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Forest management planning relies heavily on mathematical models that involve time. Concerns about climate change and ecosystem services have highlighted the limitations of traditional growth and yield prediction tools. Modern dynamical... more
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      Dynamical SystemsMathematical ModellingForest Growth Modelling
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      Environmental ScienceGrowthForest Growth and YieldForest Management
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      Spatial ModelingProcess Based ModelsForest Growth Modelling
The objective of this work was to study aspects of the dynamics, such as growth and yield of a representative sample of upland Tropical rainforest, experimentally managed over 30 years, aimed mathematical modeling of the experiment using... more
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      ForestryForest Ecology And ManagementForest biometricsForest Growth Modelling
The aim of this book is to give a contemporary review of tree growth modelling and represent our own results in this field. We demonstrate that the growth inhibition can be a result of a systemic level effect, which can be seen in a... more
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      Mathematical BiologySystem Dynamics ModelingOrganismal BiologyTree Physiology
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      ForestryForest Growth Modelling
Since its inception the Forestry Department has undertaken static inventories of the forest reserves qnd most recently of the off-reserve lands within the highforest zone and commerciql NTFPs. The paper briefly desuibes the purpose,... more
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      Tropical forestForest Growth Modelling
Contents: 1. Introduction--2. Whole Stand Models--3. Size Class Models--4. Single-tree and Tree List Models--5. Data Requirements--6. Constructing Growth Models--7. Forest Site Evaluation--8. Diameter Increment--9. Mortality and... more
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      Tropical EcologyModelingTropical forestForest Growth Modelling
This study developed dbh-crown diameter prediction model for naturally grown Triplochiton scleroxylon (K. schum). Eight models for predicting crown diameter using diameter at breast height were tested for the species in Onigambari Forest... more
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      Forest Growth ModellingForest Measurements and Biometrics
This paper describes the development of top height model for stands of Azadirachta indica. The algebraic difference form of the Chapman-Richards equation is first fitted to the interval data of height-age data pairs resulting in an... more
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      Forest Growth ModellingForest Mensuration, Growth and Yield Modeling, Quantitative Silviculture
Some concepts that may be useful for the study of forest stands through mathematical models are discussed. A set of examples to illustrate these ideas is included. Application to stand model formulation of an approach based on the concept... more
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      Dynamical SystemsForest Growth Modelling
Decisions on natural forest production management are based on sustained yield principles because forest management focuses on sustainability of standing stock rather than sustainability of ecology and social aspects. Diameter increment... more
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    • Forest Growth Modelling
RESUMEN Los ecosistemas forestales se caracterizan por una gran complejidad en la que distintos elementos bióticos y abióticos interactúan en varias escalas temporales y espaciales de formas muy diversas. Una manera de reducir la... more
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      ForestryEcological ModellingSustainable forest managementForest Growth Modelling
A whole-stand survival model is presented, that is parsimonious and well-behaved when extrapolated, making it particularly useful in data-poor situations. It is argued, on biological and system-theoretical grounds, that a suitable... more
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      Plant EcologyForest Growth Modelling
Carbon allocation plays a key role in ecosystem dynamics and plant adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Hence, proper description of this process in vegetation models is crucial for the simulations of the impact of climate... more
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      Carbon CycleForest Growth ModellingCarbon Allocation
For the first time the trans-Eurasian additive allometric mixed-effects model of tree biomass components (stems, branches, needles and roots) is designed using the database unique in terms of its volume in a number of 900 model trees of... more
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      Forest EcologyForest Growth Modelling
Mast fruiting represents a synchronous population behaviour which can spread on large landscape areas. This reproductive pattern is generally perceived as a synchronous periodic production of large seed crops and has a significant... more
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      Forest EcologyForest Growth ModellingFruticulturaForest Modelling
Forest inventory studies in the Amazon indicate a large terrestrial carbon sink. However, field plots may fail to represent forest mortality processes at landscape-scales of tropical forests. Here we characterize the frequency... more
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      Remote SensingForest Ecology And ManagementLiDAREcology
This paper describes the development of top height model for stands of Azadirachta indica. The algebraic difference form of the Chapman-Richards equation is first fitted to the interval data of height-age data pairs resulting in an... more
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      PolymorphismForest Ecology And ManagementBiometricsBiological Sciences
El desafío actual en el manejo forestal es la planificación de suministros sostenibles de madera y otros valores forestales, a la vez que se preserva la integridad del ecosistema forestal. En conse-cuencia, el uso de modelos basados en la... more
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      ForestryEcological ModellingForest Growth Modelling
A theory-influenced dynamical stand growth model formulation described well the behavior of thinned and unthinned loblolly pine plantations. A simplification containing few free parameters performed as well as a fully parametrized... more
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      Dynamical SystemsClimate ChangeCarbonForest Ecology And Management
Site-index ideas are reviewed, stressing conceptual foundations and issues that are frequently misunderstood. The structure of site-index models is explained first within a traditional deterministic context. When variability due to... more
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    • Forest Growth Modelling
The regeneration of forest resources is one of the main objectives of modern forest management. The present thesis aims to identify detailed features of the regeneration process and the characteristics of sapling interaction. The research... more
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      ForestryForest EcologyForest Growth ModellingForest Regeneration
Continuous cover forestry (CCF) is desirable for many reasons, but this silvicultural approach does add to the complexity of predicting forest growth and timber yield. Many well established techniques such as yield tables and age-based... more
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      Forest Growth ModellingContinuous Cover Forestry
A theory-influenced dynamical stand growth model formulation described well the behavior of thinned and unthinned loblolly pine plantations. A simplification containing few free parameters performed as well as a fully parametrized... more
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      Dynamical SystemsClimate ChangeCarbonForest Ecology And Management
How long would it take for forests to recover their original productivity following continuous intensive management if they are left untouched? This issue was explored using the model FORECAST, calibrated and validated for coastal... more
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      Ecological ModelingSustainable forest managementForest Growth ModellingForest biomass
Forest ecosystems are typical examples of socio-ecological systems. However, in terms of modelling, the social aspect has been given far less attention than the ecological aspect. In this study, we modelled the impact of economic and... more
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      EconometricsBioeconomicsForestrySocial-Ecological Systems
How long would it take for forests to recover their original productivity following continuous intensive management if they are left untouched? This issue was explored using the model FORECAST, calibrated and validated for coastal... more
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      ForestrySoilRenewable EnergyProduction
Atmospheric pollution levels in China are increasing quickly. Experience from other polluted regions shows that tree growth could be affected, but long-term effects of N deposition and soil acidification on Chinese forests remain mostly... more
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      ForestryForest Ecology And ManagementNitrogen CycleAcid Rain
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      Stochastic Differential EquationsForest Growth Modelling
A general framework is proposed for the formulation and simulation of spatially explicit individual-based models of plant communities. A software implementation, siplab, was developed using the R statistical programming language. The... more
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      Plant EcologyEcological ModellingForest Growth Modelling
The PhenoPine is a Growing Degree Day (GDD) simulation model that can be used to trace the phenology of pine (Pinus roxburghii) under changing regimes of ambient temperature rise. The PhenoPine was developed using field-based observations... more
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      PhenologyClimate Change ImpactsForest Growth Modelling
Los análisis de sensibilidad son una herramienta importante para comprender el funcionamiento de los modelos ecológicos, así como para identificar los parámetros más importantes en su funcionamiento. Además, los análisis de sensibilidad... more
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      Modeling and SimulationEcological ModellingPyreneesForest Growth Modelling
Subjective a priori grouping of tropical rain forest species for growth prediction may be unreliable because 1) there may be hundreds of species, many comparatively uncommon, the ecology of which may not be well known, 2) species within... more
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      ForestryTropical forestForest Growth Modelling
Upaya pencegahan perubahan iklim yang disebabkan karena emisi gas rumah kaca sedang menjadi salah satu kegiatan yang dibicarakan saat ini. Perusahaan dibidang kehutanan merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang memberikan peran besar dalam... more
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      ForestryForest Ecology And ManagementFutures Studies and ForesightForest Growth Modelling
Vanclay, J.K., 1991. Aggregating tree species to develop diameter increment equations for tropical rainforests. For. Ecol. Manage., 42: 143-168. Pairwise F-tests provided an efficient approach for aggregating large numbers of species into... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesForest Growth Modelling
Effective model evaluation is not a single, simple procedure, but comprises several interrelated steps that cannot be separated from each other or from the purpose and process of model construction. We draw attention to several... more
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    • Forest Growth Modelling
Individual-tree growth models are often used to describe forest stand development and response to silvicultural treatments. Although ideal as research tools, incomplete information on initial conditions can make them unreliable and... more
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      Dynamical SystemsMathematical ModellingForest Growth Modelling
An equation depending on two shape parameters includes many of the sigmoids found in the literature as special cases. The formulation facilitates the analysis and description of model properties, and can be used to enhance the generality... more
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      GrowthForest Growth ModellingProbability Distributions
Trends in growth and productivity of European forests are studied. A retrospective analysis of height growth across Europe over the twentieth century found positive trends, which were substantiated by a literature review. The review... more
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      DendroecologyForest Ecology And ManagementForest Growth Modelling
Different types of models have been developed and applied to address various problems and issues in forestry. This paper reviews modelling trends in four areas, namely, forest management planning and decision-making, forest dynamics and... more
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      Spatial AnalysisDecision MakingDecision support systemForest Planning
Masting is the highly variable and synchronous production of seeds by plants. Masting can have cascading effects on plant population dynamics and forest properties such as tree growth, carbon stocks, regeneration, nutrient cycling, or... more
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      ForestryEcological ModellingForest Growth Modelling
This study aimed to evaluate the ecological and successional aspects of a subtropical forest fragment by projection of the diameter distribution of different ecological groups, using transition matrix model. Based on measurements of 2009... more
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    • Forest Growth Modelling
Subtropical planted forests are rapidly expanding. They are traditionally managed for intensive, short-term goals that often lead to long-term yield decline and reduced carbon sequestration capacity. Here we show how it is possible to... more
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Individual-based and aggregated models for forest stands are compared. This is followed by a brief review of research on mathematical analysis of complex simulation models, and the derivation of simpler analytical approximations. Finally,... more
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    • Forest Growth Modelling
The capacity of rainforests to recover from logging disturbance is difficult to model due to the compounding interactions between long-term disturbance effects, natural dynamics, site characteristics and tree species regeneration... more
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      ForestryNonlinear RegressionForest Growth ModellingEcological Integrity
In the climate change era, forest managers are challenged to use innovative tools to encourage a sustained provision of goods and services. Many decision support tools (DSTs), developed to address global changes in forest management... more
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      Climate ChangeEcosystem ServicesDecision Support SystemsSustainable forestry management
Forest inventory studies in the Amazon indicate a large terrestrial carbon sink. However, field plots may fail to represent forest mortality processes at landscape-scales of tropical forests. Here we characterize the frequency... more
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      Remote SensingTropical EcologyCarbonForest Ecology And Management
Subtropical planted forests are rapidly expanding. They are traditionally managed for intensive, short-term goals that often lead to long-term yield decline and reduced carbon sequestration capacity. Here we show how it is possible to... more
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      ForestryEcological ModellingSustainable forest managementForest Growth Modelling
This study examined the relative importance of soil, stand development and climate hypotheses in driving productivity for a species that is widely distributed in North America. Inventory plots, 3548 of such, either dominated by aspen or... more
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      Site ProductivityForest Growth and YieldForest Growth ModellingForests