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      Women's StudiesFeminist TheoryPersian LiteratureMiddle East Studies
تجسم کنید: مردی – یک سامورایی – در بیشه‌ای به قتل می‌رسد. تمام کسانی که در این عمل درگیر بوده‌اند، یک به یک، در دادگاه حاضر می‌شوند. هیزم‌شکن از وحشتی صحبت می‌کند که وقتی به جسد برخورد، او را دربرگرفت. کشیش شهادت می‌دهد که قبلاً آن مرد را... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm AnalysisJapanese Cinema
Improving phoneme recognition has attracted the attention of many researchers due to its applications in various fields of speech processing. Recent research achievements show that using deep neural network (DNN) in speech recognition... more
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      Computer ScienceFarsiPersianPhone Recognition
شامل امثال، ضرب المثل ها، حكم، خرافات وفولكلورهاى رايج ومنسوخ.
گردآوری وتدوین: یوسف جمشیدی پور.
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesPersian LanguageFarsi
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      International RelationsMiddle East StudiesPolitical ScienceFarsi
Kârî Rahmetullah Vâzih, XIX. yüzyıl Buhârâ’sında yaşamış olan bir edip, şair, doktor, bilim ve devlet adamıdır. İyi bir eğitim almış olan Kârî Rahmetullah Vâzih, Arapça, Farsça ve Türkçeyi (hem Çağatay hem de Anadolu Türkçesi’ni)çok iyi... more
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      Persian LiteratureFarsiPersian CultureTacikistan
تأليف: د. محمد السعيد جمال الدين - جامعة عين شمس.
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      Persian LanguageFarsiPersian/farsi Language and Literatureادبیات فارسی
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      Persian LanguageFarsi
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      HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsPersian LiteratureIranian Studies
Asya, Orta Doğu ve Anadolu’ya kadar ticari anlamda mekik dokuyan ve mahir diplomat özelliği taşıyan Soğd’lar, ipek yoluna hakim olan devletle birlikte egemenlik altına girmişlerdir. Ancak bu egemenlik bir asimilasyondan ziyade, gitmiş... more
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      FarsiSogdian ArchaeologySogdianOrta Asya Ve Kafkaslar
Reza Nazari & Somaye Nazari.
رضا نظری وسمیه نظری.
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      Translation StudiesPersian LiteratureIranian StudiesPersian Language
Although it has been an almost ubiquitous discourse from ancient times to the present, satirists and critics do not agree on a single definition of satire. A synthetic definition of satire could be reached through a critical survey of its... more
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      Discourse AnalysisWorld LiteraturesComparative LiteratureEpistemology
We found totally 1020 word with common meaning and pronouncing in Bulgarian and Hindi; ancient Bulgarian ethnonims in India; and names of Vedic gods in Bulgarian language and family names. We found 328 word with both similar meaning and... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEthnohistoryGeography
Reza Nazari & Somaye Nazari.
رضا نظری وسمیه نظری.
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      Translation StudiesPersian LiteraturePersian LanguageFarsi
Forough Farrokhzad who wrote idiocratical works in the various branches of literature and art put a lot of works into her fleeting life of thirty-two years, is known one of the taboo-breaking poets of contemporary Iranian literature as... more
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      Persian LiteraturePersian LanguageFarsiPersian/farsi Language and Literature
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      Persian LiteratureIslamic PhilosophyIslamic StudiesIslamic History
Reza Nazari & Somaye Nazari.
رضا نظری وسمیه نظری.
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      Translation StudiesPersian LiteratureIranian StudiesPersian Language
Öz Osmanlı döneminde birçok eser Farsçadan Türkçeye tercüme edilmiştir. Bu eserlerden önemli bir kıs-mı da tasavvuf konusundadır. Tercümeye konu olan Farsça eserlerden bazıları Anadolu (Türkiye) ve Mâverâünnehr (Özbekistan) gibi ana dilin... more
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      Persian LiteratureOttoman StudiesSufismFarsi
След рекапитулация на съществуващите тези за произхода на българите напоследък бе показано, че те са древни индоевропейци (Добрев, 1994, Шопов и др, 2002), а не славяни с незначителен примес от прабългари (които били тюрки). Това се... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEthnohistoryGeography
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      Indian studiesManuscript StudiesFarsiIndia
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEthnohistoryGeography
"Компютърен анализ на фамилните имена в телефонния указател на София за издирване на редки и остарели думи от прабългарски произход. Я.Й.Шопов, Л.Т.Цанков, Т. Ялъмов, С. Шопова, Л. Ненчев, Г. Канканосян Институт по интердисциплинарни... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEthnohistoryGeography
50 problems that should be solved by our OWN minds and hands.
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      Persian LiteratureIndian studiesPersian LanguageMughal History
Kârî Rahmetullah Vâzih, XIX. yüzyıl Buhârâ’sında yaşamış olan bir edip, şair, doktor, bilim ve devlet adamıdır. İyi bir eğitim almış olan Kârî Rahmetullah Vâzih, Arapça, Farsça ve Türkçeyi (hem Çağatay hem de Anadolu Türkçesi’ni)çok iyi... more
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      Persian LiteratureFarsiPersian/farsi Language and LiteratureBuhara
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      World LiteraturesGender StudiesWomen's StudiesFeminist Theory
""" Abstract: Trying to relate New Persian خوسیدن ‘to become dry’ to Proto-Iranian *Hhauš- ‘to become dry’ < IE. *h2seu̯s- ‘to dry (up)’ encounters phonological problems; But taking into account Alexander Lubotsky’s alternative point of... more
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      Persian LiteratureEtymologyIranian StudiesPersian Language
Издирени са 781 етнонима (имена на градове и местности (топоними) и водни басейни (хидроними) образувани с основа родовите имена на древните българи (кутигури, утигури, Дуло и т.н.)). Изследвана е морфологията на тези древно- български... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEthnohistoryGeography
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      Persian LanguageFarsiIranian LanguagesTeaching Farsi as a Less Commonly Taught Language
بنابر تعاریف اجزاء کلام در یک تقسیم بندی کلی به رکن و قید تقسیم می شود. در این تقسیم کلی، هر جزئی از کلام که مسند و مسندالیه نباشد، قید نامیده می شود. قیود به نوبه خود تقسیماتی دارند؛ تقسیم به «قید ذات و حدث» و نیز تقسیم به «قیود منصوب و... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsCultural StudiesWorld Literatures
Abstract: In this study, the first part of a serial study, synchronic linguistic geography of the contacts of Turkic and Iranian languages will be handled. Later the traces of Turco-Iranian linguistic contacts will be evaluated. Key... more
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      FarsiTurco-Iranian WorldIranian LanguagesPersian
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      Semitic languagesPaleographyIslamic StudiesIslamic History
THE VIEW TO TURKISH IN QABUSNAME WHICH IS PERSIAN CLASSIC AND UPON THE WORD OF TURKELMIS ABSTRACT Qabusname, is a kind of travelogue book written in Persian Language by Alexander’s son Keykavus in 1082 on behalf of his... more
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      FarsiTurkish LinguisticsTurkish LanguageTurkish Studies
Review of Prosody Matters: Essays in Honor of Elisabeth Selkirk
Ed. by Toni Borowsky, Shigeto Kawahara, Takahito Shinya and Mariko Sugahara, Equinox Publishing Ltd., 2012, xvi+528pp.
Ayat Hosseini
University of Tehran
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      Languages and LinguisticsPhonologySpeech ProsodyPhonetics
While the term "linguistics" implies the scientific study of language structure, the term "geolinguistics" is a relatively new term used to describe our traditional interest in the interrelationship between language and area. However,... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)PhonologyDialectologyEndangered Languages
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      Creative WritingComparative LiteratureGender StudiesWomen's Studies
TAJIKS: IRANIAN PEOPLE OF THE CENTRAL ASIA AND TAJIKISTAN: IN THE 20 ANNIVERSARY OF ITS INDEPENDENCE Situated at the heart of Central Asia, Tajikistan is the only country with a Persian-language. Tajiks, who are thought to be the natural... more
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      TajikEthnic IdentityFarsiCentral Asia
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      Jewish StudiesPersian LiteratureJewish MysticismPersian Language
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      LanguagesReligionHistoryCultural Studies
"This dissertation explores the phonological representation and the phonetic realization of prosodic prominence in Persian. It comprises two related parts: the first part addresses prosodic phrasing in Persian sentences, while the second... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPhonologySpeech ProsodyPhonetics
Essential words for petroleum engineering students with Farsi translation
مناسب برای درس زبان تخصصی
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      EnglishFarsiPetroleum EngineeringEssential Words
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      Persian LanguageFarsiPersianPersian/farsi Language and Literature
Öz Yirminci yüzyılda çağdaş İran edebiyatının önde gelen entelektüel ve edebiyatçılarından Furug Ferruhzâd (1935-1967) şairlik yönüyle bilinse de yazarlık, ressamlık, oyunculuk ve yönetmenlikte de başarılı yapıtlar üretmiştir. Şiirde... more
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      FarsiShort story (Literature)TextlinguistikPersian/farsi Language and Literature
We studied the earliest version of the Deluge story, which was found on two clay tablets excavated from the Older Nippur library in “Tablet Hill”, Nippur by H. Hilprecht. These two tablets with cuneiform inscriptions were written by the... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEthnohistoryGeography
As coronavirus started spreading in March 2020, most governments around the globe temporarily closed educational institutions including universities in an attempt to contain the spread of the pandemic. Shortly after that, most... more
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      Language EducationE-learningJapanese Language And CulturePersian Language
This article aims to investigate the Iranian languages and their changes during history, especially Persian language or Farsi. In addition to the languages, Persian scripts and their developments have been studied. Meanwhile, Persian... more
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      Persian LiteraturePoetryPersian LanguageFarsi
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      Translation StudiesComputational LinguisticsTajikMachine Translation
Per­sian com­plex pred­i­cates pose an in­ter­est­ing chal­lenge for the­o­ret­i­cal lin­guis­tics since they have both word-​like and phrase-​like prop­er­ties. For ex­am­ple, they can feed deriva­tion­al pro­cess­es, but they are also... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPersian LanguageSyntaxFarsi