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      Agonistic PluralismCitizenshipChantal MouffeAgonism
In 2011, the Malaysian police banned the sexuality rights festival Seksualiti Merdeka. As Seksualiti Merdeka responded by defending the rights of LGBTs, some self-identified LGBTs in Malaysia resisted the sexual rights activists's appeal... more
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      Human RightsQueer TheoryGender and SexualityNationalism
Raised by Wolves follows the aftermath of a war caused by the polarizing strife between two factions: atheists and believers. Failing to find common ground, they resort to violence, nearly leading to mutual annihilation. Sent to uncharted... more
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      EducationImmigrationNeoliberalismSpecial Educational Needs
Ce papier réalisé dans le cadre d'un séminaire tente de remettre en cause l'idée selon laquelle les droits dérivent de l'État et qu'une telle conception fragilise l'existence même des droits "défendus".
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      United NationsSociologieConstitutionsDroit
Lifestyle migration is a now-established subfield within the anthropology of migration, and interdisciplinary migration studies, usually justified by its extensive and increasing spread, globally. Yet, bar a few exceptions, the political... more
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      Spanish StudiesPierre BourdieuMigration StudiesAnthropology of Europe
In 2011, the Malaysian police banned the sexuality rights festival Seksualiti Merdeka. As Seksualiti Merdeka responded by defending the rights of LGBTs, some self-identified LGBTs in Malaysia resisted the sexual rights activists's... more
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      Human RightsQueer TheoryGender and SexualityNationalism