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      Film Promotion And MarketingFilm Promotion and Marketing (Film Studies)Film Marketing
Audiences for blockbuster event-film sequels and adaptations often formulate highly developed expectations, motivations, understandings and opinions well before the films are released. A range of intertextual and paratextual influences... more
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      Media StudiesReception StudiesArtFilm Studies
This essay works toward a definition of the media franchise and uses the Alien franchise (1979-Present) to consider how digital technologies have influenced a shift in franchise management from multimedia to transmedia. The Alien... more
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      New MediaVideo GamesAdaptationMedia Industries
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      Business EthicsSociologyFilm Promotion And MarketingArts Management
Please cite this article as: Finsterwalder, J., Kupppelwieser, V.G. and de Villiers, M. ( ), The effects of film trailers on shaping consumer expectations in the entertainment industry -A qualitative analysis.
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      MarketingFilm Theory and PracticeFilm StudiesFilm Theory
Following the negative reception of Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two (2012), The Walt Disney Company’s Disney Interactive division shuttered the game’s developer Junction Point. This closure signaled a definitive corporate shift from home... more
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      Video GamesAdaptationHistory of Toys and PlayConvergence
This article will analyse the distribution and promotion strategies of Matteo Garrone's Dogman (2018) in the United States. It will reconstruct the singularity of this case study in a comparative perspective, considering both the... more
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      Film StudiesFilm Promotion And MarketingFilm Promotion and Marketing (Film Studies)Film Distribution
This book explores the widespread phenomenon of celebrity fandom and provides the reader with deeper insights into the emotional dynamics of a consumer’s parasocial fan relationship with a celebrity. Following an overview of how fandom... more
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      AutoethnographyFan StudiesConsumer BehaviorFan Cultures
Since the 1960s Thailand has succeeded in positioning itself as the leading Southeast Asian country for foreign film-related projects. Every year hundreds of foreign feature films, documentaries, commercials, TV programs, music videos,... more
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      Film StudiesThailandFilm Promotion And MarketingFilm Production
Digital distribution led to the rise of next-generation filmmakers, whose content (both short and feature length) was created for and distributed to online audiences (Ryan & Hearn, 2010). Independent companies and large studios... more
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      Film Promotion And MarketingFilm Promotion and Marketing (Film Studies)Film ProductionFilm Distribution
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    • Film Promotion And Marketing
Like other film industries, Bengali film industry or Tollywood started applying marketing tools keeping in view various promotional needs in film business. Various genre films have been produced in recent times with shorter release... more
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      Film Promotion And MarketingFilm Promotion and Marketing (Film Studies)Film Marketing
TFL Extended – Audience Design workshop delivered on 22 January 2022 during the Solothurn Film Festival – Im Atelier (Solothurn, Switzerland).
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      Audience StudiesAudience and Reception StudiesFilm Promotion And MarketingFilm Promotion and Marketing (Film Studies)
Online presentation delivered on 25 January 2022 within the IDM Script Lab RACCONTI #10.
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      Audience StudiesScriptwritingAudience and Reception StudiesFilm Promotion And Marketing
Bollywood or Tollywood, both use marketing tools for various promotional factors in film business. Hindi movies have gone global with higher gross income, whereas South Indian films have also reached some clusters to grow business.... more
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      Film Promotion And MarketingFilm Promotion and Marketing (Film Studies)Film and Media StudiesFilm Marketing
This essay introduces the concept of genre personae, using the case of New Line Cinema's mid-to-late-1980s handling of its Elm Street property to reveal the extent to which highly misleading critical discourse is appropriated... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm AnalysisFilm Genre
Im Zeitalter des Blockbuster-Kinos kosten Filmwerbung und Filmvermarktung fast ebensoviel wie ein Film selbst. Intensität und Volumen der Kampagnen entscheiden über Marktanteile und damit auch über die Chancen kleinerer Filme, überhaupt... more
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      MarketingCultural HistoryEconomicsMedia Studies
Bengali film industry started applying marketing tools in various promotional needs in film business. Various genre films have been produced in recent times with shorter release window. Distribution has become digital, with the increase... more
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      Film Promotion And MarketingFilm Promotion and Marketing (Film Studies)Film and Media StudiesFilm Marketing
One can assume that there is most likely not a single person in the western world who has not been to a cinema, nor seen a trailer for a film to be released. This paper discusses consumer expectation influencers of film content and... more
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      Film Theory and PracticeFilm StudiesFilm TheoryFilm Analysis
Foreign film production is a vital source of revenue for Thailand, a job creator and a stimulator of tourism. This article seeks to outline and assess the developments and challenges of Thailand as a foreign film production destination... more
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      Tourism StudiesThai StudiesFilm StudiesCreative Industries
For over 100 years, the 'coming attraction' film trailer has been a key part of film promotion and viewing practices (both theatrical and domestic). Despite the prominent role of the trailer within the fabric of popular media, it has... more
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      Audience StudiesAudience and Reception StudiesFilm Promotion And MarketingFilm Promotion and Marketing (Film Studies)
Explores how the unique, for the era, marketing techniques for The Blair Witch Project (1999) lead to it's success and popularity.
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      MarketingMedia StudiesFilm StudiesFilm History
Whereas scholars, commentators, and industry-insiders emphasize commercially compromised film-types are re-energized at the level of production (through the mobilization of supposedly innovative content), this article show the extent to... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm AnalysisFilm Genre
Günümüzde küreselleşme ekonomik, politik, toplumsal alanlarda olduğu gibi kültürel/ sanatsal üretim ve çalışmalarda da yoğun etkileri söz konusu olmaktadır. Özellikle global film dağıtımının merkezi konumundaki Hollywood’da üretilen... more
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      Film StudiesFilm Promotion And MarketingFilm Promotion and Marketing (Film Studies)Film Production
"The Formation of the 'Major Independent': Miramax, New Line, and the New Hollywood," Contemporary Hollywood Cinema, eds. Steve Neale and Murray Smith.  London: Routledge, 1998.
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      Media EconomicsMedia IndustriesFilm HistoryFilm Promotion And Marketing
This paper analyses Asia Extreme’s strategies to internationalise and adapt Japanese films for a Western audience through two case studies: Audition and Battle Royale.
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      MarketingJapanese StudiesAvant-Garde CinemaFilm Studies
La presente comunicación se centra en el sector de la promoción y marketing de la industria del cine y la televisión. De esta forma, se estudia la evolución y modificación que han sufrido formatos relativamente nuevos y recientes como el... more
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      Social MarketingAdvertising and MediaFilm Promotion And MarketingFilm Promotion and Marketing (Film Studies)
The chapter uses the case of Jamie Lee Curtis to invite us to think more closely about how industry decision-makers utilize specific on-screen talent to increase the commercial potential of horror films – and, by extension, other genres –... more
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      Film StudiesHorror FilmExploitation CinemaFilm History
By concentrating on elements of film content and the cultural politics of feminist activists, scholars have suggested that Hollywood’s women-in-danger films of the early 1980s represented the greatest misogynist trend in the history of... more
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      Film StudiesHorror FilmFilm HistoryWomen & Film
For over 100 years, the ‘coming attraction’ film trailer has been a key part of film promotion and viewing practices (both theatrical and domestic). Despite the prominent role of the trailer within the fabric of popular media, it has... more
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      EngineeringAudience StudiesAudience and Reception StudiesFilm Promotion And Marketing
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      Film StudiesMedia IndustriesItalian CinemaExploitation Cinema
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar el uso que la televisión hace del cuerpo seductor como principal punto de atracción en las campañas publicitarias de series ficcionales norteamericanas. La investigación se centra... more
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      Advertising and MediaFilm Promotion And MarketingFilm Promotion and Marketing (Film Studies)American Tv Shows
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      Gender StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesStrategic CommunicationFeminism
A uniquely multimedia (and not transmedia) franchise characterized by what Jonathan Gray refers to as “paratexts,” James Bond has been adapted to a variety of media following his introduction in Ian Fleming’s Casino Royale in 1953. As... more
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      Video GamesAdaptationTransmedial StorytellingConvergence
La presente comunicación se centra en el sector de la promoción y marketing de la industria del cine y la televisión. De esta forma, se estudia la evolución y modificación que han sufrido formatos relativamente nuevos y recientes como el... more
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      Internet StudiesSocial MarketingDigital MediaAdvertising
Brief entry for Sight & Sound
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      Film HistoryFilm Promotion And MarketingFilm Industries
International film market of Iran (IFM) is one of the most important presenters of different films and television programs to be sold in the world market especially in Middle East. The primary purpose of this paper is to investigate... more
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      Film Promotion And MarketingInternational Film Markets
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      MarketingAestheticsMedia StudiesFilm Studies
La presente comunicación se centra en el sector de la promoción y marketing de la industria del cine y la televisión. De esta forma, se estudia la evolución y modificación que han sufrido formatos relativamente nuevos y recientes como el... more
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      Internet StudiesSocial MarketingDigital MediaAdvertising
Public lecture of a 2-day session with selected projects attending the Mediterranean Film Institute Script 2 Film Workshops.
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      Film StudiesDigital MediaFilm Promotion And MarketingFilm Promotion and Marketing (Film Studies)
Dentro de la promoción cinematográfica en las redes sociales, cabe considerar, junto a las cuentas oficiales, todos aquellos perfiles de los agentes involucrados en la producción, creación y comercialización. Partiendo de esta base, el... more
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      Social NetworksSpanish CinemaFilm Promotion And MarketingFilm industry
This paper examines the development of the media franchise that began with Alien (Ridley Scott, 1979). As one of the few franchises to follow — rather than reboot — its original continuity, Alien has accumulated a uniquely complex web of... more
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      AdaptationMedia IndustriesConvergenceFilm Promotion And Marketing
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      CommunicationVisual StudiesDesignFilm Studies
Public lecture (12 July 2021) of a 2-day session with selected projects attending the Mediterranean Film Institute Script 2 Film Workshops.
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      Film Promotion And MarketingFilm Promotion and Marketing (Film Studies)CinemaFilm Marketing
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      RomanticismDocumentary (Film Studies)Polish HistoryPhilosophy of Film
The fine line that exists between fervent enthusiasm and brazen desperation has been all but erased in the audacious world of film promotion in Pakistan. Bawdy and gauche, the antics of the teams promoting films in Pakistan, are, at best,... more
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      MarketingFilm StudiesFilm TheoryLiterature and cinema
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      Film StudiesFilm Promotion And MarketingFilm Promotion and Marketing (Film Studies)Hollywood
"Scholars have consistently applied psychoanalytic models to representations of gender in early teen slasher films such as Black Christmas (1974), Halloween (1978) and Friday the 13th (1980) in order to claim that these were formulaic,... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm AnalysisFilm Genre