Right-Wing Movements
Recent papers in Right-Wing Movements
If politics is ultimately about our deepest fears and desires rather than about, say, tax policy or better health care, then what place is there for a Left whose raison d’être will always be tied to improving the economic fortunes of the... more
To contribute to studies of contemporary anti-fascism, the goal of this chapter is to provide an overview of the governmental, corporate and activist institutions and tactics that aim to resist the far-right mobilization and recruitment... more
From the very beginning, the armed conflict that broke out in the Donbass in the spring of 2014 drew in right-wing radicals, on the Ukrainian as well as on the Russian side. Organised ultra-nationalist groups and individual activists... more
Resumen Este artículo presenta un mapa del giro a la derecha en América Latina en el siglo XXI para luego repensar el con-cepto "derecha" y sus referencias histórico-empíricas más recientes. El concepto ha sido muy utilizado en las... more
AGRADECIMENTO Aos muitos que contribuíram para que eu pudesse chegar até aqui: À minha orientadora Marisa, sempre paciente, diligente e atenciosa. Dedicou incontáveis horas, acreditou em mim e me fez acreditar que eu poderia superar meus... more
In Brasilien spielt der Prozess des Nation-Buildings eine zentrale Rolle. Von der 'Rassendemokratie' über das 'Land der Zukunft' bis zum 'Land für Alle'-die Bemühungen das riesige Land mit seiner sehr heterogenen Bevölkerung zu vereinen,... more
Debattenbeitrag zur Frage ob mit Rechten geredet und geforscht werden soll.
An essay about the impact of the religious right and the "Recovered" movement upon Alcoholics Anonymous and the inherently reactionary nature of the Fellowship.... more
Richard Wolin is Distinguished Professor of History, Political Science and Comparative Literature at the CUNY Graduate Center. He is been Professeur Invité at the University of Paris-X (Nanterre) and the University of Nantes. Among his... more
[English follows] Ce chapitre pose la question du degré de rupture ou de continuité entre les mouvements de l'extrême droite contemporaine et le fascisme historique. Pour ce faire, nous commençons par retracer la matrice idéologique d'un... more
Keine Partei ist in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gegenwärtig so umstritten wie die AfD, deren bekanntestes Gesicht der Hamburger Ökonom Bernd Lucke ist. Aber was verbirgt sich hinter Programm und Personen der AfD? Ist diese Partei... more
Ruling right-wing populist parties in Europe have significantly changed foreign policies and advanced criticism against core values of liberal democracy, including dismissive stances vis-à-vis the European Union. This paper argues that... more
This paper offers preliminary arguments for a decolonial critique of vitriol and disinformation circulating on online media-a phenomenon that has raised moral panic among liberal minded critics. The decolonial critique developed here... more
Informationen über sogenannte ‚LGBT-freie Zonen‘1 in Polen lösten 2019 ein gewaltiges Medienecho und eine internationale Welle der Empörung aus. Mit dem Begriff sind Beschlüsse von bis zu 97 Lokal- und Regionalregierungen (Gemeinden,... more
E n un poema dedicado a la comprensión del I Ching, el libro chino de las mutaciones, Jorge Luis Borges dice: «No hay una cosa / que no sea una letra silenciosa / de la eterna escritura indescifrable / cuyo libro es el tiempo» 1 .
"As an essentially contested concept, populism has yet to reach an academic consensus regarding its definition. Following Moffitt’s approach and enriching it with the insights of performance studies, this chapter will develop the concept... more
(English below) Rechte Intellektuelle berufen sich oft auf Nietzsches Konzept der Sklavenmoral, um damit ihre Kritik an ‚political correctness‘ zu untermauern. Diese Verschaltung von Nietzsches Sklavenmoral und ‚PC‘-Kritik ist zutreffend,... more
A jobboldal feladata a politizálás, a harc, a küzdelem; míg a konzervatívok feladata az ötletadás, a gondolkodás, a szellem.
This article explores the career of ethno-nationalist leader Kageyama Masaharu, who was active during the greater part of the Showa era. It argues that though the notion of 'Showa Restoration' is typically understood in terms of the... more
Identifying the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol as an inf lection point, this article analyzes the historical relationship between White supremacy and the US military from Reconstruction after the Civil War to the present. The... more
The Order, otherwise known as the Silent Brotherhood, or Bruder Schweigen, had one of the shortest but most eventful and notorious careers of the post-civil rights or fifth-era extreme Right (1970s to the 1990s). In its short lifespan... more
A Horthy Miklós kormányzót 1937-ben "királlyá választó" szélsőjobboldali (nyilas) gyűlés története, amely különös figyelmet fordít a két világháború közötti üres magyar trónnal kapcsolatos problémákra és spekulációkra. / The History of... more
Anti-populism is antagonistic opposition to what it names-pejoratively-as "populism", going beyond criticism of aspects of a perceived populist movement or government to become a radical antagonist to it. The anti-populist field is... more
This paper focuses on the urban graffiti painted with a political message by different movements of the Italian political radicalism in the cities of Rome, Florence, Massa, Carrara, Verona and Udine. For the purpose of this article,... more
Критика, число 7-8 (129-130) що їх читають лише переконані носії певних поглядів, а «мейнстримові» видання і, звісно, телебачення. Нині ця теза найактуальніша щодо міґрантофобії, однак загалом це стосується всіх поширених у суспільстві... more
15 March 2019 will go down as one of the darkest days in the history of New Zealand. A single or multiple perpetrator(s) committed a cowardly terrorist attack against the Muslim community of Christchurch, leaving almost 50 innocent people... more
Serbian contemporary fringe Right Wing groups have seen scant interest in scholarship. In this article, we tackle what we have dubbed the militant orthodox fringe Right Wing, namely by investigating their political programs. The groups... more
This article builds on ethnographic research concerning the Italian pro-life movement and argues for the use of intersectionality theory in studying conservative women. The article suggests, first, that understanding conservative... more
In electoral terms, party-political ultranationalism has been unusually weak in post-Soviet Ukraine. In spite of their increased public visibility and rising nationalist sentiments within Ukraine’s population, the three major forces—the... more
This article explores why Westmoreland County used to be a Democratic Party stronghold and is now a Republican Party bastion and very much in the heart of Trump Country.
Published by Political Research Associates, August 4, 2018
Published by Political Research Associates, August 4, 2018
Folkresningen i Ukraina har svartmålats som antingen fascistisk eller en mobb som går i USA:s och EU:s ledband. Anton Sjechovtsov förklarar Euromajdans organisation och hur högerextremismen förlorat på revolutionen.
Researchers increasingly use counterterrorism approaches to explain how right-wing groups mobilize as a growing social movement. I reveal the limits of security-oriented research for studying rightwing movements using a semi-ethnographic... more
In October 2018, after a prolonged economic and political crisis and a ruthless presidential election campaign, Jair Bolsonaro, an ex-military right-wing extremist, was elected the new president of Brazil. In my work, I analyze material... more
In recent years, online hate speech has gained considerable attention and some tech companies have attempted to regulate the behavior of internet users. One notable example is YouTube, the world's most popular video sharing website, which... more