paper focuses on development of cloud computing, privacy security issues have become increasingly prominent, which is of concern to industry and academia. We review the research progress on privacy security issues from the... more
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      Cloud ComputingCloud Computing EconomyMobile Cloud ComputingEnabling Technologies to Cloud Computing
The increase in energy consumption is the most critical problem worldwide. The growth and development of complex data-intensive applications have promulgated the creation of huge data centers that have heightened the energy demand. In... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyInformation Security
Personal Health Record (PHR) is a patient-centric model of health information exchange, which greatly facilitates the storage, access and share of personal health information. In order to share the valuable resources and reduce the... more
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      Computational PhysicsComputational Fluid DynamicsElectronic Health RecordsOutsourcing
Cloud computing is a realized wonder. It delights its users by providing applications, platforms and infrastructure without any initial investment. The "pay as you use" strategy comforts the users. The usage can be increased by adding... more
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      Cloud ComputingMobile Cloud ComputingCloudEnabling Technologies to Cloud Computing
Grid systems and cloud servers are two distributed networks that deliver computing resources (e.g., file storages) to users’ services via a large and often global network of computers. Virtualization technology can enhance the efficiency... more
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      Grid ComputingVirtualizationServer VirtualizationClouds
Emergence of cloud computing encourages the local organizations to oriented and provision resources and Virtual Machines VMs dynamically from public cloud. One of the important objectives of provisioning resources is speeding up the... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyComputer NetworksInformation Communication Technology
With the availability of a wide range of cloud Virtual Machines (VMs) it is difficult to determine which VMs can maximise the performance of an application. Benchmarking is commonly used to this end for capturing the performance of VMs.... more
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      Distributed ComputingGrid ComputingParallel ComputingHigh Performance Computing
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      Educational LeadershipMobile Ad Hoc NetworksCloud ComputingEducational Administration and Leadership
Technology has changed our life and the way we work; however, technology has affected several methods of working in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)s. Human Resource (HR) is one of the core components in businesses, and nowadays most... more
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      Computer ScienceEnterprise ArchitectureHuman Resource DevelopmentHuman Resource Management
In recent years, the cloud has become an attractive execution environment for parallel applications, which introduces novel opportunities for versatile optimizations. Particularly promising in this context is the elasticity characteristic... more
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      Parallel AlgorithmsDistributed ComputingParallel ComputingHigh Performance Computing
Since the cloud computing [1] platform is widely accepted by the industry, variety of applications are designed targeting to a cloud platform. Database as a Service (DaaS) is one of the powerful platform of cloud computing. There are many... more
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      Distributed SystemCloud ComputingDistributed SystemsMobile Cloud Computing
ABSTRACT In this contribution, we design and test the performance of a distributed and adaptive resource management controller, which allows the optimal exploitation of Cognitive Radio and soft-input/soft-output data fusion in Vehicular... more
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      Distributed ComputingComputer EngineeringComputer NetworksEnergy
3rd International Conference on Cloud and Internet of Things (ICCIoT 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Cloud and IoT. The aim of the conference... more
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      Cloud Computing ArchitectureEnabling Technologies to Cloud ComputingSecurity in Cloud ComputingCloud-based web applications
Cloud computing has an indispensable role in the modern digital scenario. The fundamental challenge of cloud systems is to accommodate user requirements which keep on varying. This dynamic cloud environment demands the necessity of... more
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      Cloud ComputingCloud Computing EconomyMobile Cloud ComputingEnabling Technologies to Cloud Computing
In this paper we will present a reliable scheduling algorithm in cloud computing environment. In this algorithm we create a new algorithm by means of a new technique and with classification and considering request and acknowledge time of... more
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      Distributed ComputingGrid ComputingHigh Performance ComputingGreen Computing
3rdInternationalConferenceonInternetofThings(CIoT2021)willprovideanexcellentinternational forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory,methodology and applicationsofIoT.Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference... more
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      EntrepreneurshipNetworkingEnergy ManagementData storage
For the execution of the scientific applications, different methods have been proposed to dynamically provide execution environments for such applications that hide the complexity of underlying distributed and heterogeneous... more
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      Distributed ComputingGrid ComputingParallel ComputingHigh Performance Computing
Cloud Computing is the next generation way of communication, Physical and structure barriers to networking and communication will be removed while convenience and security will be enhanced by Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesMobile TechnologyMobile ComputingCloud Computing
In this paper, we develop the optimal minimum-energy scheduler for the dynamic online joint allocation of the task sizes, computing rates, communication rates and communication powers in virtualized Networked Data Centers (NetDCs) that... more
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      Applied MathematicsOptimization (Mathematical Programming)Parallel AlgorithmsDistributed Computing