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      Environmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policy
James Gustave Speth, pravnik po svom postdiplomskom obrazovanju, danas je profesor znanosti o okolišu na Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (Odjel šumarskih i okolišnih studija), New Haven, Conn. USA. Napisao je... more
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      Environmental JusticeMultidisciplinaryEnvironmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policy
Environmental laws such as the Clean Air Act are administered largely at the state level, with more or less enthusiasm, depending on the state. Here we examine the spatial distributions of four indicators of environmentalism:... more
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      GeographyPublic OpinionEnvironmental policyCulture
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      Environmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policy
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      AdaptationEnvironmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policy
Air quality crisis in cities is mainly due to vehicular emissions. Transportation systems are increasing everywhere and the improvements in technology are insufficient to counteract growth. This paper examines the effect of vehicular... more
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      Air QualityIT ManagementAir pollutionTraffic Management
We conducted a diagnosis of the environmental management system of the Brazilian auto parts industry, using the LIFE certification methodology (lasting initiative for earth) as a diagnostic tool. This certification recognizes enterprises... more
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      Environmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policy
The Brazilian Atlantic Forest in the State of São Paulo is one of the world most threatened ecosystems, as only 1.8% of its original coverage is left. With a biodiversity that includes endemic species, such as the black lion tamarin... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental EducationSustainable DevelopmentSeed Dispersal
This alignment of equating the economic wealth of countries with colder and warmer eco-climatic zones is of course a gross simplification. Notable exceptions to equating developed countries, the North (which we equate with countries being... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental policyBibliometricsData Analysis
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      GlobalizationRegional policyResilienceComplexity
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      Science PolicyEnvironmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policyConvention on Biological Diversity
G.-E. Sé ralini). a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m journal homepage: 1462-9011/$ -see front matter #
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      Food SafetyScience PolicyEnvironmental SciencesMaize
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      Environmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policyLegislationNitrogen
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      Ecosystem ServicesOrganic agricultureBiological ControlFood Security
a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m journal homepage: 1462-9011/$ -see front matter #
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      Public AdministrationTime SeriesInput-Output AnalysisCarbon Footprint
Purpose The purpose of this article is to examine the arguments in favor of a shift from value-added tax (VAT) or sales tax to a damage and value-added tax (DaVAT) partially based on the life cycle assessment (LCA) of goods and services.... more
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      Life Cycle AssessmentEnvironmental science and policy
Comprehensive classification systems to accurately account for lands managed for biodiversity conservation, are an essential component of conservation planning and policy. The current international classification systems for lands managed... more
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      ConservationLand managementIUCNConservation planning
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      Environmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policy
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
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      Science PolicyEnvironmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policy
A conflict mediation analysis framework was developed.•We examine six mediation cases in Cambodia, Indonesia and Thailand.•Mediation played a crucial role in transforming forest conflicts in six study sites.•Effectiveness and availability... more
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      ForestryConflict TransformationConflict Mediation StrategiesEnvironmental Sciences
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
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      Environmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policy
Las Evaluaciones de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) surgen en Estados Unidos por medio de la Ley de Política Pública Ambiental Nacional (NEPA) en 1970 como un método para integrar una «racionalidad ambiental» a la política pública y los procesos... more
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      Environmental LawEnvironmental policyEnvironmental StudiesSustainable Development
and sharing with colleagues.
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      Climate ChangeAdaptationCommunityEnvironmental Sciences
This paper examines local sustainability concepts in Connemara, a predominantly rural region in the West of Ireland, to show how they are (re-)constituted through people’s interactions with social and biophysical environments. We argue... more
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      Environmental SociologyEthnographyEnvironmental policyEthics & Social Sustainability
Keywords: Flood Risk Climate change Adaptation Market-based instruments a
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      Climate ChangeAdaptationRiskEnvironmental Sciences
Fit-for-purpose governance Operationalisation Uncertainty a b s t r a c t Natural disasters, extreme weather events, economic crises, political change and long term change, such as climate change and demographic change, are in many places... more
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      Environmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policy
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
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      Science PolicyEnvironmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policy
There is growing awareness that the cement industry is a significant contributor to global carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions. It is expected that this industry will come under increasing regulatory pressures to reduce its emissions and... more
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      Environmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policy
The magnitude of current nutrient losses from agriculture to ground and surface water calls for effective environmental policy, including the use of regulation. Nutrient loss is experienced in many countries despite differences in the... more
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      Environmental policyWater qualityPhosphorusEnvironmental Sciences
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      Climate ChangeEnvironmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policyLand Use
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      Science PolicyEnvironmental SciencesSpatial planningEnvironmental science and policy
Farmer decisions with regard to production and land use are strongly influenced by socio-economic factors. In the developed world, the role of agricultural subsidies, quotas and guaranteed prices is especially important. In the past there... more
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      Agricultural PolicyEnvironmental SciencesSoil ErosionEnvironmental science and policy
This edited volume explores how NGOs have been influential in shaping global biodiversity conservation policy and practice. It encapsulates a growing body of literature has questioned the mandates, roles, and effectiveness of these... more
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      Critical TheoryConservation BiologyPolitical EcologyNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
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      Environmental ScienceDevelopment EconomicsClimate ChangeInternational Studies
Research on acid deposition can be traced to the mid-19th century, but has expanded greatly in the last 50 yr, focussing in particular upon the eects on ecosystems of acid deposition caused by the combustion of fossil fuels. Observational... more
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      BiogeochemistryInteractionAquatic EcosystemEnvironmental Sciences
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      EconomicsEnvironmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policy
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      Climate ChangeScience PolicyEnvironmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policy
Acid rain is an increasing environmental problem in China. At present SO 2 emission is about 20±22 million tons. However with a growing number of large power plants the long-range transport of air pollutants is expected to increase. The... more
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      Air pollutionAcid RainPower PlantEnvironmental Sciences
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      Environmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policy
Climate change threatens to cause the largest refugee crisis in human history. Millions of people, largely in Africa and Asia, might be forced to leave their homes to seek refuge in other places or countries over the course of the... more
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      International RelationsClimate ChangeInternational LawEnvironmental policy
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      Environmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policy
Keywords: Biodiversity Chile Ecosystem services Fishermen Multiple-Use Coastal Marine Protected Area Stakeholders' perceptions a b s t r a c t The definition of a common vision that includes social and environmental goals, ecosystem... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesBiodiversityEnvironmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policy
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      Environmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policy
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
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      Ecosystem ServicesEnvironmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policyValuation
Consumer's choice of food can influence the environment. In Sweden, in common with many other countries, consumers need to be given information so they can make environmentally informed shopping choices. However, what is the most... more
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      Agricultural PolicyEnvironmental SustainabilityEnvironmental SciencesEnvironmental science and policy
"This volume provides an essential glossary of critical terms and concepts in the field of international environmental politics for diplomats, analysts and students. The interdisciplinary array of expert authors provide terse and... more
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      Environmental EconomicsEnvironmental LawEnvironmental policyEnvironmental Studies
Motivation plays a powerful role in guiding human decision-making and behaviour, including adaptation to climate change. This study aimed to determine whether community-based governance would increase behavioural support, in the form of... more
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      Social PsychologyEnvironmental PsychologySubsidiarityClimate Change Adaptation
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      ManagementNatural ResourcesContent AnalysisNatural Resource Management
Munculnya isu pembangunan berwawasan lingkungan yang berkelanjutan seiring dengan gagasan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Munculnya strategi pembangunan berkelanjutan (sustainable development), sekitar tahun 1970-an seiring dengan merebaknya... more
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    • Environmental science and policy