Recent papers in Silviculture
Eucalyptus species were introduced in Karnataka as far back as 1790. Sporadic plantings were done during the early 20th century, but larger plantations were raised from the 1930's, mainly for firewood and charcoal production. With... more
Foliage spatial distribution and morphological variation within crowns reflect the adjustment of a tree to acclimatise to different microenvironments within crowns and stands. They play important roles in the light use efficiency, carbon... more
In the uneven-aged mixed forests, logging operation is generally performed by using selection cutting method. However, logging activities result in serious residual stand damages during felling and skidding operations in these stands.... more
The primary aim of using treeshelters is offering protection for young trees against browsing and fraying. However treeshelters also significantly modify growth of protected trees. Even though there are many investigations on the behavior... more
Big-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) is an economically important timber species in the Neotropics. For over three centuries, it has been selectively extracted from tropical forests, threatening its populations. We investigate... more
Annapurna conservation area has an exceptionally rich biodiversity, including many endangered, rare and vulnerable wildlife species. In order to gain a better understanding of indigenous wildlife species baseline study is almost important... more
This paper examines how a regenerative agricultural landscape of 30 hectares would look like and how it would affect the social context in the surroundings. The project area is 2 km south of Køge, Denmark, where a volunteer permaculture... more
In this paper a software product is presented. We created it in order to help the researchers in their activity of extracting valuable information regarding spatial distribution of a population. The software, named SPATIAL, offers a wide... more
Scholars studying the globalization of Australian trees have previously emphasized the rapid natural propagation of Australian trees outside of their native habitats, believing their success to be a reversal of ‘‘ecological imperialism’’... more
Though there are many forestry textbooks available in the market which provide a more balanced account of subjects, the topics and structure of this book "Forestry: Principles and Applications" (ISBN-Hard Bound: 9788172338107 & ISBN-Paper... more
In this study, in Kastamonu - Taskopru Forest Nursery, "Root Collar Diameter (RCD)" and "seedling height (SH)" were measured on bare-rooted seedling of Daday originated Scots pine and Anatolian Black Pine for the purpose of determining... more
El silvopastoreo como una alternativa en el manejo de pasturas ha demostrado un comportamiento efectivo con respecto al mantener o mejorar la fertilidad del suelo, a medida que aumenta el tiempo de explotación de este, sobre todo con... more
Titlu: Tabele de Cubaj Pentru Lemn Rotund Copertă color, extrem de vizibilă, flexibilă, broșată Volum exprimat în metri cubi [mc], cu 3 zecimale Lungimi între 0,5 – 8,1 metri, din 10 în 10 cm Diametre între 6 – 100 cm, cu pas 1 cm Găsirea... more
articolo tratto dalla rivista "L'Italia forestale e montana" 2010
La implementación de la Ley Forestal 1700, su Reglamento y sus Normas Técnicas han facilitado el desarrollo de un paquete de prácticas de manejo que sirven ahora como plataforma para la aplicación de algunos tratamientos silviculturales.... more
This book is a result of the project ‘Second generation of planted hardwood forests in the EU — Woodnat’, financed by the European Commission, carried out by a companies’ temporal consortium integrating Seistag Innovacion SL (Spain),... more
Barriers to successful adoption of novel silvicultural practices are rarely just technical in nature. Simply put, why do some forest users practice better silviculture than others? Diverse perspectives in the social sciences have been... more
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Silvicultural systems The processes by which the crops that constitute a forest are tended, removed and replaced by new crops, resulting in the production of woods of a distinctive form. Name of a system is based on: number of age... more
Many spatial vegetative physiological and environmental impact studies demand consistent as well as fine resolution daily meteorological data, which is often unavailable. This problem is evident when studies and applications focus at the... more
Pertumbuhan pohon dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan (edafis dan klimatis), pemuliaan genetik pohon, serta teknik silvikultur. Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, pohon tumbuh menjadi besar berkat perkembangan jaringan meristem primer apikal, akar... more
In the Productivore’s Dilemma three overarching claims are explored in a manuscript of chapters split into two parts: First, that human and more-than-human life is not only threatened by extinction but is more importantly threatened by... more
During geological history, the emergence of plants on earth has led to the conversion of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) in the atmosphere and oceans into innumerable inorganic and organic compounds on land and in water. Forests play an important... more
Todo lo que quiso saber sobre semillas forestales y no se atrevio a preguntar en un solo libro
Sal (Shorea robusta) is one of the most important timber-yielding trees in India, spread over an estimated area of 13 million hectares. Sal occurs gregariously on the southern slopes of the Himalayas and is also distributed on the plains... more
In a trial conducted in the Aguaytia river basin (Ucayali Region, Peruvian Amazon), the growth, tree health, and their relationship with soils and other site factors were evaluated in 15 experimental plantings of Calycophyllum spruceanum... more
Faktor utama yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman adalah faktor genetik sedangkan faktor-faktor lain yang tidak kalah pentingnya adalah ketersediaan air, cahaya, temperatur dan pemberian pupuk sebagai contoh perlakuan silvikultur.
Pengusahaan hutan telah dilakukan sejak lama, bahkan sejak pemerintahan Kolonial Hindia Belanda melalui pendirian panglong didaerah Sumatera Timur dan Kalimantan Tengah, dan berkembang lebih lanjut pada pemerintahan Orde Lama setelah... more
This book described the endangered species of Taxus sumatrana growing in Indonesia in detail and comprehensive discussion, started from their active compound content of Taxol derivatives , ecology, silvicultural and also conservation... more
Se aplicó el método directo dasometrico para conocer el estado actual de las plantaciones y su relación con las variables edáficas y de precipitación para identificar los potenciales sitios de establecimiento para plantaciones exitosas... more
Dry tropical forests provide a wide range of forest products that directly support the livelihoods of people. These forests are the most threatened and least protected forests due to expansion of agriculture and pasture lands, unregulated... more