Facies Analysis
Recent papers in Facies Analysis
The digital storage and communication of significant geological data became increasingly more objective and accessible through the development of new technologies or the implementation of already well-known techniques as photogrammetry.... more
Research over the past two decades on the Holocene sediments from the tide dominated west side of the lower Ganges delta has focussed on constraining the sedimentary environment through grain size distributions (GSD). GSD has... more
: 633-645, dezembro de 2012 Arquivo digital disponível on-line no site www.sbgeo.org.br 633
The Sandakan Formation of the Segama Gorup is exposed across the Sandakan Peninsula in eastern Sabah. This Upper Miocene part of the Segama Group unconformably overlies the Garinono Formation and is conformably overlain by the Bongaya... more
Lower Cretaceous sequences of the Burgan Formation are notable siliciclastic reservoirs in the Middle East. Despite of this importance, a little is known about various geological characteristics of this reservoir in Iranian northwestern... more
The facies models are the most powerful method for the genetic interpretation of the stratigraphic record, acting as syntheses of the facies relationships. Nowadays, the facies relationship interpretation is fundamented either by the... more
Stratigraphic exposures, fluvial archives and borehole data have been allowed to reconstruct the alluvial history of Late Pleistocene to Late Holocene and climate changes in the monsoonal wet – dry region of lower Damodar Basin (West... more
This Thesis was Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Master’s Degree of Science in Geology Faculty of Graduate Studies, The University of Jordan: The Triassic Period witnessed a global palaeoceanographic change... more
Chattian mixed carbonate-siliciclastic deposits from two palaeogeographic units of Southern Alps, the Lessini Shelf and Venetian foreland basin of northeast Italy, are studied with respect to facies distributions and controlling... more
Condensed ammonoid beds of the Hallstatt facies (Anisian-Ladinian) are widespread around the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus, in the locality Theokafta of the Argolis Peninsula (eastern Peloponnesus). The Hallstatt Formation in Argolis... more
Los flujos submarinos de densidad (FSD) o “flujos submarinos”, son los procesos que más volumen de sedimentos transportan en nuestro planeta y desarrollan abanicos submarinos. Los abanicos submarinos incluyen sistemas canalizados capaces... more
The study of the uppermost section of the Early Cretaceous Agrio Formation in northern Patagonia (Neuquén Basin) where dinosaur tracks assigned to cf. Therangospodus pandemicus are exposed (tracksites I and II) evidence mixed marginal... more
The Asmari Formation was deposited in the foreland basin of southwest Iran (Zagros Basin). Carbonate sequences of the Asmari Formation consist mainly of large benthic foraminifera along with other skeletal and non-skeletal components.... more
The late Pliocene to early Pleistocene siliciclastic succession of western Emilia (northern Italy) forms part of the infill of the Po Plain-Adriatic foredeep, a collisional basin with active thrusting during deposition, and is... more
The Strzelecki Group incorporates Berriasian to Albian, fluvial sediments deposited in the Gippsland Basin during initial rifting between Australia and Antarctica. Neocomian strata of the lowermost Strzelecki Group are assigned to the... more
Ancient deltaic facies are difficult to differentiate from tidally influenced shallow-marine facies. The Wagad Sandstone Formation of the Wagad Highland (eastern Kachchh Basin) is typified by offshore and deltaic facies with sedimentary... more
The Madneuli polymetallic deposit is the major deposit of the Bolnisi ore district in the southeastern part of Georgia, which is in production since the 70's. The Bolnisi district is part of the Lesser Caucasus; it extends towards the... more
This paper presents the results of a high-resolution analysis of Upper Cretaceous shallow-water limestones in the northeast sector of the Lepini Mountains (Central Apennines, Italy) that belong to the Latium-Abruzzi platform domain. The... more
The Flagstone Bench Formation ranges in age from earliest Triassic to Norian (Late Triassic) and is exposed in the Beaver Lake area of the northern Prince Charles Mountains. This sandstone-dominated formation rests conformably on the... more
Carbonate mud that accumulated in the deep parts of a late Kimmeridgian carbonate ramp (Iberian Basin, NE Spain) was partly derived by resedimentation from shallow water production areas. High-frequency sea- level changes, probably driven... more
L'étude céramologique du site d'Arancou – Las Courrèges (Pyrénées‐Atlantiques, France), outre corroborer les données archéologiques ayant révélé une occupation datant de la seconde moitié du Ier s. ‐ IIème s. de notre ère, vient offrir de... more
During the past decade, the size of 3D seismic data volumes and the number of seismic attributes have increased to the extent that it is difficult, if not impossible, for interpreters to examine every seismic line and time slice. To... more
Variations in the sedimentary organic matter were documented throughout the Agua de la Mula Member (late Hauterivian) of the Agrio Formation, at a combined section in the type area of the Agrio Formation; the base at Agrio del Medio and... more
Un articolato progetto di ricerca, riguardante 10 studio del primo sottosuolo della pianura costiera dell'Arno, e in corso di svolgimento attraverso una convenzione tra il Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche dell'Universita di Pisa... more
A detailed grain size analysis of 27 samples of sandstones supported by lithofacies of the 400 m thick Middle Siwalik Subgroup, north-western Himalaya, India, was done to understand the dynamics of sedimentation. Lithofacies supports... more
M. 2008: Foraminifer communities and environmental change in marginal marine sequences (Pliocene, Tuscany, Italy). Lethaia , Vol. 41, Fossil abundance data on foraminifer communities were collected in marginal marine sediments of the... more
Sedimentological and palynological studies have been undertaken on a sequence of Permian rocks exposed in the vicinity of Fairbairn Dam, near the town of Emerald in central Queensland. The rocks represent part of the fill of the northern... more
Four sections of mainly Middle Devonian (Givetian) shallow-marine rocks at the northern margin of Gondwana (Central Iran) were investigated with a special focus on the Bahram Formation, as the stratigraphic range of the Bahram Formation... more
Abstract The Eocene transgressive deposits of the Acıgöl, Burdur and Isparta basins are the best exposed of the SW Turkey and shed light on one of the outstanding problems of the tectono- sedimentary evolution during paleotectonic and... more
The mass extinction of the olenellid trilobites occurred around the Cambrian Series 2–Series 3 boundary. Like many other crises, it coincided with a negative carbon isotope excursion but the associated palaeoenvironmental changes remain... more
Three outcrops of the Silurian Sharawra Formation at its type locality in Old Qusaiba Village in Central Saudi Arabia were studied for lithofacies distribution, petrographical, and geochemical characteristics. The outcrops were logged and... more
Study of a Holocene fan delta in Adventfjorden, Spitsbergen, provides new insight into the nature of high-arctic coastal sedimentation and deglaciation dynamics. The fjord-side, gravelly Gilbert-type fan delta began to form at the local... more
Clastic-carbonate succession which including the Nahr Umr and Mauddud Formations are represented a part of Albian-Early Turonian Sequence (Wasi`a Group). The present study includes Petrography, microfacies analysis, depositional... more
Aetostreon pilmatuegrossum sp. nov., a large and very convex ostreid from the Pilmatué Member of the Agrio Formation (Neuqué n Basin, Argentina), is described based on specimens recovered from upper Valanginian beds of the Pseudofavrella... more
"Thecideid brachiopods are poorly known brachiopods of debated phylogenetic relationships which occur from the Late Triassic to the Recent. Although well known in encrusting communities of Jurassic and Cretaceous cryptic habitats, they... more
We studied mollusk-dominated multispecies assemblies from the south Pyrenean foreland in Spain by using relative abundance data in a framework of high-frequency depositional sequences for an in- terval spanning 2 myr across the early... more
Globally, the Series 2 – Series 3 boundary of the Cambrian System coincides with a major carbon isotope excursion, sea-level changes and trilobite extinctions. Here we examine the sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy and carbon isotope... more
RIASSUNTO: Sarti et al. I depositi del Pleistocene inferiore della bassa Val di Cecina (Toscana, Italia): ricostruzione stratigrafico-deposizionale e proposta di suddivisione in Unita' Allostratigrafiche (IT ISSN 0394-3356, 2007). Nella... more