First Generation College Students
Recent papers in First Generation College Students
A number of studies conducted in the past fifteen years have concluded that grit, the persistence and perseverance to achieve goals, and growth mindset, the belief that skills and intelligence can be developed, are positive predictors of... more
This article describes a program that combines meaningful community-based experiential learning for collegiate students with leadership-based mentoring, delivered either face-to-face or virtually, that helps K–12 students see college as... more
The research questions guiding this analysis are: (1) How do the formal educational experiences of unauthorized college students affect their postsecondary education goals? (2) How do undocumented students attend college on a daily basis... more
When I started my dissertation work on Chicana mother-daughter pedagogies, I was looking for Chicana first-generation college students who considered their mothers to be integral to their educational success. 1 I was interested in... more
Syllabus for Introduction to Sociology used for a summer course I taught for the Student Support Services program in the Center for Academic Progress at UConn.
A meta-analysis of 35 studies found that social class (socioeconomic status) is related to social integration among students in higher education: Working-class students are less integrated than middle-class students. This relation... more
The premise of this book is simple: if the chapter writers could go back in time and talk with themselves when they began their studies, what advice would they give? Isn’t hindsight a bonus? Each chapter will offer this hindsight. The... more
The college-for-all movement is variously framed as a civil rights issue, an economic imperative, and a requirement for navigating our increasingly globalized society. In response, large urban school districts across the United States... more
As educators and service providers in urban schools encourage student college going at higher rates than ever, policy and practice on school improvement discourses would benefit from incorporating students' perspectives underlying... more
Using social capital theory as a framework, the authors examined data from the Educational Longitudinal Study (ELS: 2002) to examine how student contact with high school counselors about college information and other college-related... more
Credit momentum policies, or performance-based financial aid policies, have become increasingly popular among policymakers seeking to improve degree completion rates. This paper examines Indiana’s 30-credit-hour completion policy on... more
Students sometimes enter higher education unprepared. This guide presents simple strategies to maximize learning, avoid potential pitfalls, and support students in designing their own user experience in higher education.
Two sources leave telling traces of tensions in Albrecht Dürer's closest personal relationships. One, a letter that Dürer wrote to Willibald Pirckheimer, preserves for us a shocking and intimate exchange between the two men. Dürer sent... more
What is the impact of social class on college integration? Higher education institutions are becoming more diverse, yet the integration of underprivileged students remains a chal- lenge. Using a social network approach, we analyze the... more
First-generation college students face a number of unique challenges in college. These obstacles may have a dis-parate effect on educational outcomes such as academic achievement. This study presents findings from an analysis of the... more
First-generation college students (FGS)—postsecondary students whose parents did not complete college degrees—are a theoretically critical group for understanding social inequality in higher education and processes of social mobility.... more
Recommendations for driving results in college graduate employment and career advancement. While mainly providing broad range ideas and structures, this publication also provides vivid detail and recommendations on how to drive results... more
This dissertation explores one white working-class family’s hopes, fears, illusions, and tensions related to social mobility. I tell stories from my experiences as a first-generation college student, including: ethnographic fieldwork;... more
A number of studies conducted in the past fifteen years have concluded that grit, the persistence and perseverance to achieve goals, and growth mindset, the belief that skills and intelligence can be developed, are positive predictors of... more
As the cost of college tuition has increased, policymakers and practitioners have begun to examine the proliferation of college promise programs (i.e., tuition-free grant programs, debt free college programs) across the United States... more
The author argues that first-generation college students (FGS) have compounded challenges when they pursue graduate education. As a first-generation college student, he was not able to gather advice from family or his job supervisor, who... more
The chapters in this book reflect a situated analysis of the General College (GC), which is a flexible set of models that co-exist programmatically to support learners from diverse backgrounds who enter college with a variety of academic... more
(Purpose) The purpose of this directory was to identify, describe, and evaluate evidence that the education practices improve academic performance, close the achievement gap, and improve persistence towards graduation for low-income,... more
The file contains 16 chapters which report on collaborations between Illinois community colleges and universities to involve potential students in Early Childhood Education licensure programs. Edited by Stephanie A. Bernoteit, Johnna C.... more
In the last decade there has been an increase of research of the Latina educational experience from K – 12 to college. This work has also tapped into the experiences of Latinas in the academy in their roles as faculty and administrators.... more
First Generation College Students, those from families where neither parent completed more than a high-school education, comprise a diverse and growing group that faces cultural, social and academic challenges both in the university... more
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat. Ut wisis enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tution ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl... more
AMAE Special Issue: Testimonio as Radical Story-Telling and Creative Resistance. Throughout my life I have come home to Modesto, California more times than my heart can remember; it is my heart that remembers and keeps my hometown ever... more
Abstract Undergraduate students lack the opportunity and environment to contemplate and develop ecoliteracy skills that serve to integrate subject matter into their everyday experiences. Ecoliteracy is grounded in Capra's web of life... more
There has been an increase in student enrollment at postsecondary institutions. This change is a result of increased educational access, especially for the unrepresented races such as African American and Hispanic and other minority... more
U.S. colleges place a high value on the fulfillment of academic obligations by their students. The academic achievement of each individual student is the institutional priority; this is an individualistic frame of reference. However, many... more
This chapter investigates factors that facilitate postsecondary enrollment for subpopulations of high school students. Students that find themselves at risk and those with parents who have no college experience receive primary... more
Community partnerships must build strong support systems inside and outside the classroom to help students complete their postsecondary programs. In an effort to support these collaborations, the Institute for Higher Education Policy... more
To address concerns about student veterans, including lagging BA attainment and troubling drop-out rates, researchers, policy-makers and practitioners would benefit from a more in-depth understanding of the processes student veterans... more
Prior research has demonstrated unequivocally that first-generation college students do not enroll, persist or graduate from four-year institutions at comparable rates as students from more educated families. With almost half (47%) of all... more
A Cultural Humility Approach to Digital Storytelling for First-Generation College Students research paper will explore the impact of a social justice pedagogical curriculum program design for a Digital Story Telling (DST) curriculum... more