Far Right Movements
Recent papers in Far Right Movements
Academic explorations of anti-authority movements are virtually non-existent in Canada. We have no reliable primary data or empirical insights into Freemen-on-the-Land (FOTL) or other similar contingents. What we do know comes largely... more
The article uses the concept of ideology as an instrument of parties' classification to categorize the right-wing party families in modern Europe, using some specific examples as case studies. I divided the right-wing parties into five... more
The ideas of the Far-Right have long held a thrall in Pornography, they are particularly prevalent in scenarios depicting power imbalance. The continuing fascination is important for analysis to discern the ideological reasoning behind... more
9780691125992, £13.95 (pbk) Stefan Breuer, Nationalismus und Faschismus: Frankreich, Italien und Deutschland im Vergleich, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft: Darmstadt, 2005; 202 pp.; 3534179943, E44.90 (hbk) A. James Gregor, The Search... more
L’élection présidentielle du 22 avril 2007 et le scrutin législatif qui l’a suivie ont été une terrible désillusion pour Jean-Marie Le Pen et le Front national (FN). Après avoir dominé l’agenda politique et médiatique durant les années... more
Tiranos de Shakespeare explicam golpismo de Bolsonaro Projeto autoritário do presidente é tão evidente quanto a vilania de Ricardo 3º e Macbeth • Jair Bolsonaro durante cerimônia de promoção de sargentos da FAB em Brasília Adriano... more
This paper discusses the history of the acronym A.C.A.B. in the Italian language. It examines the mechanisms that have brought the acronym from the streets to literature and the role of the Skinhead and football Ultras sub-cultures in the... more
Depuis un quart de siècle, plusieurs partis d’extrême droite ou de la droite populiste ont opéré une percée dans leur système politique national : le Front national en France, le FPÖ en Autriche, le parti du progrès en Norvège et au... more
Ukraine previously experienced significant regional political divisions, including separatism in Crimea and Donbas. However, in contrast to post-communist countries such as Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and former Yugoslavia, prior to... more
As you will see, one photo shows Oleg Tyahnybok, alleged here to be the leader of the Svoboda party, giving what appears to be a fascist salute. In other pictures, Oleg is shown standing beside, amongst others, U.S. Senator John McCain... more
My doctoral dissertation examines the experiences of the Italian volunteers in the Waffen-SS troops using in-depth interviews with former volunteers as the main primary source. This phenomenon, even if significant in size (depending on... more
В този очерк ние не разкриваме целия многостранен и динамичен феномен на новите доброволчески части от 2014 г. Вместо това ще се фокусираме само върху предисторията и някои аспекти на възникването на един особен и малко девиантен пример... more
Clovers und Bassins tiefschürfende Studien über den Eurasismus, Gumiljow und den Neo-Eurasismus verdeutlichen einen Teil des historisch-ideellen Hintergrunds der Rechtswende des Putin-Regimes nach der Orangen Revolution in der Ukraine von... more
Les idées politiques de Lyndon LaRouche. complot extra-terrestre, constitue une source inépuisable de diffusion de théories du complot dans l'opinion publique Américaine. Deux exemples seulement: Conspiracy theory en 1997 avec Mel Gibson... more
This paper contextualizes a brief moment in the development of Russian right-wing intellectualism in a volatile transition period of the Putin System. It briefly introduces three new far right circles the appearance of which, it is... more
Like Weimar Germany, contemporary Russia is home to fascist actors and widespread nationalism. But unlike interwar Germany, the party system in post-Soviet Russia is heavily manipulated and civil society remains underdeveloped. This means... more
The international study of fascism has, over the last 25 years, experienced considerable consolidation. Inspired by influential theoretical publications of Roger D. Griffin and others, a new sub-discipline, “comparative fascist studies,”... more
The emergence of three far-right discussion clubs and their links to the Kremlin spell more bad news for East-West relations. Since the revival of the Russian democracy movement in December 2011, some Western observers of Russian... more
Eco-fascism is generally defined as “a theoretical political model in which a government requires individuals to sacrifice their own interests to the organic whole of nature“. In practice, ecofascism is a complex concept and difficult to... more
This article reviews three strands in the scholarship on the populist radical right (PRR). It covers both political parties and extra-parliamentary mobilization in contemporary European democracies. After definitional issues and case... more
This encyclopedia entry on the U.S. Alt-Right, short for alternative right, describes a constellation of right-wing forces loosely united by a critique of traditional conservatism animated by political commitments to white nationalism or... more
« On a souvent essayé d'expliquer certains comportements politiques de cet establishment libéral en termes de conspiration. Il y a certes une grande part de conspiration dans la mise en oeuvre de telles politiques. Les conspirations... more
Writing about the various implications of Ukraine's divided historical memory for the conduct of her post-Soviet politics is a thankless task. Ukraine's nationalist intelligentsia's response to voicing the most elementary facts on, and... more
Форум новейшей восточноевропейской истории и культуры -Русское издание № 1, 2013 -http://www1.ku-eichstaett.de/ZIMOS/forum/inhaltruss19.html 7 I. Правый радикализм в сегодняшней Украине* Введение Андреас Умланд
Goncharova, Ganna, y Alberto Montaner, «Terror fascista en Ucrania», Marquetalia.org, [7 de mayo de 2014], accesible en línea en... more
İkinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra Avusturya’da, ırkçı partilerin ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarının faaliyet yürütmesi yasaklanmıştı. Günümüzde, aşırı sağın oylarını artırması ve siyasette güç kazanmasıyla, faşizm ve Nazizm farklı şekilde... more
A réflexion on the french New Right/radical right wing groups from a post-modern perspective. According to a survey published by the French newspaper Le Monde a few days before the 2012 presidential elections, 26% of voters aged 18 to... more
The article deals with the «right» turn – the growing influence of right-wing extremist, neo-fascist, clerical forces, rapprochement of neoliberalism with the «righ»t conservatism. At the territory of the former Soviet Union it is... more
Digital media play an important role in the contemporary rise in visibility of New Right and far-right activist groups online, offline, and in the mainstream media. This visibility has boosted their online and offline mobilization power.... more
Sans doute à lui seul ce chapitre pourrait constituer une sorte de résumé ou de condensé de cet ouvrage collectif. Théories du complot, alterscience, dénégation du changement climatique, contestation du massacre organisé des juifs... more
I'm speaking tomorrow (4/26, 12:00 EST) on the crisis of citizenship across regional boundaries for Century Foundation and Century International - with the brilliant Thanassis Cambanis, Naira Antoun, Lobna Darwish, and Nicole Nguyen. A... more
Большая часть политологических объяснений на мезо-уровне выросшего при Путине российского авторитаризма, антизападничества и ирредентизма является политэкономической. Здесь представленное альтернативное толкование на среднем уровне... more
Desde la Transición democrática la extrema derecha apenas tenía representatividad política y soporte popular en España, lo que suponía una excepción respecto al contexto europeo. Sin embargo, desde hace apenas unos años, dos nuevas... more