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Este trabajo aborda aspectos del trabajo intelectual llevado a cabo en colaboración entre los escritores Adolfo Bioy Casares y Jorge Luis Borges. Esta tarea de intelección compartida gira alrededor de algunos temas referidos tanto a... more
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      Utopian StudiesArgentine LiteratureUtopiaLiteratura argentina
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      ArchitectureFilm StudiesDystopian LiteratureNarrative and interpretation
Les expositions universelles, une utopie touristique toujours d’actualité ? World’s Fair, The Renew of Touristic Utopia? ¿Exposiciones universales, una utopía turística siempre de actualidad? À travers les expositions universelles... more
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      MarketingGlobalizationMega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationUtopian Studies
The German term most used for "post-truth" is "postfactual" and refers to an information strategy that makes use of marketing methods in order to manipulate audiences. By simplification and emphasis on polarization, complexity is eroded... more
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      Media StudiesArchitectureFilm StudiesUrban Studies
Dystopian short stories about technology and totalitarianism. Brazilian edition.
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteratureDystopian LiteratureScience FictionPortuguese Literature
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      NostalgiaUtopiaUtopia and Science FictionTheme Parks
" The Matrix Trilogy " , which was scripted and directed by Lana Wachowski and Lilly Wachowski, is one of the most important science fiction films. " The problem of reality " , which has been present, in various forms, ever since Plato's... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisPhilosophy of FilmScience Fiction Film
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      German LiteratureMedia StudiesMedia HistoryUtopian Studies
Aunque política y ciencia constituyen hoy en día ramas casi antagónicas del conocimiento humano-acaso com-binables en ámbitos ficcionales como el cine y la litera-tura-, la relación entre filosofía política y astronomía es una constante... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryLiterature
Review of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick
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      ReligionMythology And FolkloreSociologyMythology
Written in 1974, the American writer Ursula K. Le Guin's The Dispossessed revolves around the central character Shevek's self-appointed mission to improve the relationship between two planets, Anarres and Urras, by breaking down the walls... more
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      Dystopian LiteratureUtopian StudiesLiterary TheoryJacques Lacan
Female science fiction writers are about to occupy a significant spot on the genre's author scene in China. At least since August 2016, when Hao Jingfang (*1984) became the first Chinese woman to win the Hugo Award, it is clear that they... more
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      Chinese StudiesScience FictionChinese literatureFemale Writers
Terry Gilliam's 12 Monkeys (1995) was a commercial and critical success, but it is Gilliam's least understood film, even on the basic plot level. Aside from recognizable debts to specific films such as La Jetée (1962) and Dr. Strangelove... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisScience FictionScience Fiction Film
An article published in University College London's Anthropolitan Journal.
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologySocial SciencesEthnography
The novel "Limes inferior" (1982) by Janusz A. Zajdel is the main work of the Polish social SF of the late 1970s and 1980s. It was read by the critics as a parable for social relations in the communist Poland of that time. But its scope... more
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      Utopia and Science FictionFabulationAlice in WonderlandParabola
摘要 魏德聖導演的《賽德克‧ 巴萊》是一部探討霧社事件的影片,描繪 賽德克族遭受日本殖民政府壓迫並起而反抗,由於處理的是真實歷史素 材,自然引發多方討論,其中尤以莫那‧ 魯道的英雄形象備受爭議。筆 者認為重點不在質問莫那‧ 魯道究竟是個英雄或歷史罪人,而應聚焦在 探問霧社事件究竟開啟了何種域外(不)可思考的空間,供我們思索魏德 聖透過此象徵人物所帶出的可能意涵與對當代的意義。本文援引德勒茲 的死亡與渾沌宇宙概念,企圖探討血祭祖靈的死亡儀式如何幫助族人突... more
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      Gilles DeleuzePostmodern LiteratureDoris LessingUtopia and Science Fiction
Student Learning Outcomes Students will be able to— 1. Demonstrate familiarity with Plato’s concepts of the ideal society as described in his Republic 2. Demonstrate familiarity with the Socratic method of inquiry 3. Argue whether or... more
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      Dystopian LiteratureDystopian FictionScience Fiction and FantasyLesson Plans
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      Twentieth Century LiteratureFeminismUtopia and Science FictionMarge Piercy
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      TechnologyRhetoricRhetorical AnalysisScience Fiction
VAKANÜVİS-International Journal of Historical Researches, Yıl/Vol. 6, Sayı/No. 1, Bahar/Spring2021. ISSN: 2149-9535/ 2636-7777
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      AstrobiologyIslamic PhilosophyIslamic EducationScience Fiction Film
Who is Perry Rhodan? He is the central figure of an epic Science Fiction phenomenon created by German-speaking authors. Published weekly in pulp magazine format since 1961 with colorful covers depicting futuristic landscapes, Perry... more
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      Future StudiesContemporary ArtLandscape ArchitectureUtopian Studies
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      Eastern European StudiesCold War and CultureCultural Cold WarCold War
'La Cité des Enfants Perdus' Filmindeki Mekanların Sinematografik Açıdan Mimari Analizi [2005]
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      DesignArchitectureFilm AnalysisCinematic Space
Review of Andrew Nette and Iain McIntyre (editors), *Dangerous Visions: Radical Science Fiction, 1950-1985*, PM Press, Oakland, California, 2021.
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      American LiteratureEnglish LiteratureLiteratureCold War
Russian anarchism of the 1910s-1920s (biocosmism, pan-anarchism) proposed an original political and aesthetic model of "access to space", which possessed a great heuristic and utopian potential, which, due to political circumstances of... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePhilosophy of TechnologyUtopian StudiesAnarchist Studies
Il saggio affronta due modalità di scrittura contemporanee che si sono prestate ad un uso impegnato, politico-civile: le forme a bassa finzionalità e quelle romanzesche. Dopo un'analisi teorica che parte da Benjamin e cerca d'identificare... more
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      The Historical NovelPostmodern LiteratureContemporary Italian LiteratureUtopia
Elokuvan suhdetta menneisyyteen ja tulevaisuuteen on viime aikoina käsitelty varsin paljon, mutta huomio on kohdistunut ennen kaikkea niihin lajityyppeihin, joilla on eksplikoidusti "ajallinen" orientaatio. On kirjoitettu sekä... more
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      Television StudiesScience FictionHistorical FilmsTelevision History
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      History of Science and TechnologyCultural HistoryFuture StudiesComparative Literature
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      Science FictionQuentin MeillassouxRaymond WilliamsAfrofuturism
This chapter examines the perverse utopianism in Chinese author Liu Cixin’s science fiction novel 三体 (literally Three-Body, English translation The Three-Body Problem). It argues that the text’s exploration of the desire for human... more
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      Dystopian LiteratureScience FictionUtopian LiteratureChinese literature
Blog post for Digital Placemaking Pathfinder:
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      Augmented RealityDesign thinkingSite-Specific Art and PerformanceMobile Augmented Reality
What Is Your Favorite Novel? Ed. Nicholas Lawrence. Special issue of South Central Review 38.2-3 (Summer/Fall 2021): 149-55. Print.
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      Dystopian LiteratureUtopian StudiesScience fictional technologyScience Fiction
In “Sense8 : A Roundtable,” eight scholars think through key questions regarding one of today’s most impressive trans-produced mainstream media productions, Lana and Lilly Wachowski’s Netflix series Sense8, which has yet to receive... more
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      Queer StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesTelevision Studies
The Anthropocene has emerged as the dominant conception of the contemporary moment, centering the human individual as both responsible for and bearing the responsibility to counteract its numerous interrelated socioeconomic, political,... more
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      LiteratureScience FictionSpeculative FictionUtopia and Science Fiction
The political ecology of water shapes environments and human responses. Water also plays a prominent role in Science Fiction, either by its abundance or its absence. Floods destroy cultures and necessitate them to adapt, such as in... more
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      Cultural StudiesEnvironmental ScienceClimate ChangeWater
This article defines the ‘post’ part of Post-Cyberpunk as it appears in Neal Stephenson’s The Diamond Age (1995). Marketed as a Post-Cyberpunk novel, The Diamond Age adopts some of Cyberpunk’s genre-specific motifs such as setting the... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyPhilosophyCyberpunk
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      Anarchist StudiesPuerto Rican LiteraturePuerto Rican StudiesUtopia and Science Fiction
Die Zukunft des Kapitalismus - Über Adornos Auseinandersetzung mit Huxleys "Brave new World", seine Erfahrung mit Amerika und dem Nationalsozialismus.
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      Dystopian LiteratureAldous HuxleyAntisemitism (Prejudice)Science Fiction
The first Polish translation of one of the best-known articles on the poetics of science fiction, considered nowadays a must-read reference in the field. In this classical piece, Darko Suvin famously argues in favour of introducing the... more
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      Critical TheoryEnglish LiteratureLiteratureLiterary Theory
This article argues that Elysium communicates a 'critical dystopia' that illuminates and interrogates global capitalism's worst social, political, ecological and technological conditions and shows them being resisted and changed, for the... more
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      Film StudiesMarxismDystopian LiteraturePopular Culture
This paper broadly traces developing attitudes towards in-vitro and other alternative meats within science fiction, from their utopian origins in the nineteenth century to their overwhelmingly dystopian and “neocarnist” depictions in... more
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      VegetarianismFood Culture and LiteratureUtopianismFood Science and Technology
For all its promise of unlimited connetivity, Apple´s design seems to leave almost everything out. Apple has built a style on impenetrability, providing us with sleek, polished technological gizmos that are not only a product of design,... more
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      ArchitectureFilm StudiesUtopian StudiesArchitectural History
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      Octavia ButlerUtopia and Science Fiction
Gattaca: Doğa'nın eli, insanın kılıcı ZEYNEP ŞENEL GENCER Hikâye, çok da uzak olmayan bir gelecekte, laboratuvar tüplerinde oluşturulan "tasarım insanların" mükemmelliğe yaklaşmak için çabalayıp durduğu zalim, kişiliksiz bir dünyada... more
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      Science Fiction FilmUtopia and Science FictionGATTACAEugenics and Bioethics
Study guide for an assignment placing in "dialog" Robert A. Heinlein's Cold War eutopia and Joe Haldeman's emphatically Vietnam Era antiwar novel. Haldeman says he was not consciously answering Heinlein, and we should believe him; the... more
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      Gender and SexualityScience FictionVietnam WarUtopia and Science Fiction