Recent papers in Forming
In this study, compression tests were conducted to determine the flow behavior of various types of Plasticine. True stress-true strain relations are presented in the form of a well-known power law equation. It is shown that the strength... more
A new roll-based process and machine for three-dimensional bending of profiles with symmetrical and asymmetrical cross-sections have been developed. Compared to conventional processes like stretch bending, the advantage of the Torque... more
Powder metallurgy is a growing sector in industrial production, as it offers outstanding energy, cost and material savings in comparison with established processing routes such as casting. Hot work toll steels are usually produced by... more
Optimization of process parameters in sheet metal forming is an important task to reduce manufacturing cost. To determine the optimum values of the process parameters, it is essential to find their influence on the deformation behaviour... more
Sliding wear at elevated temperature is an important material removal mechanism in large number of engineering applications such as metal forming operation, gas turbine engines, etc. The material loss during sliding at elevated... more
The deformation behavior of a high-strength steel alloy with a tensile strength of 590 MPa is investigated both experimentally and analytically to clarify the effect of the material model (anisotropic yield function) on the predictive... more
Incremental bulk forming is the oldest known technique in metal working. Many developments in this field have dramatically changed our society. Today incremental bulk forming processes are applied to quality products in small and large... more
Microstructure and material flow of aluminum alloys have a significant influence on the mechanical properties and surface quality. In extrusion of aluminum billets at high temperatures the microstructure is dependent on the alloy and the... more
The aim of the present work was to investigate and compare different hard coatings as to the tendency for work material adhesion and galling properties when applied on forming tool steel and sliding against different work materials. The... more
The aim of the present investigation was to examine the possibility of reducing lubrication and replacing expensive tungsten carbide material in blanking/piercing through introduction of hard tool coatings. Results show that hard PVD... more
The paper starts with a brief historical overview to the attempts of numerical simulation of sheet metal forming. Comparison between bulk and sheet metal forming processes from the simulation point of view is given. Basic requirements of... more
The derivation of anisotropic yield functions based on the approach of linear transformations of a stress tensor is investigated for general and plane stress states. The number of coefficients available for the description of plastic... more
This paper presents synthetically the most recent models for description of the anisotropic plastic behavior. The first section gives an overview of the classical models. Further, the discussion is focused on the anisotropic formulations... more
This paper presents a new yield criterion for orthotropic sheet metals and its implementation in a theoretical model of the forming limit diagrams. The equivalent stress equation shows that the shape of the yield surface is defined by... more
Surface distortions in the form of wrinkles are often observed in sheet metals during stamping and other forming operations. Because of the trend in recent years towards thinner, higher-strength sheet metals, wrinkling is increasingly... more
In this paper, the impact behaviour of aluminium and silicon carbide (SiC) particle reinforced aluminium matrix composites under different temperature conditions was determined. Charpy impact tests were performed on as extruded and heat... more
In this paper the possibilities of the viscous voided shell approach for deriving bendinglmembrane finite elements for sheet metal forming problems are presented. These elements can be selectively used for membrane or full bending... more
Stress whitening problem in thermoformed alumina trihydrate (ATH) reinforced poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) was studied. In situ heavy-gage thermoforming of acrylics was entirely replicated under laboratory controlled conditions at... more
Industrial mill logs from seven different hot strip mills (HSMs) were analyzed in order to calculate the mean flow stresses (MFSs) developed in each stand. The schedules were typical of the processing of microalloyed Nb, multiply-alloyed... more
This paper describes the application of a coupled crystal plasticity based microstructural model with an anisotropic yield criterion to compute a 3D yield surface of a textured aluminum sheet (continuous cast AA5754 aluminum sheet). Both... more
The force acting on a current carrying body, which is induced by magnetic fields gained more interest due to new applications. These magnetic techniques are used for decades to accelerate or move objects, for instance for catheter... more
The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, searching existing data sources, gathering and... more
Global competition requires that manufacturing industry utilizes practical and proven CAD, CAM and CAE techniques for rapid and cost effective process design and die manufacture. Thus, numerical simulation of bulk metal forming processes... more
An approach is demonstrated for the manufacturing of a microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) composite paper. A key element in the manufacturing paradigm is the use of high consistency suspensions to improve retention and minimize the need for... more
The near-axisymmetric compression of high strength steel tubes by electromagnetic forming is studied both experimentally and analytically. Tubes with a nominal tensile strength of 440 MPa, outer diameters of 75 mm and wall thicknesses up... more
The purpose of this work is to obtain a theoretical forming limit stress diagram (FLSD) and a suitable load path in tube hydroforming. The methodology for prediction of hydroforming stress limit diagram is based on Marciniak and Kuczynski... more
We investigate deformation-induced martensitic transformation behavior in cold-rolled and cold-drawn specimens of type 316 stainless steel. Deformation-induced martensite preferentially nucleates at the twin boundary between the austenite... more
The influence of coating thickness on the formability and ductility of hot-dip-aluminized steel has been determined using a 3-point bend test and optical metallography. The ductility / formability was estimated from the 3-point bend test... more
This paper presents synthetically the most recent models for description of the anisotropic plastic behavior. The first section gives an overview of the classical models. Further, the discussion is focused on the anisotropic formulations... more
The paper starts with a brief historical overview to the attempts of numerical simulation of sheet metal forming. Comparison between bulk and sheet metal forming processes from the simulation point of view is given. Basic requirements of... more
As failure criterion for sheet metal forming, conventional forming limit diagrams (FLD) are often used. The FLD is a strain based criterion, which evaluates the principal deformations at failure. Different investigations show that the FLD... more
Sliding wear at elevated temperature is an important material removal mechanism in large number of engineering applications such as metal forming operation, gas turbine engines, etc. The material loss during sliding at elevated... more
In this study, formability of hot-dip galvanized low carbon steel sheets has been evaluated. The effect of coating thickness on formability has been analyzed by using galvanized sheets with five different coating weights and a comparison... more
It is accepted that linear enamel hypoplasias (LEHs), a specific type of enamel thickness deficiency, are related to periodic physiological disruptions to enamel matrix secretion during times that teeth are developing. Thus, LEHs are... more
Correlation of rolling conditions, microstructure, and low-temperature toughness of high-toughness X70 pipeline steels was investigated in this study. Twelve kinds of steel specimens were fabricated by vacuum-induction melting and hot... more
Advances in numerical simulation capabilities have made the modeling of both glass-conditioning and glass-forming processes feasible. Glass-forming operations include large free surface deformations, conjugate heat transfer, and complex... more
Microstructure and material flow of aluminum alloys have a significant influence on the mechanical properties and surface quality. In extrusion of aluminum billets at high temperatures the microstructure is dependent on the alloy and the... more
The influence of vanadium and nitrogen on microstructure and mechanical properties of medium-carbon steels has been studied by means of metallography and mechanical testing. Vanadium addition to the low nitrogen steel suppresses the... more