Forming Processes
Recent papers in Forming Processes
Recently non-proportional deformation has received increased attention from researchers working in the area of experimental and computational modeling of metal deformation. However, most of them are numerical in nature with limited... more
L'évolution de la microstructure du poly(ethylene terephathalate) durant l'opération de soufflage a une influence importante sur les modifications de propriétés mécaniques . Pour mener à bien la simulation du procédé de soufflage par... more
Abstrakt Tato bakalářská práce je rozdělena do dvou zpřízněných okruhů. Jeden se věnuje fotografii 19. století z širšího hlediska, sleduje především její snahy o prosazení uměleckého statutu pomocí přisvojování tradičních uměleckých... more
Fineblanking combined with various metal-forming processes has been an important sheet metal forming process nowadays in industry. However, there are tremendous difficulties in process planning especially strip layout design. It still... more
Experimental results and numerical calculations show that multi-pass equal-channel angular drawing (ECAD) will be of little technical use because of the important cross-sectional reduction accompanying the shear deformation imparted by... more
Recently non-proportional deformation has received increased attention from researchers working in the area of experimental and computational modeling of metal deformation. However, most of them are numerical in nature with limited... more
The influence of deformation temperature on the hot rolling textures of aluminium alloys has been investigated by channel die compression tests on All %Mg-l%Mn polycrystals and oriented single crystals in the temperature range 20&4OO"C.... more
This paper focuses on numerical simulation of single point incremental forming (SPIF) process. Via a user-defined material (VUMAT) subroutine is employed to implement a non-associated mixed isotropic-kinematic hardening material model.... more
During the cooling process in injection molding, heat fluxes in the mold are generally lower in inner regious of corners. This asymmetric cooling generates a corner deformation: the part angle is smaller than the mold one. This phenomenon... more
During the cooling process in injection molding, heat fluxes in the mold are generally lower in inner regious of corners. This asymmetric cooling generates a corner deformation: the part angle is smaller than the mold one. This phenomenon... more
The deep drawing of a very unbalanced fabric on a hemispherical shape is performed both experimentally and by a numerical simulation. The shape obtained depends mainly on the mechanical behaviour of the fabric and is highly non-symmetric.... more
The effect of oxygen on the work function of tungsten electrodes has been studied. As expected, it was found that the presence of the metastable A15 (β) phase is correlated with oxygen concentration. Tungsten films with minimal oxygen... more
Three-dimensional (3D) bulk forming simulation by reproducing kernel particle method is presented in this paper. For increasing computational efficiency a lower order integration scheme is proposed and a general benchmark test for... more
The development of hot rolling textures in f.c.c. metals has been simulated numerically using a viscoplastic crystal plasticity model assuming different combinations of octahedral and non-octahedral slip systems for several grain-matrix... more
Samples obtained from hot-rolled, low-carbon steel strips were subjected to a series of microstructural analyses to study the mechanisms responsible for their differences in mechanical behavior. The strips used in this study had the same... more
The mechanical response of as-processed equal channel angular extrusion materials is anisotropic, depending on both direction and sense of straining. The stress-strain curves exhibit hardening characteristics different from the usual work... more
Sheet metal forming software is commonly used in the automotive and sheet metal sectors to support the design stage. However, the ability of the currently available software to accurately predict springback is limited. A sensitivity... more
Three-dimensional (3D) bulk forming simulation by reproducing kernel particle method is presented in this paper. For increasing computational efficiency a lower order integration scheme is proposed and a general benchmark test for... more
Texture analysis of cold-rolled maraging 350 steel (40%, 60%, 80%, and 90%) and the influence of an intermediate austenitization at 820 jC have been studied. Results show that the crystallographic texture increases with cold rolling. The... more
To study the emission properties of an AlGaAs–GaAs phonon laser we develop a formalism similar to that used to describe a laser. The device studied here consist of a double-barrier resonant tunneling diode tailored to generate an intense... more
Non-equilibrium redox chemical reactions of high orders are ubiquitous in fluid-saturated porous rocks within the crust of the Earth. The numerical modelling of such high-order chemical reactions becomes a challenging problem because... more
The forming or draping of a textile composite preform may result in large changes in the ®brous microstructure of the preform. This change in the local ®ber orientation leads to signi®cant changes in the fabric permeability as well as the... more
The forming or draping of a textile composite preform may result in large changes in the ®brous microstructure of the preform. This change in the local ®ber orientation leads to signi®cant changes in the fabric permeability as well as the... more
The implicit finite element (FE) simulation of incremental metal cold forming processes is still a challenging task. We introduce a dynamic, overlapping domain decomposition method to reduce the computational cost and to circumvent the... more
In many forming processes -like backward extrusion -the material is subjected to very high local strains that can lead to microcracks and subsequently to in-service failure of the final piece. In order to model the defects nucleation and... more
This paper encompasses the main conclusions obtained in the mini-symposium New and Advanced Numerical Strategies in Forming Processes Simulation, held during the 6th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (Salerno 2003),... more
A possibility to make near-net-shape functionally graded material (FGM) products has been examined. The FGM billets having a graded volume fraction of Al 3 Ni in thickness direction were machined from an Al-Al 3 Ni FGM thick-walled tube... more
Superior mechanical properties with high ductility at room and higher temperatures have been achieved by extruding Mg 95 Zn 4:2 Y 0:8 and Mg 92:5 Zn 6:4 Y alloys at 523 K. The strengthening phases are the icosahedral quasicrystal, finely... more
The spray forming process is a novel method of rapidly manufacturing tools and dies for stamping and injection operations. The process sprays molten tool steel from a set of arc spray guns onto a ceramic former to build up a thick steel... more
A new sheet-bulk metal forming process for the production of bulk components out of a flat sheet has been developed. Superimposed oscillation has been applied to the new process. By this means, process limits regarding better mould... more
Due to the ongoing technological development, the demand for geometrically complicated high performance parts with great functional density is increasing. Often, the use of sheet metal is a beneficial approach in manufacturing technology... more
The analysis of Markenscoff and Clifton (J Mech Phys Solids 29:253-262, 1981) for a generally nonuniformly moving Volterra edge dislocation, valid both for subsonic and intersonic/supersonic motion, is focused on the instant in which the... more
During the cooling process in injection molding, heat fluxes in the mold are generally lower in inner regious of corners. This asymmetric cooling generates a corner deformation: the part angle is smaller than the mold one. This phenomenon... more
Multi-level modeling adaptive to theoretical treatise of superplastic deformation is proposed not only to make process simulation for superplastic forming but also to describe the microstructural change taking place in materials... more
The development of hot rolling textures in f.c.c. metals has been simulated numerically using a viscoplastic crystal plasticity model assuming different combinations of octahedral and non-octahedral slip systems for several grain-matrix... more
Both single-and multi-layer thin films of sol-gel-derived undoped and Al-doped zinc oxide material systems were fabricated for potential use in transparent conducting oxide modules. Functional properties of the resultant films were... more
Laser dynamic forming ͑LDF͒ is a three-dimensional ͑3D͒ forming technique, which utilizes laser to induce shock wave and shape the target thin films onto micro/nanoscale 3D surfaces. This technique has been used to form metals on 3D... more
Superior mechanical properties with high ductility at room and higher temperatures have been achieved by extruding Mg 95 Zn 4:2 Y 0:8 and Mg 92:5 Zn 6:4 Y alloys at 523 K. The strengthening phases are the icosahedral quasicrystal, finely... more
Superior mechanical properties with high ductility at room and higher temperatures have been achieved by extruding Mg 95 Zn 4:2 Y 0:8 and Mg 92:5 Zn 6:4 Y alloys at 523 K. The strengthening phases are the icosahedral quasicrystal, finely... more
Size effects make most know-how of traditional macro forming inappropriate for the micro forming process. Material behavior greatly varies in micro forming process with the decreasing of the scale. The purposes of this paper are to... more
For sheet metal applications, it is most desirable to simulate the plastic anisotropy accurately. This is reasonable because flow localisation, leading to shear bands and even to fracture, can be an immediate consequence of the plastic... more
We report extensive x-ray diffractometric measurements as well as conventional metallurgical and mechanical tests on thin steel sheets of FeP04 for deep drawability in order to identify key microscopic parameters that govern both texture... more