Epistle to the Ephesians
Most cited papers in Epistle to the Ephesians
How was the relation between social identity and behavior norms constructed in the early Christ-movement? How did the Christ-believers in the early Christ-movement experience their identity “in Christ” as both causing and requiring... more
Ephesians 2:11-22 is not only the heart of the book of Ephesians but is also central in understanding Pauline Christology and ecclesiology. Through an exegetical analysis of Ephesians 2:11-22, this article explores how the Gentile and... more
Der Artikel untersucht antike Atheistenkataloge nicht im Blick auf "Ursprünge" und Entwicklung des antiken Atheismus, sondern als eine spezifische Organisationsform in der klassischen Literatur. Diese Praxis diente dazu, Wissen in... more
Teologiczne dziedzictwo Tomasza z Akwinu opiera się nie tylko na systematycznym wykładzie doktryny chrześcijańskiej, ale również na licznych komentarzach biblijnych. Biblijne orędzie poddane właściwej Średniowieczu hermeneutyce stanowi... more
According to the Letter to the Ephesians, evangelisation of Israel is not less important than evangelisation of the Gentiles. Israel, though it has been granted several privileges as the People of Covenants (Eph 2,12), is still in need of... more
This essay argues that the background of the temple, and particular priestly and levitical activities, explain the logic of Eph. 5.18-21. After setting this text in context and addressing various proposed backgrounds, the proposal of this... more
Author: Lisa Baumert Publisher: CBE International Where and how we start in our interpretation of Scripture determines where we will end up. When seeking to understand the relevance of the Bible’s teaching for our lives, interpretive... more
Long, Fredrick J. “Ephesians: Paul’s Political Theology in Greco-Roman Political Context.” Pages 255–309 in Christian Origins and Classical Culture: Social and Literary Contexts for the New Testament. Edited by S. E. Porter and A. W.... more
There are four ways in which the phrase ―θαζαξίζαο ηῷ ινπηξῷ ηνῦ ὕδαηνο ἐλ ῥήκαηη‖ has been interpreted by several scholars. These are the following: (1) baptism imagery, (2) redemption imagery, (3) cleansing by the Word, and (4)... more
In searching of senses of Holy Scripture. St. Thomas’ Super Epistolam ad Ephesios and selected modern exegetical interpretations of Eph. 5:1-2 Peper language: polish Referat wygłoszony 21.04.2015 na międzynarodowej konferencji pt.... more