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The present city of Noida lies between two rivers on the left hand side being the Yamuna River and the right hand side the Hindon. The rivers also act as physical boundaries to the city and on the north direction the Hindon cut serves as... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban StudiesUrbanismCity planning
Materia hanorin ekolojia no estudo do meio atu apriende konseitu baziku ekolojia no integra ba konseitu agrikultura ba aumenta produsaun no produtividade liu husi aprosimasaun habelun ambiental.
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    • Environment and Ecology
Background: The southern and eastern parts of the Gobi Desert area are a unique dry ecosystem with a diverse regional desert, semi-desert, and mountain dry steppe flora. This area habitat is located at the overlap of different floristic... more
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      GeographyEnvironment and EcologyEcology and Environment
The study investigated problems between migrant ethnic groups and the indigenous Agĩkũyũin Rũaka, Kĩambu County. After the construction of the Northern bypass, Rũaka opened up and this saw a number of investors coming into the area in... more
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      GeographyMoral PhilosophyEthnicity & Ethnic ConflictsEnvironment and Ecology
Identifying the land use/land cover pattern and its changes plays a considerable role in assessing the impact of man's activity towards natural ecosystem. This study focuses on the agrarian land use change over the study region of... more
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    • Environment and Ecology
In dieser persönlichen Darstellung berichte ich über meine Wahrnehmungen, Erfahrungen und mein Verhalten während der Überschwemmungen 2011 in Bangkok, in denen mein Heim und die Nachbarschaft überschwemmt und schwer beschädigt wurden. In... more
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      SociologyPerceptionEthnographySoutheast Asia
Resumen. El fin que debe alcanzar cualquier proyecto de desarrollo, es el mejorar de un modo sustentable el bienestar humano y el equilibrio ambiental, es decir, producir un avance significativo en el desarrollo humano, sobre una base que... more
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Disaster resilience is a topic of increasing importance for policy makers in the context of climate change. However, measuring disaster resilience remains a challenge as it requires information on both the physical environment and... more
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      Computer ScienceClimate ChangeSoutheast AsiaPhilippines
El concepto de sistema de innovación, acuñado hace un poco más de una década, se ha convertido desde entonces en una herramienta útil para ayudar a entender las diferencias en las tasas de progreso tecnológico que experimentan las... more
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      Technology AssessmentEcologyEconomic DevelopmentTechnological change
The study investigated problems between migrant ethnic groups and the indigenous Agĩkũyũin Rũaka, Kĩambu County. After the construction of the Northern bypass, Rũaka opened up and this saw a number of investors coming into the area in... more
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      GeographyMoral PhilosophyEthnicity & Ethnic ConflictsSocial Sciences and Humanities
The German Institute for Development Evaluation (Deutsches Evaluierungsinstitut der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit; DEval) is mandated to evaluate the performance of German development cooperation interventions. Through its evidence-based... more
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      Climate ChangeSustainable DevelopmentAdaptationEcology
Ant communities are well suited for monitoring changes in ecosystems. Although numerous studies have examined the responses of ant communities to environmental disturbance, relatively few long-term studies on ant communities have been... more
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      Environment and EcologyLong Term
The study investigated problems between migrant ethnic groups and the indigenous Agĩkũyũin Rũaka, Kĩambu County. After the construction of the Northern bypass, Rũaka opened up and this saw a number of investors coming into the area in... more
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      GeographyMoral PhilosophyEthnicity & Ethnic ConflictsEnvironment and Ecology