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Intervention au cours de la journée d'étude : « Le langage des présents :
Choix, circulation et signification des présents d’apparat à l’époque moderne (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) », INHA Paris, 25/10/2019.
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      PortraitsRenaissance StudiesDiplomacyPortraiture
La figura femenina a dos décadas del siglo XXI ha ocupado un lugar importante en la sociedad, sin embargo, en el arte mexicano del siglo XX el papel más importante de la mujer sólo pertenecía al de la musa. Hoy en día es posible dar... more
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      PortraitsArt HistoryPaintingFeminism
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    • Portraits
After G.M.A. Richter’s work “The Portraits of the Greek” this paper aims to examine some images of poets and philosophers from Magna Graecia and Sicily. Only a portrait from Aphrodisias (Turkey) can surely be referred to Pythagoras... more
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      PortraitsArchaeology of Magna Graecia and SicilyRoman Archaeology
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      PortraitsRenaissance ArtScenographyCuratorial Practice (Art)
Never entirely analyzed until now, the pictorial iconography of Maria Carolina looks more vivacious and interesting than that of her sister Marie-Antoinette, queen of France, both for its various languages from different countries, as the... more
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      IconographyPortraitsHabsburg StudiesPortraiture
André Corten & Vanessa Molina, Éditions Nota Bene, 2010, "La première, Barbara, est un personnage de roman; la seconde, Rufina, est une vendeuse ambulante qui raconte sa propre histoire. Ce livre présente deux défilés de portraits: l'un... more
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      PortraitsViolenceAnthropologie politiqueTheorie Politique
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      PortraitsArt HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Art
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      PortraitsRenaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtLute
The Habsburgs: Images and Portraits II, Renaissance Society of America, Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida, 22-24 March 2007. Jooris van der Straeten: Habsburg Court Portraitist in Portugal, Spain and France. New Notes and Attributions... more
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      PortraitsHabsburg StudiesPortraitureRenaissance Portraiture
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      Gender StudiesPortraitsMasculinity StudiesGender and Sexuality
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      PortraitsResimOttoman PaintingTopkapı Sarayı
2019 major show from my Living in the Chelsea Hotel book from Schiffer at Leica Gallery LA. Due to covid it is looking for new place to travel to due to cancellations
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      Gender StudiesPortraitsArt HistoryArchitecture
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      PortraitsBiographyViennaKey Characteristics
" Wearing Images " es el título del volumen monográfico número 6 de la revista Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, dirigido por Diane Bodart, David Rosand Assistant Professor of Italian Renaissance Art History de la Columbia University de Nueva... more
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      PortraitsArt HistoryRenaissance ArtPortraiture
Les taillades, vaste gamme d’incisions opérées sur les étoffes, sont un reflet de l’impact de la réglementation protocolaire et somptuaire sur la créativité des tailleurs pour garantir l’originalité de paraître de leur noble clientèle.... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesPortraitsArt History
Before World War 1, French painter Léon Bonnat became famous by portraying celebrities, among which almost every leading politician in the newly founded Republic. His academic and dark style however was criticized by art critics and... more
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      PortraitsThird French RepublicGeorges FeydeauOctave Mirbeau
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      PortraitsArt HistoryPaintingPortraiture
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      PortraitsArtPhotographyAndy Warhol
"Artistry and Industry: The Portraiture of George Peter Alexander Healy, 1830-1865." What do antebellum portraiture and industrialization have in common? In a word: Healy. George Peter Alexander Healy (1813-1894), a little-studied... more
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      PortraitsPrint CultureNineteenth-century ArtPortraiture
Étude approfondie de l’iconographie textile et vestimentaire du portrait de François Ier peint par Jean Clouet afin de proposer une relecture d’une herméneutique plus complexe que ne l’ont laissé penser les recherches fondamentales de... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesPortraitsArt History
This article deals with an analysis of the process of formation of Portraits Gallery, composed of portraits of the participants of the Itu Convention, which gave rise to the Paulista Republican Party, held in Itu on April 18, 1873. These... more
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      PortraitsMuseum StudiesHistory of MuseumsAfonso d' Escragnolle Taunay (1876 - 1958)
Carl Oscar Borg is one of the premier painters of the American West. We working in oil, tempera, watercolor, woodblock and drypoint etching to create landscapes, portraits and other images of the lands and peoples of the Southwest,... more
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      PortraitsAmerican art/ Art of the United StatesLandscape20th Century Art
Conférence présentée le 21 septembre 2019 dans le cadre de l'exposition "Henri IV : un roi dans l'histoire" (château de Cadillac en partenariat avec le château de Versailles)
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      IconographyPortraitsRenaissance Studieskings of France
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      PortraitsArt HistoryPortraiture18th Century Art
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      PortraitsPortraitureSelf PortraitureSelf-Portraits
Mémoire d'étude, sous la direction de Monsieur Denis Bruna. Cette étude propose de revenir sur le lieu commun qui érige au XXe siècle la transition de l'illustration de mode à la photographie de mode, en lui redonnant toute sa... more
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      PortraitsFashion PhotographyWomen's EmpowermentFashion Illustration
El 14 de diciembre de 2016, la Fundación Espinosa Rugarcía, I.B.P. (ESRU) recibió en comodato parte de la colección fotográfica del estudio Foto Azul, de la ciudad de Puebla. Foto Azul funcionó entre 1935 y 1984, en la calle Cinco de Mayo... more
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      PhotographsPortraitsPhotographyMexico History
Conférence 30 novembre 2021 : "When New York looks at the School of Paris (1930-1950). Reception, Rereadings and Appropriations". On the occasion of the exhibition : "Chaïm Soutine / Willem De Kooning, painted embodied". Musée de... more
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      PortraitsAbstract ArtMarché de l'artCollectionneurs
The paper aims at focusing on the iconography of Maria Amalia of Saxony as a young, daughter of the elector and king of Poland Augustus III, and Charles of Bourbon’s future wife. By observing paintings and portraits of her successively,... more
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      IconographyPortraitsArt HistoryEducation
The paper deals with the concepts of fragmentation and reconstruction in the field of portraiture. Taking a portrait as a large fragment of information, we look into ways in which it can be optimised and reduced such that it remains valid... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryVisual StudiesPhotographs
"In his De visione Dei, Nicholas of Cusa addresses two aspects of divine vision: my desire to see God and God’s capacity to see me. The latter aspect is distinguished by absolute power: God’s gaze is all-seeing. To explain this peculiar... more
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      IconographyPortraitsRenaissanceRenaissance Art
Wasif Jawharriyeh and the social history of Palestinian photography
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      Cultural HistoryPortraitsArt HistoryPhotography
The catalogue “Ars et Amor – Labor et Gloria“ was put together for the temporary exhibition under the same title of until now unknown and less exhibited works of the painter Dominik Skutezky (Skutecký; 1849 – 1921) at the Central... more
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      PortraitsArt History19th Century (History)
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      PortraitsRenaissance Portrait MedalPortraiture and the Problematic of RepresentationRenaissance Portraits
There are very little variations in the evolution of portraits' functions on the entire length of over eleven centuries of Byzantine art and the four more of post-Byzantine. Basically, they accomplish a documentary role: they are used on... more
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      PortraitsPolitical TheologyByzantine art
Ante la crisis de la profesión de fotógrafo de finales del s. XIX, éstos incorporaron el cinematógrafo-fotografía animada-a su trabajo. Antonio G. Escobar fue uno de ellos. Palabras Antes da crise da profissão de fotógrafo do final do... more
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The text deals with two theoretical aspects of portraiture as a concept: firstly with its etymological profiling in the 16th and 17th centuries, taking into account also relevant ancient and medieval names used for the portrait. The... more
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      PortraitsPortraitureEarly modern portraiturePortrait Retrato Portrait Theory
This chapter of my book "Veiled Presence" explores how Lotto's images of the clothed body communicate a novel sense of being-in-the-world. In Lotto's paintings dress or drapery is possessed in both senses of the word: it proclaims... more
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      PortraitsHistory of DressDress and the BodyDress and identity
Portre fotoğrafçılığı, kişilerin omuz hizalarının genelde üstünün temel alındığı, yüz odaklı fotoğraf çalışmaları olarak kabul edilebilir.
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      PortraitsPhotographyPortfolio ManagementPortraiture
A sinner converted into a saint, Mary Magdalene poses a paradox of representation. Conventionally portrayed as a beautiful and sensual woman with light skin and fair hair, she is most commonly shown in a state of repentance, shying away... more
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      PortraitsArt HistoryPaintingPortraiture
Schede di alcuni importanti dipinti del primo Ottocento italiano esposti alla mostra di Brescia
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      PortraitsNineteenth-century ArtPortraiture19th century Italian art
foi um dos mais destacados pintores de paisagem da sua geração. Estudou na Academia de Belas-Artes e fez parte do grupo de artistas liderado por Tomás da Anunciação que se insurgiu contra o ensino académico, defendendo um maior contacto... more
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U radu je prikazana povijest obitelji Zrinski kroz njihove najznačajnije posjede u ranom novom vijeku, od posjeda uz Kupu, Zrin i Gvozdansko, preko posjeda u Hrvatskom primorju (Bakar, Kraljevica) i Gorskom kotaru (Čabar) do... more
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      PortraitsBaroque art and architecturelate medieval and early modern history of European nobility and courtsZrinski/Zrinyi family
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      PortraitsArt HistoryArtArt Theory
Portret -niezwykłe źródło poznania postaci. Odwzorowanie konkretnej rzeczywistości -raz świadomie kształtowanego wizerunku, kiedy indziej obraz widziany subiektywnym okiem artysty. Przedstawienia portretowe w sztuce dawnej miały na celu... more
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      PortraitsArt HistoryDress StudiesHistory of Dress
Book review of: ‘Ann Jensen Adams, Public Faces and Private Identities in Seventeenth-Century Holland: Portraiture and the Production of Community. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. 398 pp, 73 b&w illus. ISBN... more
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      PortraitsVisual CulturePortraitureHistory of Physiognomy
Sztuka portretowa wyrasta z odwiecznej potrzeby utrwalenia wizerunku własnego lub bliskiej osoby. Ale portrety to nie tylko wierna rejestracja rysów – to także narzędzie kreacji wizerunku, gloryfikacji, autopromocji i walki politycznej.... more
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      PortraitsRenaissance HumanismRenaissance PhilosophyBaroque Art and Literature