Film and Television Comedy
Recent papers in Film and Television Comedy
A History of Italian Cinema, 2nd edition is the much anticipated update from the author of the bestselling Italian Cinema – which has been published in four landmark editions and will celebrate its 35th anniversary in 2018. Building upon... more
In Spike Jonze’s Her (2013), we watch the film’s protagonist, Theodore, as he struggles with the end of his marriage and a growing attachment to his artificially intelligent operating system, Samantha. While the film remains unique in its... more
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“Comedy is about timing, son”. È questa la battuta con cui un David Lynch particolarmente fuori dal tempo, nei panni dello stravagante producer televisivo Jack Dahl, tormenta il povero Louis C.K., alle prese con lo sforzo immane di... more
This project will bring together scholars from a variety of disciplines (including sociology, cultural studies, neuroscience, film and media studies) to investigate the experience of cringe as a key symptom of the contemporary cultural... more
Examines the bleak television comedies that illustrate the obsession of the white left with its own anxiety and suffering At the same time that right-wing political figures like Donald Trump were elected and reactionary socio-economic... more
Phil Callaway says, "I have a fear of speed bumps, but I'm getting over it." Janice gave Ed a birthday present of Phil Callaway's newest book 'Laugh Again like a Child'. Reading this book caused us to laugh and chuckle deeply. We hoped... more
Da Lucy ed io a Friends, da Happy Days a The Big Bang Theory, da I Jefferson a The Good Place, da Casa Vianello a Boris: la situation comedy è un genere televisivo importante, che sembra semplice ma non lo è, ha un linguaggio stratificato... more
I cinepanettoni: film di enorme successo e autentici cult contemporanei. Malgrado ciò rimangono, a livello di studio, ancora praticamente inesplorati. Questo libro è una storia analitica di un fenomeno unico per la cui comprensione si... more
How Comedy and Animation Become Tools to Understand Serious/Taboo Subjects in 'BoJack Horseman'
Cover copy: In defiance of the alleged "death of romantic comedy," After "Happily Ever After": Romantic Comedy in the Post-Romantic Age edited by Maria San Filippo attests to rom-com’s continuing vitality in new modes and forms that... more
2000 -) IS anchored by a complex comic sensibility that is rooted in the social and cultural identities of the show's principal characters, namely the series creator and star, Larry David. The series presents a candid portrait of the... more
The paper concerns linguistic humour as an aesthetic-cultural category which is at the core of comedy. Linguistic material from contemporary Russian movies and their translations into Polish is analysed. The basic linguistic components... more
This chapter studies the relationship between dark humor, addiction, and abjection. As a case study, it examines a stand-up routine by comic Craig Ferguson in which the comedian touches on such varied topics as peeing his pants,... more
La influencia del cine de Hollywood en la sofisticación de los cines clásicos latinoamericanos Alejandro Kelly Hopfenblatt Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)/CONICET Resumen El desarrollo y consolidación de los cines clásicos... more
In what ways is comedy subversive? This vital new book critically considers the importance of comedy in challenging and redefining our relations to race and racism through the lens of political correctness. By viewing comedy as both a... more
New Writing 14.2 (2017): 257-64. Print.
This chapter examines the relationship between collective trauma and comedy as a meaningful cultural ritual. Drawing on the work of Mikhail Bakhtin and Emile Durkheim, Scepanski highlights the temporal aspects of these theorists' work to... more
A norma della legge sul diritto d'autore e del codice civile è vietata la riproduzione di questo libro o di parte di esso con qualsiasi mezzo, elettronico, meccanico, per mezzo di fotocopie, microfilm, registratori o altro. Le fotocopie... more
Stephen Chow is not a professional writer, nor did he attend acting school, and yet his films are instantly recognizable across Hong Kong people of all demographics. I wish to understand Chow’s comedic appeal, how he is able to... more
A review of Richard Lester's version of the play by Spike Milligan and John Antrobus.
Review of the book When the World Laughs. Film Comedy East and West, by William V. Costanzo
Appreciated today only for the style of the early-and mid-1960s Hollywood studio product, the crime comedy film featured strong female roles that paralleled the collapse of the traditional female roles in the era's spy films. Influenced... more
Published in HARTS&Minds Journal, December 2017. In this article, I argue that Buster Keaton’s 1921 short film 'The Playhouse' links the fragile ontology of masculine identity with the technological uncanny, two pervading anxieties of... more
Drawing from existing literature in the field of comedy studies (including work related to three long-established theories of laughter: superiority theory, incongruity theory, and relief theory), this paper examines the humorous elements... more
Girls (HBO, 2012-17) é uma série de dramédia estadunidense que desde seu lançamento suscitou muitos debates de diferentes vieses. Ao longo de suas temporadas é perceptível uma mudança de um viés predominantemente cômico para um aumento de... more
The focus of this work is on the formal construction of jokes within the popular form of entertainment, the televised workplace situation comedy. The narrative universe of a sitcom is a product of industry, and so it is created to have a... more
Se trata de un repaso por las cintas de comedia que dieron origen al género en México.
This is a Word document version of an essay that appears in CINEMA AND MODERNITY, edited by Murray Pomerance, Rutgers University Press, 2006.
PDF of manuscript before final corrections.
In spite of recent studies discussing its myriad definitions, the asexual orientation has rarely been discussed in regards to its representation within television programming, being regarded as a “relatively uncharted area of sexual... more
This essay establishes a first genealogical link between William E. Connolly’s pluralist thought and a recent mimetic turn—or re-turn of mimesis—in critical theory. Crafting new connections between Connolly’s diagnostics of affective... more
Per molti versi antesignana di Allegri gemelli (Our Relations, 1936), la versione di Brats (1930) recuperata dal progetto "S.O.S. Stanlio e Ollio" presenta una somiglianza ancora maggiore rispetto al lungometraggio in questione, grazie al... more
The negative stereotype of the weak, passive, Jewish male has been a staple in the United States for well over a century. Even though there has been a larger Jewish presence on US television over the past twenty years, the portrayal of... more
Negli ultimi anni la serialità comedy ha iniziato a svilupparsi e a mutare in modalità che hanno richiesto una riarticolazione delle procedure di comprensione del genere. Alcune serie contemporanee si risolvono in commedie di formato... more