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Хан В. С. К вопросу о методологических принципах изучения узбекской идентичности // Цивилизации и культуры Центральной Азии в единстве и многообразии. Материалы Международной конференции. - Самарканд - Ташкент: МИЦАИ, SMI-ASIA, 2010, стр.... more
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      MethodologyNationalismCentral Asian StudiesNational Identity
The goal of the current study is to examine the impact of students’ social economic status, ethnicity, and discipline infractions on their standardized test scores in Indiana, the USA. Data from this study extracted from Indiana... more
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      EducationStudent Achievement MotivationRace and EthnicityEthnicity
This newspaper column from 2003 examines how Indians in Trinidad and Tobago are misled, guided by so many fears, the encouragement of feelings of victimhood, and smallness of vision. There is an important contribution for Indians to make... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural SociologyLatin American and Caribbean HistoryRacial and Ethnic Politics
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      Political SociologyRacial and Ethnic PoliticsNationalismEthnic Conflict
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryBusiness EthicsReligion
In Ernest Gellner's words, nationalism is understood as an ideology requiring that the state and national borders must be identical. However, if nationalism can boost in the era of new media, including internet, which creates mostly... more
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      Ethnic StudiesGlocalizationRace and EthnicityIdentity politics
This study aims to analyze the ethnic dilemma in the Pamir region, or Badakh Mountains of the Badakhshan region, that became the reason for the call of independence of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region from Tajikistan. This paper also... more
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      Ethnic StudiesRacial and Ethnic PoliticsAfghanistanRace and Ethnicity
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      Ethnic StudiesMarxismProperty RightsSpace and Place
This paper challenges the widely-accepted view that politics in Trinidad and Tobago is driven by ethnic rivalry between the country’s Africans and Indians, or ‘ethnic politics’. The paper demonstrates how this interpretation distorts the... more
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      Ethnic StudiesRace and EthnicityEthnic and Racial StudiesAfrican Diaspora
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Psychology
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      Big DamsIndigenous PeoplesEthnicity and DevelopmnetHistory of Laos
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesPolitical Sociology
This article argues that recurring communal problems in Malaysia can be traced to not only economic and social policies undertaken by pragmatically rather than ideologically-inclined National Front-led governments, but they can also be... more
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    •   30  
      Ethnic StudiesEducationRacial and Ethnic PoliticsHistory of Education
Estudio de la novela de Laura Esquivel, Como agua para chocolate, y de sus aportes a la narrativa escrita por mujeres en México.
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      Critical TheoryHistorySociologyCultural Studies
Учебник подготовлен академиком, научным руководителем Института этнологии и антропологии Российской академии наук В.А. Тишковым и известным специалистом в области этнополитологии, доктором исторических наук, профессором Сыктывкарского... more
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      Ethnic StudiesGlobalizationRace and EthnicityNationalism
Downloadable in TWO FILES
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      HistoryEthnic StudiesVisual AnthropologySoutheast Asian Studies
Certain proponents of slavery in the Islamic world assert that slaves exported from East Africa to the Arabian Peninsula or areas under Arabian domain within Africa were in fact acquired not for agricultural economic purposes but rather... more
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      HistorySociologyEthnic StudiesBlack Studies Or African American Studies
Macedonians have emerged from the substratum of prehistoric tribes belonging to the huge family of Pelasgians, Aeols/Boreans and Hyperboreans (Anti, Brygii, Danuni, Kiti, Hittiti, Lapiti, Macedoni, Minyi, Misiani, Mosiniki, Pelasgi,... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistorySociology
This study will comprehensively analyze the article “Using Racial and Ethnic Concepts: The critical case of very young children” by Debra Van Ausdale and Joe R. Feagin from the journal of American Sociological Review (1996). From this... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesRace and RacismRace and Ethnicity
In book 4, Erodot (lat. Herodotus) distinguishes between three different warring parties in the Peloponnesian War of the V century BCE: the Peloponnesian city-states (Athens, Thebes, Sparta, etc.), the Gaul/Illyrian barbarians and the... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
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      African StudiesAnthropologyMulticulturalismEthiopian Studies
For a long period of time, a general belief has reigned in the academic and non-academic circles that Somalis are an extremely exceptional people, in that theirs is a homogeneous society composed of men and women from one eponymous father... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyEthnic StudiesAfrican Studies
The spectrum of practices termed “Female Genital Mutilation” (or FGM) by the World Health Organization is sometimes held up as a counterexample to moral relativism. Those who advance this line of thought suggest the practices are so... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionCultural HistorySociology
Somalia is generally thought of as a homogenous society, with a common Arabic ancestry, a shared culture of nomadism and one Somali mother tongue. This study challenges this myth. Using the Jareer/Bantu as a case study, the book shows how... more
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      ReligionModern HistoryEthnohistorySociology
First published in the American Chronicle, Buzzle and AfroArticles on 2nd May 2010 Republished in the portal of the exiled Oromo Parliamentarians... more
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      ReligionHistoryCultural HistorySociology
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      ReligionComparative ReligionEthnohistorySociology
The spirit of community development in Awing: The case of self reliant Development examines the way Awing has passed through to be what it is today from pure traditional form of development before the arrival and departure of the... more
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    • Ethnicity and Developmnet
The 6 million people forming the Laotian population are officially divided into 49 ethnic groups. How can we explain this huge diversity of people ? How do they live together ? How does the State manage this diversity ? Based on the... more
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      Ethnic StudiesAnthropologySoutheast Asian StudiesRacial and Ethnic Politics
This study entitled “Association life, Welfare and Development Spirit in Awing” was an investigation about the sources of development in the community. One school of thought holds that socio-economic institutions found in a place can... more
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    • Ethnicity and Developmnet
Although scholars of Somali Studies have engaged themselves in examining the Somali society from several perspectives, colonial and early Somali writers mainly observed the Somali people as homogenous, egalitarian and nomadic pastoral.... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistoryCultural History
El ´boom cauchero´ es un fenómeno histórico ineludible para entender la integración de la selva amazónica a la economía global. En efecto, entre 1870 y 1920 la mayoría de los países amazónicos se vuelca a la explotación y comercialización... more
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      Cultural HistoryEconomic HistoryEthnohistorySociology
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      Sociology of WorkHistory of CapitalismEthnicitySenegal studies
This PhD thesis presents an anthropological analysis of informal education activities among two French autochthonous communities: the Wayana-Apalaï people, living in French Guiana, and the Enata people, in French Polynesia. Thanks to the... more
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      Ethnic StudiesAnthropologyMulticulturalismEducation
A mediados del siglo XIX empiezan a consolidarse, en todos los términos del sentido, los jóvenes países latinoamericanos nacidos de las independencias. Buscan su identidad nacional, buscan su fortaleza económica a través de las industrias... more
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      HistoryEthnohistoryCultural StudiesEthnic Studies
El libro compila experiencias de educación superior intercultural en diversas Universidades Interculturales y hace una especial atención a la capacidad de empoderar generaciones de jóvenes estudiantes originarios de comunidades indígenas.
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      Ethnic StudiesMulticulturalismIndigenous StudiesIntercultural Communication
VII International Symposium on Kartvelian Studies: "Georgia in the Context of European Civilisation" / VII საერთაშორისო ქართველოლოგიური სიმპოზიუმი: "საქართველო ევროპული ცივილიზაციის კონტექსტში", თსუ, 17-21 ოქტომბერი, 2016... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreEthnic StudiesFolkloreSelf and Identity
The demand for janajatikaran (scheduled tribe status) in Assam has emerged as one ofthe important debates in civil society, media and academic discussions in recent times. Six ethnic communities, including Koch Rajbanshis, in Assam are... more
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      Indigenous StudiesTribal Culture and Local self GovermentAssamScheduled Tribes
From ancient times migrants to Japan have mixed with the local inhabitants and produced offspring. While much ethnic mixing has occurred in the distant past, many contemporary persons trace their immediate ancestry to more than one ethnic... more
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      Ethnic StudiesJapanese StudiesMulticulturalismRace and Ethnicity
En estado de sitio es el resultado de una investigación etnográfica conducida con el objetivo de documentar la vida diaria de la comunidad indígena kuna de Arquía, a partir del contexto conflictivo en el cual se desarrolla su... more
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      Latin American StudiesAnthropologySocial AnthropologyDevelopment Studies
The update and field testing of this guide were conducted with the support of the University of Pennsylvania, Social Norms Group (PENN SoNG), under the leadership of Andrés Casas Casas and with contributions by Douglas Paletta, Peter... more
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      Developmental PsychologyDevelopment EconomicsDevelopment StudiesBehavioral Sciences
Now that the word ‘sustainability’ is firmly ensconced in the consciousness of many academics, universities and the broader public, some scholars of socio-ecological theory are questioning whether sustainability is the most appropriate... more
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      Tourism StudiesResilienceRural DevelopmentCultural Tourism
Para la mayoría de los americanistas Jehan A. Vellard (1901-1996) es prácticamente un desconocido; para muchos es apenas una referencia bibliográfica más, o apenas el médico que acompañó a Claude Lévi-Strauss al Mato-Grosso. ¿Cómo es... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEthnohistorySociology
Sociological research on inequality has increasingly moved beyond the examination of inequalities as they presumably exist to explore the generic narrative processes that perpetuate that inequality. Unfortunately, however, this research... more
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      Critical TheoryEthnohistorySociologyEconomic Sociology
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      EthnohistorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Movements
This study examines ethno-cultural associations—public institutions representing interests of minority groups—and discusses their role in the development of civil society in ethnically rich Kazakhstan. Minority associations developed in... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesEthnic StudiesRussian Studies
One of the visible but often neglected outcomes of international migration in Asia is the emergence of immigrant-run businesses. Drawing on the experiences of Bangladeshi migrant entrepreneurs in Japan, this study examines how migrants... more
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      Japanese StudiesDiasporasImmigrationImmigration Studies
Large-scale population transfers are immensely disruptive. Interestingly, though, their legal status has shifted considerably over time. In this book, Umut Özsu situates population transfer within the broader history of international law... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEconomic HistoryComparative LawPolitical Economy
This article looks at Georgians' perception of Chinese businesspeople in Tbilisi. Although Chinese communities can be found almost everywhere across the globe-including in the
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      EntrepreneurshipInternational RelationsTransnationalismSilk Road Studies
Postcolonial Africa has been characterized by socio-political and economic challenges that have in-turn presented the continent in bad light globally. At the center of these challenges has been the role and actions of African political... more
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      African StudiesPopulismAfrican PoliticsEthnicity and Developmnet