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The U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) criminalizes decryption of "copy protected" digital content, even if the decryption itself serves lawful purposes that do not infringe on copyright. However, temporary exemptions to this... more
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      Higher EducationCopyrightMedia LawDocumentary Film
This study surveys theoretical justifications for copyright and considers the implications of the notion of cultural democracy in regard to copyright law and policy. In doing so, the study focuses on the first sale doctrine and advocates... more
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      Intellectual PropertyDigital MediaLegal TheoryCopyright
In this Essay, I sketch out some First Amendment and Due Process issues that arise from recent efforts by the World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO”) to revise U.S. copyright law. My focus will be on the WIPO Treaty on... more
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      Performing ArtsIntellectual PropertyPerformance StudiesFirst Amendment Law (USA)
Lorien R. Hunter interviews Mark V. Campbell in Picturing the Popular
Courtney White, editor, Spectator 34:1 (Spring 2014): 44-50
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      Performance StudiesAfrican Diaspora StudiesBlack Popular CultureRemix
Mi objetivo es demostrar que el Remix es una forma con gran potencial de creación artística, centrándome en el ámbito audiovisual y, específicamente, en el video arte conceptual. Para ello, me baso tanto en las posibilidades de... more
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      Video remixRemix CultureVideoartVideo Jockey
Dans le cadre du projet de recherche-création «Remixer la chanson québécoise», débuté en 2009, des remixeurs d'origines diverses (France, Roumanie, Maroc, Cuba, mais aussi Québec) et issus de traditions musicales variées (avant-garde,... more
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      Recherche-CréationRemixRemix CultureResearch/Creation
Turntables and Tropes is the first book to address remix from a communicative perspective, examining its persuasive dimensions by locating its parallels with classical rhetoric. Through identifying, recontextualizing, mashing up, and... more
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      RhetoricPopular CultureMedia EcologyMashups
Durant les années 2006-2007 et 2007, Eva et Franco Mattes explorent les lieux populaires du monde virtuel multiparticipatif Second Life à la recherche des avatars les plus glamours. Ils conçoivent ainsi la série de portraits 13 Most... more
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      Second LifeNet ArtVirtual WorldsRemix Culture
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      Performance StudiesPerformance ArtPerformanceUtopianism
The thesis of this essay can be stated quite directly: Slavoj Žižek, despite having little to say about mashup and remixing in any direct way, engages this new media phenomena in both theory and practice, providing contemporary culture... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusicologyFolklore
Trolling has become an imperative feature of online communication. The boom of new media and innovative technologies has favoured this acceleration. Trolls hold an undeniable position in gauging public opinion and attitudes on almost... more
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      Digital MediaInternet memesNew Media StudiesCyberactivism
La presente tesis busca analizar el uso de la edición como técnica de reciclaje de material audiovisual, entendiendo la edición como el proceso donde se sintetizan todos los elementos que conforman el producto final. El proceso de... more
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      Television StudiesRemix CultureAudiovisualRemix Practices
Critical evaluations of audio mash-ups and remixes tend to congregate around two poles. On the one hand, these often clever recombinations of recorded music are celebrated as innovative and creative interventions in the material of bland... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyPlatoCopyrightMashups
This chapter begins with the question: Is remix a monster, and digital humanities the means through which it is destined to bring down the old-fashioned, exclusionary, and hierarchical modes of humanities past? Using the metaphor of... more
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      Digital HumanitiesColonialismMonster TheoryFrankenstein
The practices and cultures of remix are often thought to emerge in opposition to cognitive capitalism. This is for a number of reasons: As a practice that blends bottom-up circulation with new discursive practices, remix offers... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaPolitical Economy of CommunicationSocial Media
Edited by Sheila Whiteley and Shara Rambarran
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      Media StudiesPopular Music StudiesFilm StudiesPopular Music
The Routledge Companion to Remix Studies comprises contemporary texts by key authors and artists who are active in the emerging field of remix studies. As an organic international movement, remix culture originated in the popular music... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaIntellectual PropertyVisual Culture
From Teaching Tech-Savvy Kids: Bringing Digital Media Into the Classroom, Grades 5-12: Students are plugged in, powered up, and connected. Are you? The author gives teachers a deeper understanding of the dynamic potential for... more
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      Digital MediaRemix Culture
In this comprehensive and highly interdisciplinary handbook, contributors reflect on remix across the broad spectrum of media and culture, with each chapter offering in-depth reflections on the relationship between remix studies and... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Digital HumanitiesVideo remixRemix
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      AnimationContemporary ArtStop-motion AnimationVideo Art
En este ilustrativo ensayo, el maestro en Estética y Arte, Luis Álvarez Azcárraga, presenta una aproximación al concepto de remix y lo coloca para su comprensión en varios contextos: legal, histórico, político, musical, artístico y social
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      Participatory CultureNew Media ArtNew Media StudiesRemix Culture
One doesn’t need to look far to find examples of contemporary locations of cultural opposition. Digital piracy, audio mashups, The Onion and Wikipedia are all examples of transgression in our current mediascape. And as digital age... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesNew MediaWeb 2.0
Appropriation, transformation and remix are increasingly recognized as significant aspects of digital literacy. This article considers how one form of digital remix – the video remix – might be used in classrooms to introduce critical... more
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      Cultural StudiesLiteracyCommunicationEducation
This article explores new forms of serial structure found in transmedia story worlds, with particular attention to the innovations of amateur transmedia works. Although the term transmedia has most often been associated only with... more
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      Feminist TheoryPopular CultureDigital MediaQueer Theory
un analisi semiotica e linguistica dell' operazione di montaggio su youtube.
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      Video remixRemix CulturePolitical Remix Video
“There’s only here, and now, and light.” This line is taken from Arseny Tarkovsky’s poem, Life, Life, and was incorporated into the script of the show Afterlife: an audiovisual performance. Alongside this Film & New Media Capstone... more
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      Film StudiesTheater and filmRemixRemix Culture
How did we get from Hollywood to YouTube? What makes Wikipedia so different from a traditional encyclopedia? Has blogging dismantled journalism as we know it? Our media landscape has undergone a seismic shift as digital technology has... more
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      CreativityParticipatory CultureCopyrightDigital Piracy/ Filesharing
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      Digital MediaDigital CultureNew MusicologyRemix Culture
El presente trabajo supone una aproximación a las nuevas formas de producción, distribución y consumo emergentes en la industria musical. Bien visto como amenaza o como oportunidad, Internet ha revolucionado (o evolucionado) la manera... more
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      Popular Music StudiesTransmedial StorytellingFan CulturesMusic Industry
La lettura è sempre stata un’attività allo stesso tempo individuale e sociale; l’evoluzione di tale peculiarità ha condotto alla formazione di eterogenei contesti di condivisione; tra questi vi sono i gruppi di lettura, i quali, grazie... more
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      SociologyEducationNew MediaWeb 2.0
#Musica_Dispersa Rubén López Cano Editorial: Musikeon Books (Barcelona) Año de publicación. 2018 ISBN: 978-84-945117-1-4 Palabras clave: Identidad y... more
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      MashupsRemixRemix CultureMashup Theory
This article considers the ways in which metal has interacted with the aesthetics of electronic music since the 1980s, from its earliest exchanges with hip hop through to recent developments in the djent subgenre. It highlights the... more
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      Music TechnologyHip-Hop/RapIndustrial MusicSampling
This paper focuses on chutney, a form of popular music in Trinidad with roots in prepartitioned North India, as an intriguing genre through which, culturally, to analyze Trinidadian social dynamics. It concentrates on developments during... more
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      Cultural StudiesPopular MusicIdentity (Culture)Remix Culture
This article examines how popular culture is remixed for the purposes of facilitating mystical experiences within a global electronic dance music culture. In particular, it investigates the sampling of space travel and alien contact... more
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      Popular Music StudiesPopular MusicPsychedelicsLiminality
"With a relative paucity of available academic materials on the genre, my inability to speak Tigrinya, and current COVID-19 constraints, I propose here a brief rearticulation of Eritrea’s idiosyncratic music using a localized hero... more
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      MusicologyEthnomusicologyApplied EthnomusicologyHip-Hop/Rap
Traducción al castellano (interna) para el trabajo con equipos de video obsoleta en el contexto de su utilización con archivos de televisión, video y streamming.
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      New MediaMedia ArchaeologyRemix CulturePlanned Obsolescence
Entrevista al músico Soy tan sutil
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      Remix CultureRemix StudiesRemix TheoryAutotune
A Jolanta Słobodzian Film Club presents "80s Again!" -- a collection of essays describing selected phenomena in culture and society of 1980s. +-+-+-++-+-+-+ TABLE OF CONTENTS / Part 1: In the orbit of politics / Robert Zybrant:... more
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      ComedyDystopian LiteratureLiteratureCyberpunk
Remix games are like remix videos, remix music, or remix images in that they are primarily comprised of sampled content. As a working definition, for the purposes of this chapter, remix games may be understood as games that are composed... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Digital HumanitiesVideo GamesVideo remix
and Goals Audio and video remixes have emerged as one of today's most popular modes of expression. From DJ Spooky's "Rebirth of a Nation" to DJ Earworm's mash­up of the year's top pop music videos, remixes have the power to convey a... more
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      Sound studiesCulture JammingRemixRemix Culture
During the 1990s, bossa nova was reborn through the millennial musical practices of sampling and remixing. Dressed up in an array of new electronic guises, bossa gained new currency among cosmopolitan listeners throughout the U.S.,... more
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      Electronic Dance Music Culture (EDMC)Brazilian MusicRemix CultureCirculation
Anglistentag 2016 Hamburg: Proceedings. Hrsg. von Ute Berns und Jolene Mathieson. Tier: WVT, 2017. 13-86.
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      Transmedial StorytellingLiterature and New MediaRemix CultureMedia and Culture Studies
This article maps patterns of interest in key terms associated with copyright and online culture in the US context. Using exploratory factor analysis of data from Google Trends, authors examined patterns in keyword searches between... more
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      Open AccessOpen Source SoftwareCreative CommonsCopyright
A perplexed analysis of three picturesque movies by which this paper’s author has had her vision restored. Apart from the multiple time layer shifts and twists in the deconstructed editing, illustration of poetic autobiographies,... more
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      Film StudiesDeconstructionSurrealismFilm Genre
In the twenty-first century, the remix, the mashup, and the reboot have come to dominate Western popular culture. Consumed by popular audiences on an unprecedented scale, but often derided by critics and academics, these texts are the... more
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      AdaptationMonster TheoryGothic LiteratureGothic Studies
How do social meanings and general associations attached to certain musical genres come into play when classical music meets disco, hip-hop meets the symphony or heavy metal meets the opera? How do artistic or commercial concepts and... more
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      MusicologyPopular Music StudiesJazz HistoryProgressive rock
La musica, in quanto forma testuale, non è sfuggita ai processi d’ibridazione permessi dalla tecnologia digitale, anzi l’estrema facilità di appropriazione, manipolazione, rielaborazione e mescolanza è forse l’aspetto che più di altri... more
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      MusicICT in EducationRemixRemix Culture
Critical Remix Video (CRV) is an emerging form of experimental video art activism that uses as raw materials previously published, often copyrighted audio-visual content in order to critique perceived wrongs and injustices or make... more
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      Visual SemioticsVideo ArtVideo remixIdeology Critique
Found Footage denomina el tipo de cine realizado con material de archivo como un objeto encontrado: películas caseras, históricas de archivo, anuncios, películas pornográficas, reportajes, documentales, programas de televisión... que... more
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      Digital CultureMashupsRemix CultureFound Footage
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      Digital MediaRemix CultureFile SharingData Sharing