Recent papers in Fantasy
La resonancia de la fantasía épica en el panorama literario actual es un hecho. La llegada de grandes obras del género como Canción de hielo y fuego, popularmente conocida como Juego de tronos, ha supuesto un salto cuantitativo-y quizá... more
With dragons, dogs, wolves, ravens, and so many more, animal symbolism is endlessly significant in Game of Thrones. Discover their meanings in heraldry, in Celtic myth, and other clever correspondences. What do red, green, black, and grey... more
Moral education through the work of literature and story-telling has long been present in our society. With the curriculum this moral education is something that should be present in today's education as well. By studying the fundamental... more
Quattro chiacchere sull'urban fantasy con Luca Tarenzi e Aislinn Ovvero, come approfittare del lancio dell'antologia Terra Senza Cielo per chiacchierare di urban fantasy e del nostro modo di accettare il nuovo e il diverso L'anteprima di... more
Cyproterone acetate is a powerful antiandrogen used in the treatment of the paraphilias for at least a decade. Studies have reported it effective in reducing the recidivism rates of sexual crimes perpetrated by men. It acts through... more
Conversational narration offers an opportunity for young children to display both static and dynamic concepts of self.
Since the advent of the Internet, convictions for the possession, display, trading, and distribution of child sexual exploitation material (CSEM) have risen steadily, but little is known about their appropriate assessment and treatment,... more
Much controversy remains regarding the ability of children with autism to engage in spontaneous play. In this study children with autism, Down syndrome and typical development with verbal mental ages of approximately 2 years were assessed... more
Figure de la répétition chez Tolkien
A graphic commentary that engages with the right-wing and feminist criticisms of the film, Fifty Shades of Grey.
Арзуманян С.Н. Международная конференция «Русская литература в меняющемся мире».
Fantasy genre fiction has increasingly received academic attention for its representations of gender and sexuality, and scholars have acknowledged that the genre has the potential to challenge accepted ideas about femininity and... more
Niniejsza praca ma na celu przedstawienie teorii mitotwórczej J. R. R. Tolkiena, z perspektywy jej wymiaru duchowego. Od czasów antycznych teorie, tudzież filozofie, opierały się na myśleniu abstrakcyjnym i miały za zadanie wyjaśnienie... more
The Lacanian concept of fantasy is an essential locus for the conception of subjectivity and reality in the work of Slavoj Žižek, particularly in his initial English texts from 1989–2002 (roughly from his first major book, The Sublime... more
The forest is intrinsic to the lives of shepherds, who are constantly on the move in search of fresh pastures for their goats and sheep. The forest, or the ‘waste-land’, separates the shepherds from the settled communities that they... more
Innovations are produced by entrepreneurs’ imaginations. To turn imagined ideas into realized innovations, entrepreneurs must attract the resources necessary to create the innovations they envision. Resource acquisition involves crafting... more
The 9th issue of Fantasy Art and Studies gathers the proceedings of the symposium "Représentations animales dans les mondes imaginaires" (Université d'Artois, November 2019) organised by Marie-Lucie Bougon, Charlotte Duranton and Laura... more
Romantic love overwhelms 1950s Bombay cinema. Love and romance is evident in the themes, lyrics and visual aesthetics of films of the period, as it is in the publicity and gossip surrounding films and film stars. Love in cinema becomes... more
From a behaviorist perspective, the desire to upload “minds” is already being realized on a mass, hyper-industrial scale thanks to the convergence of cognitive computing and Big Data. The accusation is that the “mind” is not an entity... more
This paper aims to address the mythopoeic aspect of Neil Gaiman’s American Gods, so as to disclose the elements of American cultural identity embedded in the novel. It is an attempt to analyse its legends, myths, folklore, popular culture... more
In this paper, Jungian and Freudian perspectives on the fantasy of rebirth are explored and a brief review of the literature on the theme is used to show how that the rebirth fantasy seems to be a universal fantasy in the human mind,... more
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The relationship between fantasy and reality in Freudian theory is a complementary yet paradoxical one. On the one hand, fantasy has been construed as a vehicle for self-deception, standing in contradistinction to the objective... more
In fantasy literature, the setting is as important to the story as are character and plot. This article demonstrates how topofocal (place-focused) perspectives yield valuable insights into various fantasy texts. The examples include... more
Fiction presents a unique challenge to the developing child, in that children must learn when to generalize information from stories to the real world. This study examines how children acquire causal knowledge from storybooks, and whether... more
El videoclip como formato audiovisual publicitario suele ser sinónimo de efectismos, intertextualidad y marcos visuales complejos, funciones para las que sin duda se sirve de toda la vanguardia tecnológica de la que pueda disponer. Este... more
The Wilson Sex Fantasy Questionnaire (WSFQ; Wilson, 1978) is a 40-item self-report questionnaire that assesses 4 types of sexual fantasies: Exploratory, Intimate, Impersonal, and Sadomasochistic. The goal of the present study was to... more
Warum moderne Märchen? Gegen die Wunder der Technik berufen sie das Wunderbare, das nicht machbar ist, gegen die Beschleunigung der modernen Welt berufen sie die Einheit von Kindheit und Alter, gegen ihre Zahlenhaftigkeit die ziellose... more
Gender issues in the media and, particularly, in video games have been extensively investigated over the past decades (see Ross 2020). Conversely, the linguistic and cultural dimension of gender is still understudied and, due to the... more
The talk will open with a discussion of a set of poems from Lyn Hejinian's The Unfollowing, which puts a positive spin on the association of old age with childhood. a trope that is often deployed to infantilize and disenfranchize older... more
This paper identifies the “virtual worlds” paradigm in psychoanalytic approaches to video games. Sometimes counterproductive to game interpretation, this paradigm views all games as an escape into separate and substitutive virtual... more
Many books for young children present animals in fantastical and unrealistic ways, such as wearing clothes, talking and engaging in human-like activities. This research examined whether anthropomorphism in children's books affects... more