Recent papers in Entextualization
Breakups are events that primarily take place through conversations (although sometimes dishes are thrown). Often they occur during the course of several different conversations. That is, people may have a few conversations leading up to... more
This article maps out and reviews work on textual trajectories and related concepts from sociolinguistics, linguistic ethnography, discourse and literacy studies. The first part of the article argues that work on entextualisation and... more
The ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts form the oldest sizable body of religious texts in the world. Discovered in the late nineteenth century, they had been inscribed on the interior stone walls of the pyramid tombs of third-millennium kings... more
The linguistic anthropology of Oceania has seen vigorous and productive analysis of language ideologies, ritual performance, personhood, and agency. This article points to three related paths of inquiry that are especially promising.... more
The aim of this article is to show how a suspect's statement travels through two stages of the criminal law process: the police interrogation and the trial, exhibited by two modes of production: talk and writing. I first discuss how the... more
This article examines how science studies in general and actor-network theory (ANT) in particular can inform scholarship on documentary. More specifically, we argue that both ANT scholars and documentary scholars are faced with the... more
Since their emergence, discourses of sustainability have been widely resemioticised in different genres and have intertextually merged with other discourses and practices. This article examines the emergence of Integrated Reporting (IR)... more
This paper explores parallelism as a phenomenon not restricted to language and poetic expression but rather something that may be manifested through any type of signs. The first half of the paper concentrates on the relationship of... more
The scenario for this paper is the combined sanitary and political crisis that Brazil has been facing in these unprecedented times of the COVID-19 pandemic. The country is ideologically polarized and this polarization has been enhanced in... more
Intertextuality and misunderstanding This special issue investigates the interplay of intertextuality and misunderstanding in the mediation of social realities. The notion of intertextuality, that any given text is accorded meaning... more
DE: Rekontextualisierung, d.h. Einbettung von Äußerungen in andere neue Kontexte, stellt, besonders in heutigen zahlreichen Online-Diskursen, ein besonders mächtiges Tool dar. Eine gewaltige Anzahl von Texten, Bildern und Videos... more
Resumo: Este artigo focaliza as práticas discursivas de Luan, um jovem negro e de identificações homoeróticas, em interação na Web 2.0. Os dados foram gerados em uma investigação etnográfica, no contexto interacional da rede social... more
Socialization takes place not in bounded interactional episodes, but across communicative encounters. This aspect provides the general frame of the present paper which uses the concept of "trajectory of socialization" (Wortham 2005) to... more
In this study I examine a corpus of former refugee narratives published by the nonprofit Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) on their website in 2011. In order to investigate the relationship between the constituent parts and the... more
This article puts forth a methodology for reading and analyzing texts that seriously considers the language-society nexus. Inscribed at once in the pragmatic and linguistic-anthropological perspectives, the article analyzes a mediated... more
Paper presented at at Linguistic Anthropology: Perspectives and Potentials. The first Stockholm roundtable in linguistic anthropology.
Theoretical and applied research in the field of institutional discourse analysis calls for an increasing awareness of the constitutive nature of discourse in the representation and the assessment of social identities (Sarangi & Roberts... more
This book presents an innovative institutional transpositional ethnography that examines the textual trajectory of “the life of a calling script” from production by corporate management and clients to recontextualization by middle... more
Situo este estudo no contexto da aprovação de um projeto de lei intitulado “Infância sem pornografia”, submetido à câmara de vereadores da cidade de Juiz de Fora – MG, o qual fora proposto com o efeito de judicialização dos/as... more
This article explores how a certain number of concepts and practices from the field of linguistic anthropology can clarify for literary and cultural critics the interactive nature of the production of meaning around cultural artifacts.... more
This case study explored the English Language related ideologies of different management groups and student representatives at a business school of Karachi, Pakistan. The study tried to bring an insider's perspective to the causes of... more
"This article examines contrasting entextualizations of the Bible across conflicting Traditionalist and Evangelical Christian identities on the Fort Apache reservation in Arizona. On the one hand, each makes use of Apache language idioms... more
This article is meant to initiate a dialogue with Judith Bridges about the performativity of language. By analyzing how social media users talk about what language is doing, especially when these users accuse someone of whitesplaining,... more
Since their emergence, discourses of sustainability have been widely resemioticised in different genres and have intertextually merged with other discourses and practices. This article examines the emergence of Integrated Reporting (IR)... more
Theoretical and applied research in the field of institutional discourse analysis calls for an increasing awareness of the constitutive nature of discourse in the representation and the assessment of social identities (Sarangi & Roberts... more
Resumo Este artigo focaliza as práticas discursivas de Luan, um jovem negro e de identificações homoeróticas, em interação na Web 2.0. Os dados foram gerados em uma investigação etnográfica, no contexto interacional da rede social... more