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      ArchitectureEarly ChristianityBaptismChristian Iconography
Author: Kirsten Laurel Guidero Publisher: CBE International Evangelicalism can find a foothold in renewed practices of reading Scripture. This article first illustrates the larger problems haunting evangelical patterns of reading... more
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      ChristianityNew TestamentBiblical StudiesGender Equality
From a close analysis of the idea of baptism in Pauline literature, one can identify the following conclusions: Paul nowhere identifies baptism in water as a work of merit that cannot save. Paul abundantly describes burial in water as... more
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      ChristianityEducationSocial SciencesTheology
Abstract: The God of the Bible is an incarnate God: A God who speaks in and through the embodied human experience. Thus, for all of the theological significance of baptism, it is also incumbent for Christians to recognize the vital... more
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      BaptismRites of PassageBaptismal Liturgy
In this study, we will explore how the baptismal elements present in the historiography of the Earliest Church offer a theological perspective that can be used ethnographically to understand the way in which the different ecclesial... more
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      Liturgical StudiesBaptismInfant BaptismBaptismal Theology
Here's my chapter contribution entitled "Is Virtual Baptism a 'Real' Baptism?" in Technology and Theology ed. William Anderson (Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press, 2020), 149-167. (for educational purposes e-copy email: ---... more
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      BaptismVirtual RealityTheology of SacramentsReligion and Cyberspace
In an hour where doctrine and doctrinal study is dismissed as lacking both significance and relevance, it is our belief that there has never been a time when truth must be proclaimed (preaching) and explained (teaching) loudly, clearly,... more
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      Early ChurchEarly ChristianityMissiology and Mission TheologyBaptism
The round painting known as the Doni tondo, now in the Uffizi Gallery, is the only existing panel painting completed by Michelangelo, whose authorship has never been questioned. There is also a general consensus that Michelangelo painted... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissance StudiesBaptismBody Image
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      Freedom of ReligionBaptismJohn CalvinSeparation of Church and State
Scholars have traditionally read John Chrysostom's baptismal instructions, preached in Antioch, as examples of a new, post-Constantinian paradigm in liturgical theology: the Romans 6 notion of baptism as death and resurrection with... more
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      Liturgical StudiesPatristicsEarly ChristianityByzantine Studies
Dqs Mittelalter l0 (2005) 2: Produktive Kulturkonflikte frtihe vollplastische Skulptur vorhanden ist, zum anderen auch nicht klar ist, wie das Golgothakreuz wirklich aussah, d. h. ob es überhaupt mit einem Corpus Christi versehen war. Ob... more
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This paper addresses the issue of the use of the term "regenerate" in the baptismal service, and originally was submitted to the Prayer Book Task Force of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) in 2012, during the ACNA's prayer book... more
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      RegenerationBaptismBook of Common PrayerBaptismal Regeneration
Longtemps considéré comme un symbole d’intégration et de réussite sociale, le baptême estudiantin est aujourd’hui décrié à bien des égards et relégué au plan de l’archaïsme, du désuet, de l’illusoire. La presse en fait d’ailleurs des... more
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      Gender StudiesBaptismGenre TheoryUniversity
Short paper exploring how baptism fits within an ecclesiology of the church as gospel along with the plausibility factors that have given rise to celebrations of individual life-transformation choices (i.e. "Believer's Baptism").
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      PresbyterianismSacramentologyBaptismReformed theology
Resumo: Este artigo procura entender o batismo como um rito de iniciação e sua relevância na vida das pessoas em tempos de fragmentação, descontinuidade e desinstitucionalização. Mais do que nunca é importante para a Teologia Prática se... more
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"Our words indicate our thoughts, but our thoughts don't make anything happen…. It's not the same with God." In Speaking the Love of God: An Introduction to the Sacraments, Dr. Jacob W. Wood shows how Christ gives his Church the power to... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyCovenant TheologyAugustine
In order to map out the extent to which the interplay between professional creationist and anti-creationist organizations in the United States determines the state of the creation/evolution debates, I shall proceed in three steps. First,... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryHistory of Science and Technology
La recherche sur les origines de symboles déclaratoires et synodales suppose que ces symboles ne sont pas liés à la liturgie baptismale, au motif que les premiers symboles baptismaux sont interrogatifs plutôt que déclaratoires. Cet... more
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      BaptismCreeds and ConfessionsEarly Christian LiturgyChristian liturgical origins
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      LiturgyBaptismSacramental TheologyRitual kinship and godparenthood
This research aims to highlight the changed view within the swedish pentecostal movement on the subject of baptism as being the main entry into church fellowship. This essay tries to make clear whether or not the importance of baptism as... more
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      BaptismPentecostalismDiscipleshipSwedish Pentecostal Movement
A resource book I edited and contributed to for the denomination ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians.
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      PresbyterianismSacramentologyBaptismReformed theology
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      Baptist TheologyBaptismHistory of Baptist and their IdentityBaptist Heritage
Il presente studio si propone di sottolineare la necessità che la teologia spirituale – anche sull’impulso dato da papa Francesco in Evangelii gaudium –, oltre che sui percorsi proposti dai grandi mistici, dia grande valore ai principi... more
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      BaptismSpiritual TheologyHoliness
(English Summary: Baptism and Baptismal Vessels in Post-Reformation Saaremaa pp. 126-136). This article examines the changes that occured in the use and location of baptismal vessels and fonts in Saaremaa during the Early Modern... more
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      16th Century (History)Baptism17th century EuropeBaptismal Fonts
Kreuzzeichen und Katechumensalbung; Taufe; Salbung mit Chrisam; Bekleidung mit dem weißen Taufgewand; Taufkerze The Signs of Baptism for Children: Sign of the cross; Anointing with the oil of catechumens - Baptism - Anointing with Chrisam... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyBaptismSacramental Theology
Mission Round Table 15:1 (Jan-Apr 2020): 42-43. In this insightful interview, Scott Callaham highlights key challenges issued in World Mission: Theology, Strategy, and Current Issues. The book was written not only for mission... more
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyChristian MissionsMission Studies
Holy water can help lay people in their pursuit of sainthood. It reminds them about the sacrament of baptism and encourages to be grateful to God for such a great gift, to feel joy and pride in being Christian. It helps to prepare for the... more
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the fragmented book from the Nag Hammadi library, is here renumbered into 300 verses and 11 sub-chapters. Turned out real nice. The book appears to kick off a series of advanced Gnostic teachings based on the Untitled Coptic text... more
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      GnosticismBaptismDead Sea Scrolls Nag Hammadi CodicesCoptic (Archaeology)
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    • Baptism
於入門聖事中延施聖餐不是正教會的應然做法。此文重伸正教會對入門聖事的官方立場及其神學重點。完整入門聖事理應包括三合一架構: 即洗禮-傅聖油/膏-施聖餐於單一慶典內舉行。當中是沒有神學理據需要延施聖餐。教會的入門聖事是屬於教會的,它的三合一架構並不屬於聖品可自行決定的範疇,不可按其喜好随意更改。
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      Orthodox TheologyBaptismChristian InitiationLiturgics
Źródła pisane "z epoki" są szczególną kategorią źródeł, dla części history ków najważniejszą, dla niektórych problematyczną. Przekazy źródeł powstałych później, niż miały m iejsce opisywane przez nie wydarzenia, bywają nieraz dużo... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryHistory of ReligionMedieval Studies
У статті проводиться аналіз текстів донікейських Отців, які показують сприйняття ними водного хрещення. Зокрема, розглядаються праці чотирьох видатних богословів, що писали свої праці в III ст. – Орігена, Іполита Римського, Тертуліана... more
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    • Baptism
When Christians meet together, we sing. Music is essential to our experience of faith, and many of us will be able to tell of times where singing or being present to music has shaped our sense of vocation and calling. 1 Music not an... more
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Questo studio dimostra che la teologia del battesimo di Ratzinger è nel quadro di una prospettiva storica e cosmologica sulla liturgia. Storicamente, il battesimo non può essere compreso se non riusciamo a vedere e comprendere la sua... more
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      LiturgyBaptismTheology of Joseph RatzingerInitiation Studies
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate standard exegetical practice that helps to determine the meaning of Biblical text. The text (1 Cor 15:29) chosen for this demonstration presents a number of difficulties that require proper... more
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      New TestamentTextual CriticismHermeneuticsManuscript Studies
Discussion des enjeux œcuméniques du baptême : Le baptême nous rend responsables dans notre Eglise et envers toutes les Eglises. Quelles conséquences tirer de la communion baptismale pour l'ecclésiologie et la reconnaissance des... more
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      BaptismUnity of ChurchBaptêmeUnité de l'Eglise
Ristimiskivi oli keskaegses kihelkonnakirikus üks tähtsamaid liturgilisi esemeid, mida kasutati esimese ehk ristimise sakramendi läbi viimisel. Sageli on keskaegsed ristimisnõud ka vanimateks säilinud kirikukunsti teosteks meie... more
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      BaptismMedieval ArtBaptismal FontsMedieval Livonia
This article maintained that the historicity of Jesus’ baptism was intended to flesh out the righteousness of God that was well-documented in the Hebrew Scriptures. Furthermore, the historical event initiated the ontological emphasis on... more
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      OntologyGospelsBaptismGospel of Matthew
By submitting this thesis/dissertation electronically, I declare that the entirety of the work contained therein is my own, original work, that I am the sole author thereof (save to the extent explicitly otherwise stated), that... more
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      New TestamentBaptismPaulPauline
Gal 3 ist für die Frage nach einer christlichen Geschlechtsrollenpastoral deshalb so interessant, weil hier in besonderer Dichte verschiedene Aspekte von Geschlechtsrollen zum Tragen kommen. SPRACHLICH sind alle Gemeindemitglieder... more
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      Gender StudiesBaptismApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersPatriarchy
While election only includes who shall infallibly inherit eternal salvation, the covenant of grace describes the way in which these elect are and shall be led to this, their destiny. Election and covenant are therefore not distinguished... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyBaptismReformed theology
There is no dispute that Jesus' command to baptize is sufficient for his church to obey. But when it comes to explaining the meaning of baptism, the fact of Jesus' command is insufficient. Since sacraments and covenants go together, an... more
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      TheologyBaptist TheologyCovenant TheologyEcclesiology
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      European HistoryHistorical AnthropologySocial NetworksEarly Modern History
This essay exposes the ideological biases characterizing recent research into the origin of "Christian baptism" as scholars variously root its origin in their preferred religion (Greco-Roman, Jewish, or sui generis Christianity). This is... more
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      Comparative ReligionEarly ChristianityComparative MethodsBaptism
1. Einleitung 2. Martin Luther Kings Wurzeln in der afroamerikanischen-baptistischen Spiritualität der "Black Churches" 3. Kings Vorstellung der "Beloved Community" und die Reich-Gottes-Theologie der Social-Gospel-Bewegung 4. Kings... more
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This article focuses on infanticide prosecution in sixteenth-century Spain, and the judicial fate of women suspected of violating both criminal law and Christian precepts in the era of Tridentine reform. Through court records from the... more
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      Women's HistoryBaptismEuropean Legal HistoryEarly modern Spain
Monsieur le Président, messieurs les membres du jury, Je tiens d'abord à remercier Fr. Patrick Prétot d'avoir accepté de diriger ma thèse ainsi que Mgr Job Getcha d'avoir suivi l'avancement de ma recherche. Je remercie également chacun... more
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      BaptismByzantine LiturgyMarriageInitiation Rituals
A scripture guide with links, to bring an individual to the point of deciding to be baptized in order to become a Christian. All photos were personally taken by the author. Permission is granted to freely print and distribute this... more
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