Enviromental Studies
Recent papers in Enviromental Studies
In this chapter, I draw on Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy to explore environmental embodiment—the various lived ways, sensorily and motility-wise, that the body in its pre-reflective perceptual presence engages and synchronizes with the world... more
The distinction between natural and urban spaces permeates much of Western dominant political and environmental philosophy. This distinction in itself need not be problematic when used as an observational or descriptive category. However,... more
Una profesora de 22 años se trasladó al servicio de urgencias con antecedentes de 2 días de cefalea y fiebre. El día de su ingreso, la paciente no había acudido a la escuela ni había llamado para dar una explicación. Al enterarse de esto,... more
The purpose of the study was to assess the effects of ecology-based nature education program on elementary school students' environmental knowledge, environmental affect, and responsible environmental behavior. A total number of 64... more
Perubahan fungsi lahan akhir-akhir ini kian marak terjadi. Hal tersebut selalu dirasakan oleh beberapa petani di Indonesia, tidak terkecuali di wilayah Bantul Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Pencemaran udara adalah masuknya atau dimasukkannya zat, energi, dan/atau komponen lain dalam udara ambien oleh kegiatan manusia, sehingga mutu udara ambien turun sampai ke tingkat tertentu yang menyebabkan udara ambien tidak dapat... more
Collective action for managing common pool resources is a vital element with many appropriation and provision problems. Challenges of ensuring collective action forces us to identify the determinants of collective action. This study... more
Graham Huggan and Helen Tiffin's Postcolonial Ecocriticism is a compelling study of the ways in which the critical agendas of postcolonial studies and ecocriticism can mutually inform and energize each other. Their objective, as per their... more
This article aims to analyze a realization of socially en-gaged Buddhism outside of Buddhist monasteries in China by using the case studies of Tzu Chi Foundation. Since the 2000s, state-led religious charities have been gradually... more
Tesis de investigación presentada como requisito parcial para optar al título de:
in: Vorbedingungen des Rechts (Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie. ARSP Beiheft 150), hg. v. Markus Abraham/Till Zimmermann/Sabrina Zucca-Soest, Stuttgart 2016, 171–181.
La producción convencional de cemento puede ocasionar algunos problemas ambientales:
Desde el origen del ser humano, la naturaleza ha estado presente en su vida con un temprano interés por establecer orden y control sobre ella. Sin embargo, el parque urbano, tal y como hoy en día lo conocemos, entendido como pulmón verde... more
Since the “eco-terrorism” movement was first identified by the United States government as presenting the ‘number one domestic security threat,’ a number of books and academic articles seeking to address the issue have emerged. Generally... more
Σημασία υγροτόπων, προβλήματα και δυνατότητες, υγρότοποι στο νομο Λέσβου: πανίδα και χλωρίδα που φιλοξενούν
Weather writing encourages a thicker understanding of the reciprocal implication of human subjects and climatic natures. While it can be a robust research methodology, weather writing is presented here as a teaching tool that... more
RESUMO: O ensaio trata da articulação dos trabalhos de auditoria ambiental com as práticas de aderência e observância de empresas e de instituições a normas de regulação de atividades-compliance. Este último é tema bastante atual no... more
GİRİŞ Çağımızın endüstriyel toplumunun yaşadığı çevre sorunlarının çözümü için bu toplumun bireylerinin farkındalığına ve onların oluşturduğu kamuoyunun denetimine gereksinim duyulmaktadır. Medyanın yaydığı haberler aracılığıyla bu... more
This article discusses the concept of planetary boundaries that has been advanced by a group of leading experts around Johan Rockström. I place the concept of planetary boundaries in the larger framework of the emerging research paradigm... more
Atık sulardan azot ve fosforun uzaklaştırılması son yıllarda oldukça önem kazanmıştır. Hem azot hem de fosfor alıcı su ortamımın kalitesini etkiledikleri için deşarjlarının kontrol edilmesi gerekmektedir. Azotun yanı sıra fosfor da su... more
Richa Wati S.R. 11/316466/FI/03631 FAKULTAS FILSAFAT UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA 2013 BAB I GARIS BESAR PEMIKIRAN ARISTOTELES A. Pendahuluan Masalah etika adalah sebuah masalah yang berat. Sebagai cabang filsafat yang mengkaji manusia sejauh... more
The Ciuc-basin is known as one of the coldest regions of the country, where the forests are mainly formed of pines and this vision is regularly projected to the Medieval Times. Archaeological data does not confirm this presumption, on... more
Ρύπανση απο ελαιοτριβεία στην περιοχή της Λέσβου, τα χαρακτηριστικά και η σύνθεση των αποβλήτων ελαιοτριβείων, διαχείριση και τρόποι αντιμετώπισης
El municipio de Pájara es el más extenso de Canarias y seguramente el que mejor ha sabido preservar sus recursos. Con casi 400 kilómetros cuadrados de extensión tiene el 96% del su suelo protegido, que en un alto porcentaje está declarado... more
Academic Year : 2 0 1 4 1 CHAPTER OUTLINE The need for planning Migration from the central to the Suburbs Factors that contribute to sprawl Problems associated with unplanned urban growth Transportation problems and air... more
En este momento Colombia tiene un gran reto frente a la polinización puesto que es uno de los países más biodiversos del mundo, lo que hace que se genere una relación estrecha de polinización entre muchas plantas y polinizadores. Esa... more
Sungai Cipamingkis adalah salah satu Sungai yang terletak di Provinsi Jawa Barat dan melintas di wilayah administrasi Kabupaten Bogor dan Kabupaten Bekasi. Upaya optimalisasi pelestarian pemanfaatan Sungai Cipamingkis dilakukan melalui... more
The field experiments were conducted at the crop growing farm in the south east part of northern region of India during Rabi season 2006-07 and 2007-08 to study the “Effect of deferent levels of sewage water on accumulation of heavy... more