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چهارمین کنگرۀ جهاني میان رشته¬ای بيروني به ¬مناسبت نهصد و شصت و هشتمین (968) سالگرد ارتحال دانشمند بزرگ ايران و جهان ابوريحان بيروني برگزارکننده: بنیاد ابوریحان بیرونی (با رب)، داکا، بنگلادش با همکاری: دانشگاه پیام نور، تهران، ج. ا.... more
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      HistoryHistory of ScienceMedieval Chemistry and PhysicsAstronomy
شامل امثال، ضرب المثل ها، حكم، خرافات وفولكلورهاى رايج ومنسوخ.
گردآوری وتدوین: یوسف جمشیدی پور.
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      Persian LiteratureIranian StudiesPersian LanguageFarsi
The freedom of choice and the problem of the bifurcated people facing choices are the main themes of the fiction of Goli Taraghi. The paper addresses the issues through the analysis of the short stories: I, Too, Am Che Guevara (1969), In... more
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    • Persian/farsi Language and Literature
AKSARAYLI ŞAİR SEYF-İ FERGÂNÎ VE DİVANI İsmail Söylemez1 Özet Aksaraylı şair Seyf-i Fergânî, h.VII. ve VIII./m. XIII-XIV. yüzyılın usta şairlerindendir. Şairin asıl adı, Muhammed’dir. Lakabı, Seyfeddîn’dir. Künyesi, Ebu’l-Mehâmid’dir.... more
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    • Persian/farsi Language and Literature
Questa è la prima ristampa del testo completo dello Shahnameh di Abu 'l-Qasem Ferdowsi stampato a Calcutta (1829), accompagnata dalla traduzione poetica italiana del celebre iranista Italo Pizzi stampata a Torino tra il 1886 e 1889 in... more
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      Persian LiteratureItalian StudiesPersian/farsi Language and LiteratureShahnameh   かつてソヴィエト連邦を構成していた中央アジアの共和国タジキスタンにおいて現在「国家語」という位置づけを与えられている言語がタジク語である。タジク語は、イランのペルシア語やアフガニスタンのダリー語もその成員である西南イラン語の一員である。本書はタジク語文法の要諦を言語学的に整理した参考書である。... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPersian LanguageLinguisticsIndo-Iranian Linguistics
İstanbul’da 1563 yılında büyük bir sel felaketi meydana gelir. Şehirde büyük hasara ve can kaybına neden olan selden etkilenenlerden biri de Kanuni Sultan Süleyman’dır. Yağmur yağmaya başlamadan önce ava çıkmış olan Kanuni sele... more
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      Iranian StudiesOttoman StudiesPersian/farsi Language and LiteratureKanuni Sultan Süleyman
Det allt större intresset för persiskan i Sverige ställer krav på en modern handbok som beskriver hur språket används i de länder där det talas: Iran, Afghanistan och Tadzjikistan. Modern persisk grammatik är avsedd för universitetsnivå... more
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      Persian LanguagePersian/farsi Language and LiteraturePersian Language and LiteratureTeaching Persian as a Second Language
تأليف: د. محمد السعيد جمال الدين - جامعة عين شمس.
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      Persian LanguageFarsiPersian/farsi Language and Literatureادبیات فارسی
Emir Hüsrev-i Dihlevî, dedesinin dönemin âlim ve fâzıl şahsiyetlerinden olması hasebiyle kendisini ilmî ve edebî çevrelerde yetiştirmiş önemli bir şahsiyettir. Hüsrev’in yaşadığı dönemde Moğol baskısından kaçan Türkler ile yerli halk... more
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      Persian/farsi Language and LiteratureUrdu Language and Literature
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      HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsPersian LiteratureIranian Studies
Reza Nazari & Somaye Nazari.
رضا نظری وسمیه نظری.
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      Translation StudiesPersian LiteratureIranian StudiesPersian Language
Although it has been an almost ubiquitous discourse from ancient times to the present, satirists and critics do not agree on a single definition of satire. A synthetic definition of satire could be reached through a critical survey of its... more
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      Discourse AnalysisWorld LiteraturesComparative LiteratureEpistemology
Sultan Veled, Mevlânâ Celaleddin Rumî'nin oğlu ve onun maddi ve manevi varisiydi. Mevlânâ'dan sonra Mevlevî yolu, Sultan Veled tarafından şekillendirilerek kurumsallaştırıldı. Selçuklular döneminde Anadolu'da ve daha sonra tüm Osmanlı... more
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      Persian LanguageTurkish and Middle East StudiesTurkish LiteratureTurkish Studies
نويسنده: فرج الله خداپرستی
۱۵۰۰۰ مدخل
۲۷۴۰۰ حوزه معنايى
۱۳۵۰۰۰ واژه
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      Translation StudiesIranian StudiesPersian LanguagePersian Culture
Fars Alfabesi - Transliterasyon - Yazılırken Aldıkları Form - Harf İsimleri - Farsça Harf İsmi - IPA Değeri
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    • Persian/farsi Language and Literature
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      Persian LanguagePersian/farsi Language and LiteratureIrish languagePersian Language and Literature
Reza Nazari & Somaye Nazari.
رضا نظری وسمیه نظری.
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      Translation StudiesPersian LiteraturePersian LanguageFarsi
Forough Farrokhzad who wrote idiocratical works in the various branches of literature and art put a lot of works into her fleeting life of thirty-two years, is known one of the taboo-breaking poets of contemporary Iranian literature as... more
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      Persian LiteraturePersian LanguageFarsiPersian/farsi Language and Literature
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      Persian LiteratureIslamic PhilosophyIslamic StudiesIslamic History
Fars şiirinin önde gelen lirik şairlerinden ve Molla Câmî’nin “Lisânü’l-Gayb” ve “Tercümânü’l-Esrâr” olarak andığı Hâfız-ı Şîrâzî (ö. 792/1390 [?]) kendi zamanında ve kendinden sonraki dönemde hem Doğu edebiyatını hem de Batı edebiyatını... more
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      HafizPersian/farsi Language and LiteratureÇeviriÇeviribilim
Reza Nazari & Somaye Nazari.
رضا نظری وسمیه نظری.
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      Translation StudiesPersian LiteratureIranian StudiesPersian Language
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      Persian/farsi Language and LiteratureDivan EdebiyatıFelsefeAtasözleri
Political text writers are often tended to implement rhetorical strategies, including the discursive ideological strategies of positive self-presentation and negative other-presentation, to imply and impose their ideological intentions on... more
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      Translation StudiesMachine TranslationTranslation theoryBible Translation
Место имама Табари в мусульманской культуре Ф.Бобоев Ключевые слова: история таджикского народа, историография, Мухаммад ибн ДжарирТабари, «Та‘рихиТабари», «Тафсири Табари» В статье освещаются основные биографические данные... more
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      Persian LiteratureArabic LiteraturePersian/farsi Language and Literatureal-Tabari
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      Indian studiesManuscript StudiesFarsiIndia
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      Iranian StudiesSasanian HistorySasanian EmpirePersian/farsi Language and Literature
ÖZET Dünya edebiyatının bilinen ve çok ses getiren klasiklerinden Küçük Prens ve Küçük Kara Balık çocuk edebiyatına özgü türler olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bilinenin aksine her iki kitabında aslında bir masal kitabı olmalarının altında... more
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      Persian/farsi Language and Literature2. Ulusal Çocuk ve Gençlik Edebiyatı SempozyumuÇocuk EdebiyatıRoman ve Öykü İncelemesi
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      Persian LiteraturePersian/farsi Language and LiteratureMünşeatOsmanlı Tarihi
Ethnic Claims in Iran in Terms of Justice and Development Kameel Ahmady Social Anthropologist, University of Kent, MA in social Anthropology, UK Abstract The identity/ethnic diversity in Contemporary Iran has co-occurred with the... more
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      EthicsArabic LiteratureIranian StudiesIdentity (Culture)
Книга посвящена одному из сравнительно малоизученных периодов в истории персоязычной литературы. В ней рассматриваются некоторые аспекты персоязычной поэзии ХVI – ХVII вв., исследуется творчество девяти её представителей. Прослеживается... more
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      Persian/farsi Language and LiteratureEdebiyatлитератураƏdəbiyyat
Modern İran şiirinin başlıca isimleri arasında yer alan Mehdi-i Ehevan-i Salis (1928-1990) hem klasik hem Nîmâi şiirde başarı sağlamış bir şairdir. Horasan bölgesinin gelenekçi edebi mahfilleri içinde şiirle tanışan Sâlis, şairliğinin ilk... more
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      Persian LiteraturePoetryIranian StudiesPersian Language
Persian for beginners.
The routledge introductory Persian course
Farsi shirin ast.
Pouneh Shabani Jadidi and
Dominic Parviz Brookshaw
فارسى شيرين است
پونه شعبانى جديدى وپرويز بروكشا دومين
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      Learning and TeachingPersian LanguagePersian/farsi Language and Literature
The inceptions of new technological aids, i.e. machine translation, that are at disposal of individual translators are becoming increasingly important to consolidate different strands in the domain of translation studies. To study the... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceTranslation StudiesNatural Language ProcessingMachine Translation
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      Persian/farsi Language and LiteratureFolk Narrative
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      Iranian StudiesPersian LanguageTurkish HistoryIranian History
Toplum tarafından sevilen, değer verilen ve topluma yön veren kişilerin isimlerinin ve eserlerinin unutulmaması için yapılan çalışmalar neticesinde biyografi yazarlığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Tarihi insanlık tarihi ile yaşıt olan biyografi... more
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      Central Asian StudiesPersian/farsi Language and LiteratureÇağdaş Türk LehçeleriTurkish Language and Literature
Kârî Rahmetullah Vâzih, XIX. yüzyıl Buhârâ’sında yaşamış olan bir edip, şair, doktor, bilim ve devlet adamıdır. İyi bir eğitim almış olan Kârî Rahmetullah Vâzih, Arapça, Farsça ve Türkçeyi (hem Çağatay hem de Anadolu Türkçesi’ni)çok iyi... more
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      Persian LiteratureFarsiPersian/farsi Language and LiteratureBuhara
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      Translation StudiesTranslating English to FarsiTranslationPersian/farsi Language and Literature
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      ReligionCultural HistoryCultural StudiesComparative Literature
""" Abstract: Trying to relate New Persian خوسیدن ‘to become dry’ to Proto-Iranian *Hhauš- ‘to become dry’ < IE. *h2seu̯s- ‘to dry (up)’ encounters phonological problems; But taking into account Alexander Lubotsky’s alternative point of... more
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      Persian LiteratureEtymologyIranian StudiesPersian Language
RÉSUMÉ Cet article fait partie d'un projet de recherche onomasiologique plus vaste, relatif aux termes désignant les parties du corps dans les langues iraniennes. L'auteure se con-centre ici sur les termes iraniens utilisés pour désigner... more
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      LexicologyHistorical LinguisticsDialectologyIranian Studies
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      Iraqi HistoryIranian StudiesHistory of IranTabriz
Iranian cities in the post-Islamic era used to consist of three subdivisions: 1) Diz, Kuhandiz, or Quhandiz; 2) Šahristān or Šāristān; and 3) what had come to be called in Arabic rabaḍ. This urban structure had its roots in Iranian... more
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      EtymologyIranian ArchaeologyIranian StudiesPersian Language
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    • Persian/farsi Language and Literature