Ethnic Turks in Bulgaria
Recent papers in Ethnic Turks in Bulgaria
This research looks at the Medeniyet, a Turkish newspaper, launched in 1933 in Bulgaria. The goal is to show historical and political contexts of the newspaper , published in Ottoman language and opposing to Kemalists in Turkey, and... more
Elinizdeki kitap Doç. Dr. Bülent YILDIRIM’ın muhtelif tarihlerde Bulgaristan ve Bulgaristan Türkleri ile ilgili kaleme aldığı makale ve tebliğlerden oluşmakla birlikte kronolojik olarak okuyucunun zihninde bir bütünlük sağlayacak şekilde... more
• The paper examines aspects of a key question in Bulgarian public education: rethinking and restructuring multicultural education through new experiments with bilingual education for ethnic minority pupils whose home language is not... more
Съдържание Предговор / 13 Част първа. Външна миграция в България / 23 1. Външномиграционни политики на централната власт в България и тяхното въздействие върху механичното движение и териториалното (пре)разпределение на населението по... more
The Ottoman Empire faced mass land losses in the Balkans especially in the 19th century. Newly established nation states were not tolerant towards Muslim and Turkish population who had been living the region for more than 5 centuries. One... more
After leaving the administration of the Ottoman Empire, the Turkish population in Bulgaria had encountered a variety of oppression, intimidation and displacement methods during the separation process during the Ottoman Russian War of... more
K. Popek, Remarks on the Theories on the Origin of Muslims in Bulgarian Lands – Nineteenth-Century and Present Perspectives, „Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej \ Studies into the History of Russia and Central-Eastern... more
Bu sempozyumun ana gerekçesi ani, kısa sürede ve kitlesel olarak gerçekleşen bir travmatik olayın boyutlarını zamanın mesafesinden yeniden ve bilimsel olarak değerlendirmektir. Amacımız nefret duygularını uyandırmak değil, bir daha bu... more