English Romanticism
Recent papers in English Romanticism
Lord Byron’s association with the Iberian Peninsula, both in historical and literary terms, plays a pivotal role in his early ideological development and subsequent poetical composition. The renowned romantic poet departed on the Grand... more
According to the Bible, Eve was the first to heed Satan’s advice to eat of the forbidden fruit. The notion of woman as the Devil’s accomplice is prominent throughout the history of Christianity. During the nineteenth century, rebellious... more
The article is devoted to the image of Russia and Russian territories in works of William Blake. We consider the possible aspects of the poet's acquaintance with Russia, Russian territories mentioned in his correspondence and writings.... more
A Review of Michael Ferber's anthology of one hundred poems, published by Cambridge University Press in 2021.
Presentation on Emily Bronte's masterpiece, focusing on its relation to the Romantic movement more broadly and a certain sense of self-hood as dominated by wild, sublime passions.
In his essay, The Language of Paradox, Cleanth Brooks argues that although we tend to see poetry more so as " the language of the soul " rather than " the language of sophistry, " the poet is inevitably forced to approach his truth, "... more
For Jane Austen's heroines, a ball is a rare chance to mingle with the opposite sex. Austen, by incorporating many nations moving and the traditions related with it into her books, accomplishes three sorts of impacts: first, in reflecting... more
Trabajo Literatura Contemporánea.
Manuel Ángel Fernández.
Manuel Ángel Fernández.
The Festschrift to celebrate the retirement of Professor Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou includes intriguing fresh research by friends, colleagues, some of the leaders in their respective fields.
Abstrak: Meskipun terdapat banyak karakter perempuan yang berperan penting dalam kehidup-an karakter utama Don Juan karya Byron, tetap saja yang selama ini menjadi pusat perhatian pa-ra kritikus sastra adalah karakter utamanya, yaitu Don... more
Toy theatres of the nineteenth century frequently depicted famous actors in specific roles, sometimes providing captions beneath characters stating not just the part being portrayed but also the star performer whose face and bodily manner... more
British Romantic Literature and the Emerging Modern Greek Nation makes an original contribution to the field of British Romantic Hellenism (and Romanticism more broadly) by emphasizing the diversity of Romantic-era writers’ attitudes... more
La questione romantica. Rivista interdisciplinare di studi romantici
Nuova Serie Vol.12, n.1-2 (2020)
Nuova Serie Vol.12, n.1-2 (2020)
Work on cognitive literary studies has been one of the approaches revealing new aspects of literary phenomena for some time. The article attempts to use a cognitive terminological framework to discuss the concept of imagination, which is... more
"The affections lead us on," Wordsworth writes in "Tintern Abbey." While English is an impoverished language when it comes to love, Reno's focus is on the Spinozan notion of intellectual love. In this philosophy, emotions lead us to the... more
In looking at the history of the novel in the English language, there are many conventions that early novelists used in order to create their characters and the plot details important to their novels. One such convention was the creation... more
Статья посвящена работе Герберта Рида "Сюрреализм и романтический принцип" (1936). Показана внутренняя связь идей сюрреализма и умозрения "последнего романтика", как называли Рида его современники.
These three book reviews cover the five volumes of Clare's Poems of the Middle Period edited by Eric Robinson, David Powell and P.M.S. Dawson and published by Clarendon Press between 1996 and 2003 to conclude a nine-volume edition of... more
By examining what Freud coined “dream-work” and the condensation, displacement, and imagery of the story, one can view the hysteria of Victor and his monster as a delusional dream of Captain Robert Walton and his subconscious desire to... more
""Wordsworth’s Poetry and Prose includes a generous selection of poems and prose writings, works published by Wordsworth himself being presented under the headings and in the texts of their earliest published volumes. Wordsworth's... more
A Latin prose translation of one of the greatest poems in the English language, Shelley's Ozymandias (1818). Published at Academia.edu on April 12, 2021.
It is a curious coincidence that, in the early months of 1805, a series of lectures intended to define and to popularize the discipline of geology was undertaken almost simultaneously by prominent men of science in London and in Paris.... more
Talk presented at the following event:
"Beyond the Bolt: Frankenstein and its (Un)Likenesses UNA GIORNATA DI STUDIO DEDICATA ALLA RISCOPERTA DI FRANKENSTEIN DI MARY SHELLEY", Università della Tuscia, Viterbo, 28 October 2016
"Beyond the Bolt: Frankenstein and its (Un)Likenesses UNA GIORNATA DI STUDIO DEDICATA ALLA RISCOPERTA DI FRANKENSTEIN DI MARY SHELLEY", Università della Tuscia, Viterbo, 28 October 2016
Most readings of Wordsworth’s Adventures on Salisbury Plain focus on the enactment of the Sailor’s guilt of and repentance for the murder he has committed. Without discarding readings with an ethical emphasis, I read Adventures on... more
This essay explores Nicky Hopkins’ eventful relationship with The Rolling Stones as both band and brand. To do this, it is essential to foreground a marginalised area in popular music studies: disability. I discuss Hopkins’s legacy with... more
This article adopts a historical and biographical perspective in order to investigate Percy Bysshe Shelley’s experience of Milan in April 1818. To this end, I trace the Shelleys’ arrival in the city and focus on the places they visited,... more
To most, Charles Darwin's story is simply the birth of the Theory of Evolution. In reality, the story of how Darwin came to this theory, and the many people who would shape his destiny, is itself a story that needs to be told. Like many... more
This article contends that Wordsworth’s treatment of the Discharged Soldier is influenced by a scandal that followed the publication of William Cobbett’s pamphlet The Soldier’s Friend (1792). Cobbett publicized the mistreatment of... more
Tom Duggett’s Gothic Romanticism is a compellingly ambitious study of the pursuit of a purer and better gothic in late-eighteenth- and early-nineteenth-century England. Focusing on Wordsworth and the Lake Poets’ attempt to refine a... more
My theme is ‘life-writing’, understood as the shaping of one's life through the contemplation of values, although this activity is mostly unreflective. To become an art so that one's life can be shaped in greater accord with clearly held... more
This public lesson searches the influence of the Romantic movement in Newman's conception of poetry and it´s capacity of expressing the truth, and studies "Lead, Kindly Light" as a source of knowledge of his spiritual itinerary. Esta... more
The paper examines the influence of Platonic and Neoplatonist ideas in Blake's oevure, and evaluates Blake's changing attitude towards Plato.
The anarchist philosopher, novelist and historian William Godwin (1756-1836) began life in a devout Dissenting or nonconformist family. As a young man he trained for the ministry, before losing his faith and turning atheist in 1792. Over... more
Wordsworth engages with the Christian wisdom of his day, wherein worldly wishes—for glory or wealth, permanence or improvement, adequate sensory pleasure—give way to super-sensual hope in eternity and infinity. What abides on earth is... more
Designed as an aid to the reading of Shelley's "Prometheus Unbound"
Estudio interpretativo de la novela pionera de Mármol, su análisis de la sociedad rosista y las relaciones de poder entre los sectores cultos y las clases populares.
Romanticism is a movement that occurs in the 18 century and towards the end of the century in Europe. This movement not only some branch of art but it also takes place in literature. Literature accepts this movement with enthusiasm and... more
Introduction to Lyrical Ballads 1798 and 1800, ed. Michael Gamer and Dahlia Porter (Broadview Press, 2008).
This essay combines philology and ecocriticism as approaches to PB Shelley's Prometheus Unbound. Percy Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound (1819) acknowledges “a certain arbitrary discretion” in its subject, turning from the extent play of... more
sicuramente l'autrice più nota nel panorama del romanzo gotico anglosassone; tanto nota da essere imitata e parodiata quand'era ancora in vita, da essere amata e citata da autori del nostro romanticismo quali Guerrazzi e Ruffini e da... more